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IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT ANCHORAGE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) vs. Plaintiff(s), Defendant(s). CASE NO. DISTRICT COURT REPORT OF PARTIES' PLANNING MEETING AND ORDER All parties are required to meet in good faith to agree on a discovery plan and file this report within 10 days after their meeting. Pretrial Scheduling Conference date: 1. 2. The parties' planning meeting was held on Initial Disclosures required by Civil Rule 26(a)(1): have been exchanged will be exchanged by Supplements, if any, are due at these intervals: Judge assigned: . . 3. Discovery Plan. [If discovery is needed, describe subjects areas, deadlines, methods, and any limits.] 4. Trial. The case will be ready for trial by last for days. Jury trial requested Trial cannot be scheduled now because: . Trial is anticipated to not requested. 5. Parties' Proposed Pretrial Deadlines: AMENDMENTS TO PLEADINGS: Motions to add parties, amend pleadings, or specifically identify or join potentially responsible persons under AS 09.17.080 must be filed at least 60 days before trial. MOTION MATTERS: Motions not related to discovery must be completed at least 20 days before trial. DISCOVERY: All discovery must be completed at least 20 days prior to trial. WITNESS LISTS: At least 40 days before trial, the parties shall file, and serve the opposing party, with a list of witness names and current addresses for all witnesses the parties actually intend to call to testify at trial. EXPERT WITNESSES AND REPORTS: Parties shall disclose expert witness names and reports 60 days before trial. Civil Rule 26(a)(2). EXHIBITS: Exhibits will be handled in accordance with Civil Rule 43.1 and Administrative Bulletin 9. ALL EXHIBITS, A TRIAL BRIEF covering any issues of law to be determined by the court, and PROPOSED JURY INSTRUCTIONS must be filed and served no later than 10 days before trial. The above deadlines are amended as follows: Page 1 of 2 CIV-201ANCH (2/14)(cs) DISTRICT COURT REPORT OF PARTIES' PLANNING MEETING AND ORDER Civil Rules 26(f) and 16(b) American LegalNet, Inc. 6. Settlement. The parties discussed possibilities for prompt resolution of the case through alternative dispute resolution and the parties request: settlement conference mediation appointment Pretrial Scheduling Conference. The parties waive do not waive a conference with the court before entry of the scheduling order. [The court may hold a pretrial scheduling conference notwithstanding the parties' waiver. Parties should plan to attend the conference unless otherwise notified by the court.] Other Orders. [List other orders that should be entered by the court under Civil Rules 26(c), 16(b), or 16(c), concerning protective orders and pretrial orders.] 7. 8. Signature: Print Name: Representing: Date Signed: Signature: Print Name: Representing: Date Signed: Signature: Print Name: Representing: Date Signed: Signature: Print Name: Representing: Date Signed: ORDER The District Court Report of Parties' Planning Meeting is: Approved, and the pretrial deadlines provided therein are ordered to be in effect. Amended as follows (or as marked below): The Pretrial Scheduling Conference: Remains as scheduled. is VACATED. is rescheduled to Trial: at am pm. Case is not ready for calendar call. Parties must be ready for trial and appear at calendar call on at am pm. At that time the court will set the actual time within the week when trial will commence. The trial judge will be Signature of District Court Judge Print Name . Date I certify that on a copy of this Order was sent to the following (list names): Clerk: Page 2 of 2 CIV-201ANCH (2/14)(cs) DISTRICT COURT REPORT OF PARTIES' PLANNING MEETING AND ORDER Civil Rules 26(f) and 16(b) American LegalNet, Inc.