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CIV-105 FBKS (11/05)(cs) Civil Rules 4, 5, 12, 55 and 85 SUMMONS FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT FAIRBANKS ) ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) ) CASE NO. 4FA- CI ) Defendant. ) SUMMONS ) FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER (Not valid without court seal) To: , Defendant. You are summoned and required to do both of the following: 1. Appear for a hearing to determine whether you should be evicted from the premises described in the attached complaint. Hearing Date and Time: Court Address: 101 Lacey Street, Fairbanks, Alaska AND 2. File a written answer to all other claims made in the attached complaint within 20 days after the date this summons was served on you. An answer form (CIV-735) and instructions (CIV-Within the same 20-day time limit, you must also serve a copy of your answer on the or the plaintiff (if unrepresented): Name: Address: If you do not file a written answer, a default judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint (including back rent, payment for damages done to the premises and the costs of bringing this action). AND 3. If you are not represented by an attorney, you must inform the court and all other parties in this case, in writing, of your current mailing address and any future changes to your mailing address and telephone number. (SEAL) CLERK OF COURT Date Deputy Clerk American LegalNet, I