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Claim for Child Support Abatement March 2014 Page 1 of 3 STATE OF WYOMING ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT ) ss. COUNTY OF ) JUDICIAL DISTRICT , ) Plaintiff/Petitioner, ) ) Civil Action Case No. vs. ) ) , ) Defendant/Respondent. ) CLAIM FOR CHILD SUPPORT ABATEMENT (Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 247 20-2-305) CLAIMS MUST BE FILED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER THE PERIOD FOR WHICH ABATEMENT IS CLAIMED. CLAIMS THAT ARE NOT TIMELY FILED OR INCOMPLETE ARE BARRED WITHOUT FURTHER ORDER OF THE COURT. I, , the non-custodial parent, hereby claim an abatement for child support in accordance with Wyoming Statute 247 20-2-305, and submit the following in support of the claim: 1. Initials and year of birth of the child(ren) for whom you are claiming an abatement: Child' s Initials Child's Date of Birth 2. Date visitation began: 3. Date visitation ended: 4. My total child support obligation is $ per month. American LegalNet, Inc. Claim for Child Support Abatement March 2014 Page 2 of 3 5. The child support obligation per child is $ per month. (Total monthly child support obligation divided by number of children for whom support is due) A. My daily support obligation is: $ . (Monthly child support obligation times 12, divided by 365) B. One-half of my daily support obligation is $ . divided by 2) C. Number of days of consecutive visitation: $ . (Must be 15 or more consecutive days) D. My total abatement claim amount is $. (Multiply ; OR E. Amount of Abatement Credit ordered by the Court in the Decree or other Order establishing or modifying child support: $ . 6. Is child support withheld from your paycheck? Yes No 7. Do you owe back child support (arrears)? Yes No If yes, the amount owed is $. (Ask the Clerk of District Court if you do not know). 8. Abatement of child support will be applied to any current child support due and then to any arrearage balance owed to the custodial parent for past-due child support. If there is no arrearage and the custodial parent fails to file an objection or files a notice of immediate approval, the abatement amount shall be reduced from the next scheduled payment of child support. 9. Notice of this Claim for Child Support Abatement shall be given to the custodial parent, whose name and address is: 10. I have attached the $10.00 filing fee (cash, certified check or money order). - REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - American LegalNet, Inc. Claim for Child Support Abatement March 2014 Page 3 of 3 DATED this day of , 20. Signature Printed Name: Address: Phone Number: NOTICE Notice is hereby given to the custodial parent, that if you AGREE with the information contained in this Claim, you may complete and file a Notice of Immediate Approval of Claim for Child Support Abatement with the Clerk of District Court, whose address is , within 30 days of the date the Clerk mailed a copy of this Claim to you, and the abatement will be granted; OR if you OBJECT to the foregoing Claim, you must complete and file an Objection to Claim for Child Support Abatement with the Clerk of District Court, along with a $10.00 filing fee, within 30 days of the date the Clerk mailed a copy of this Claim to you. If no Objection is filed with the Clerk, the abatement claim will be granted. If an Objection is filed and not barred, the Court shall resolve the differences, with or without a hearing, and enter an appropriate order. ** INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMS FOR THIS ACTION (PACKET 13) CAN BE OBTAINED NOTICE OF MAILING CLAIM FOR CHILD SUPPORT ABATEMENT The foregoing Claim for Child Support Abatement and Notice were mailed to the custodial parent, whose address is: this day of , 20. Clerk of District Court By: Deputy American LegalNet, Inc.