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Page 1 of 2 TF-304 FBKS (6/18)(cs) AUDIO RECORDING REQUEST AUDIO RECORDING REQUEST (Instructions on the next page) Please allow up to 7 to 10 business days to complete your order. Large requests may take longer. Most audio recordings are duplicated on compact disc for use with computers. Requests for grand Mac-compatible? Check here if you plan to use this audio on an Apple computer. Select One: Call for pick-up Mail to address below State agency pick-up box For Agencies/Attorneys only: Name of Law Office or Agency ( Check here if court-appointed) Requested by: Address: Phone Number: Fax: Email: Case Number: Case Name: Check here if records will be used for an appeal Hints for listing media numbers and log numbers: On the log notes for the desired hearing, the media/CD/tape number is generally located in the upper left quarter of the first page. The log numbers are the timestampshours, minutes, and seconds Prepayment Required: The court will notify you of the amount due and payment must be received before the records will be released to you. If an email address is provided, the clerk will send you a link to pay online by credit card. Each CD holds approximately 6 to 8 hours of audio and can only have one format per I have included cash or check in the amount of $ to pay for this audio request. I understand that unclaimed requests will be destroyed 90 days after initial pick-up notification. Receipt Number Amount Paid COURT USE ONLY (CourtSmart only: log notes may use Courtroom # in place of media #) Name Voicemail Amount Owed Date Called/Mailed American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2 TF-304 FBKS (6/18)(cs) AUDIO RECORDING REQUEST INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING AUDIO Please make sure that the form is complete before submitting it to the court. To obtain a copy of the audio from a hearing, visit Customer Service at the Fairbanks Courthouse (see address below) or mail in a completed request form along with a $20 deposit to the following address: Alaska Court System Audio Duplication 101 Lacey Street Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Prepayment is required. The court will notify you of the amount due and payment must be received before the records will be released to you. If an email address is provided, the clerk will send you a link to pay online by credit card. Each CD holds approximately 6 to 8 hours of audio. If your request requires more than one CD, you will be charged for each additional CD. Fees for electronic recordings can be found in Administrative Rule 9(d). Your request must include CD/tape/media numbers and log numbers, plus hearing dates and case number. This information is available in the log notes located in the case file. You may come to the Customer Service counter at the Fairbanks Courthouse and view the log notes to find the media numbers and log numbers, or you can submit a written request to Customer Service for the log notes. Customer Service can also be contacted by phone at (907) 452-9277. Customers located outside of Fairbanks may submit a separate request to the Records Division for a copy of the log notes (by fax or by mail). The court will not provide media or log numbers over the telephone. The fax number for records request is (907) 452-9330. If the request is for a hearing before 2000, the customer MUST provide a copy of the log notes, however, customers may submit log notes with ANY audio request. Audio recordings may be duplicated in the same format as the original recording. For example, if the original media was recorded on ForTheRecord (FTR) CD, the audio will be duplicated to CD in FTR format. However, if the original media is on cassette, the audio will be duplicated to a CD. The ForTheRecord (FTR) audio player can be downloaded for free at CourtSmart CDs come with their own mini-player on each CD no installation is required. FORMATS If the desired hearing took place. . . it is most likely Prior to 2000 or 2001 (approximately) - on cassette tape Between 2001 through early 2009 - on CD, in FTR audio Between summer 2009 to the present - on CD, in CourtSmart audio Mac users: Please specify if you plan to use the audio on an Apple computer. Note: Multiple formats cannot be duplicated to the same CD. For example, a 2007 hearing on FTR Gold and a 2009 CourtSmart hearing cannot be put on the same CD. Please allow 7 to 10 business days for completion of your order. Thank you! American LegalNet, Inc.