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Summons Form. This is a Alaska form and can be use in Anchorage Local Community.
Tags: Summons, SC-2 ANCH, Alaska Local Community, Anchorage
IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT ANCHORAGE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiff(s), vs. Defendant(s). CASE NO. 3AN- SC SUMMONS (Not valid without court seal) TO: ADDRESS: The plaintiff has filed a small claims action against you. You are summoned and required to answer the Complaint which accompanies this Summons. If you do not answer the Complaint, the court may enter a judgment against you for the amount claimed plus interest and court costs. If you elect to continue to use small claims procedures, complete the attached Answer and mail or deliver it to the District Court at the Nesbett Courthouse, 825 W. 4th Ave., Anchorage, Alaska, 99501. Your answer must reach the court within 20 days (or 40 days if you were served with this summons outside the United States) after the day you receive this Summons and Complaint. Please read Chapter III of the Alaska Small Claims Handbook (SC-100) before filling out your answer. You must also inform the court and all other parties in this case, in writing, of any future changes to your mailing address and telephone number. If your answer states that you disagree with the plaintiff, the court will set a date for trial of this case at the Anchorage court. You may ask in your answer to have the trial in another court. The suit the plaintiff filed against you is a civil case. You are not accused of a crime. If you lose this case, the plaintiff may ask only that the court take some of your wages, money or property to pay the judgment. This case has been filed under the rules of small claims procedure. You may choose to continue to use small claims procedure or you may elect to use the procedures set forth in Part I of the District Court Rules of Civil Procedure. The Alaska Small Claims Handbook describes the differences between these two types of procedure. If you elect Part I of the District Court Rules of Civil Procedure, you must file with the court (1) a written request for Part I rules and (2) an answer to the complaint. You may not use the enclosed Answer form for this. The court does not provide forms or other assistance in cases proceeding under Part I of the District Court Rules of Civil Procedure. You may wish to consult an attorney if you select Part I procedures. (SEAL) Date SC-2 ANCH (10/05)(cs) SUMMONS Deputy Clerk Dist. Ct. Civ. R. 11(a) Civil R. 4, 5; AS 34.03.340 American LegalNet, Inc.