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Nonprofit Corporation Instructions Wyoming Secretary of State 2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700 Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020 307.777.7311 FNP-ArticlesDomesticationInstructions ? Revised January 2016 only o o o o (State) ( mm/dd/yyyy)(This is referring to the length of time the nonprofit corporationintends to exist and not the length of time it has been in existence. The most common term used is 223perpetual.224)(The registered agent may be an individual resident in Wyoming or a domestic or foreign business entity authorizedto transact business in Wyoming. The registered agent must have a physical address in Wyoming. If the registered office includes a suite number, it must be included in the registered office address. A Drop Box is not acceptable. A PO Box is acceptable if listed in addition to a physical address.)(If mail is received at a Post Office Box, please list above in addition to the physical address.) (Check appropriate choice.)(May be executed by Chairman of Board, President or another of its officers.) (mm/dd/yyyy)(Email provided will receive annual report reminders and filing evidence.) *May list multiple email addresses not more than thirty (30) days (name of registered agent) *(registered officephysicaladdress, city, state & zip)(name of business entity) (Shallbe executed bythe registered agent.) (mm/dd/yyyy)* (Shallbe executed bythe registered agent.) (mm/dd/yyyy)