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Instructions Wyoming Secretary of State 2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700 Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020 307.777.7311 P-ArticlesIncorporationInstructions ? Revised January 2016 only o o o (You may refer to the Close Statutory Close Corporation Supplement for more information W.S. 17-17-101 through 17-17-151.)(The registered agent may be an individual resident in Wyoming or a domestic or foreign business entity authorized to transact business in Wyoming. The registered agent must have a physical address in Wyoming. If the registered office includes a suite number, it must be included in the registered office address. A Drop Box is not acceptable. A PO Box is acceptable if listed in addition to a physical address.)(If mail is received at a Post Office Box, please list above in addition to the physical address.) all incorporators must sign(mm/dd/yyyy)(mm/dd/yyyy)(mm/dd/yyyy)(Email provided will receive annual report reminders and filing evidence) *May list multiple email addresses (name of registered agent) *(registered officephysicaladdress, city, state & zip)(name of business entity) (Shallbe executed bythe registered agent.) (mm/dd/yyyy)* (Shallbe executed bythe registered agent.) (mm/dd/yyyy)