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Limited Liability Company Instructions Wyoming Secretary of State 2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700 Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020 307.777.7311 LLC-ArticlesOrganizationInstructions 226 Revised January 2016 Before Filing Please Note One originally signed Articles of Organization and one originally signed Consent to Appointment by Registered Agent form must be submitted. The name must include the words 223Limited Liability Company,224 or its abbreviations 223LLC,224 223L.L.C.,224 223Limited Company,224 223LC,224 223L.C.,224 223Ltd. Liability Company,224 223Ltd. Liability Co.,224 or 223Limited Liability Co.224 Filing fee of $100.00. Make check or money order payable to Wyoming Secretary of State. Please provide at least one e-mail address in the Articles of Organization. The provided e-mail address is used only to send you a certificate of evidence and annual report reminders. Annual reports are due every year on the first day of the anniversary month of formation. If not paid within 60 days of the due date the entity will be subject to dissolution. You222re Ready to Mail in Your Documents! Typical processing time is 3-5 business days following the date of receipt in our office. Wyoming statutes do not allow for expedited filing at this time. Your filing will be processed in the order it is received. You can visit our website at to see what day is currently being processed. Additional Contact Information Department of Revenue (Sales and Use Tax Information) o Ph. 307.777.5200 OR Wyoming Business Council (Licensing or Permit Information) o Ph. 307.777.2843 OR Department of Workforce Services (Workers222 Compensation or Unemployment Insurance) o Ph. 307.777.8650 OR Internal Revenue Service (Tax ID Information) o American LegalNet, Inc. For Office Use Only Wyoming Secretary of State 2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700 Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020 Ph. 307.777.7311 Fax 307.777.5339 Email: LLC-ArticlesOrganization - Revised October 2015 Limited Liability Company Articles of Organization 1.Name of the limited liability company: 2.This entity elects to be a close limited liability company:(You may refer to the Close Limited Liability Supplement for more information W.S. 17-25-101-W.S 17-25-109.) 3.Name and physical address of its registered agent: (The registered agent may be an individual resident in Wyoming or a domestic or foreign business entity authorized to transact business in Wyoming. The registered agent must have a physical address in Wyoming. If the registered office includes a suite number, it must be included in the registered office address. A Drop Box is not acceptable. A PO Box is acceptable if listed in addition to a physical address.) Name: Address: (If mail is received at a Post Office Box, please list above in addition to the physical address.) 4.Mailing address of the limited liability company: 5.Principal office address: Signature: Date: (Shall be executed by an organizer.) (mm/dd/yyyy) Print Name: Contact Person: Daytime Phone Number: Email: (Email provided will receive annual report reminders and filing evidence) *May list multiple email addresses American LegalNet, Inc. Ed Murray Wyoming Secretary of State 2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700 Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020 Ph. 307.777.7311 Fax 307.777.5339 Email: RAConsent 226 Revised October 2015 Consent to Appointment by Registered Agent I, , registered office located at (name of registered agent) voluntarily consent to serve * (registered office physical address, city, state & zip) as the registered agent for (name of business entity) I hereby certify that I am in compliance with the requirements of W.S. 17-28-101 through W.S. 17-28-111. Signature: Date: (Shall be executed by the registered agent.) (mm/dd/yyyy) Print Name: Daytime Phone: Title: Email: Registered Agent Mailing Address (if different than above): *If this is a current registered agent changing their registered address on file, complete the following: Previous Registered Office(s): I hereby certify that: After the changes are made, the street address of my registered office and business office will be identical. This change affects every entity served by me and I have notified each entity of the registered office change. I certify that the above information is correct and I am in compliance with the requirements of W.S. 17-28-101 through W.S. 17-28-111. Signature: Date: (Shall be executed by the registered agent.) (mm/dd/yyyy) American LegalNet, Inc.