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08-539 Rev 6/24/18 Religious Articles of Incorporation 1 of 3 Domestic Religious Corporations (AS 10.40) This Articles of Incorporation is only for a Domestic Religious Corporation. Submit this filing hardcopy, along with its payment, via fax or U.S. Mail. Tip: if faxing, print a confirmation page from your fax machine that all pages were successfully faxed. For security reasons, DO NOT EMAIL forms and/or payments. Processing Time: Standard processing time from March-September is 10-15 business days. During heavy filing seasons, October-February, the processing time will be delayed. COR F Corporations Section State Office Building, 333 Willoughby Avenue, 9th Floor PO Box 110806, Juneau, AK 99811-0806 Phone: (907) 465-2550 225 Fax: (907) 465-2974 Website: Corporations.Alaska.Gov Articles of Incorporation Important: Religious versus Non-Profit AS 10.40 versus AS 10.20 Purpose: A religious purpose is not limited to a Religious Corporation. Both a Religious Corporation (under AS 10.40) and a Non-Profit Corporation (under AS 10.20) may have a religious purpose. Control/Management: A Religious Corporation is controlled by one (1) individual (per AS 10.40.020); whereas, a non-profit is managed by a board of directors (per AS 10.20.081) with a minimum of seven (7) titles and three (3) individuals holding the titles. For more information, go to www.Corporations.Alaska.Gov, Non-Profit and Religious Corporation FAQs. NOTE: This division does not provide legal advice. The above information is provided for your convenience and is not to be interpreted as legal advice. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a professional, such as an attorney, if you need assistance. $50 Nonrefundable Filing Fee (CORF) AS 45.50.040 Fax or U.S. Mail this form and the $50 filing fee in U.S. dollars to the letterhead address. Make the check or money order payable to the State of Alaska, or use the attached credit card payment form. ARTICLE 1 Name o f t he c orporation AS 10.40.040(1) M ay contain the word 223corporation224, 223company224, 223incorporated224, 223limited224, or an abbr eviation of one of these words. FOR DIVISION USE ONLY T HE S TATE ALASKA of Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing American LegalNet, Inc. 08-539 Rev 6/24/18 Religious Articles of Incorporation 2 of 3 ARTICLE 2 P urpose (atta ch additional sheets , if necessary) A S 10.40.040(2) AS 10 0.40.010. Authorized purposes. A corporation may be formed for acquiring, holding, or disposing of church or religious society property, for the benefit of religion, for works of charity and education, and for public worship. ARTICLE 3 N AICS Code Provide the 6-digit NAICS Industry Grouping Code that most clearly describes the initial activities of the company (such as 813110 226 Religious Organizations): ARTICLE 4 P roperty Value AS 10.40.040(3) Provide the estimated value of the property at the time of the articles of incorporation: $ ARTICLE 5 P hysical and Mailing Address Provide the principle physical and mailing address of the corporation, wherever located: Physical Address City State ZIP Code+4 Mailing Address City State ZIP Code+4 ARTICLE 6 R egistered Agent AS 10.40.040(5) The registered agent name and address must include a physical and mailing address in Alaska. The registered agent for a Religious Corporation must be an individual (a natural person). The registered agent is statutorily responsible for receiving and forwarding processes, notices, or demands on to the last known address of the religious corporation. First Name Last Name AK Physical Address City State MUST be Alaska ZIP Code+4 AK Mailing Address City State MUST be Alaska ZIP Code+4 American LegalNet, Inc. 08-539 Rev 6/24/18 Religious Articles of Incorporation 3 of 3 ARTICLE 7 S ole Official AS 10.40.020 and AS 10.40.080 Provide the full legal NAME and full TITLE of the sole (1) official title authorized to execute documents on behalf of this R eligious C orporation AND whom is vested the legal title to the property of this R eligious C orporation. FULL Legal Name FULL Legal Title Mailing Address City State ZIP Code+4 Per AS 10.40.020, an archbishop, bishop, president, trustee in trust, president of stake, president of congregation, overseer, presiding elder, or clergyman, of a church or religious society, who has been chosen, elected or appointed, in conformity with the constitution, canons, rites, regulations, or discipline of the church or religious society, and in whom is vested the legal title to the property of the church or religious society, may execute written articles of incorporation in triplicate, acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments. ARTICLE 8 R equired Signature and Corporate Seal AS 10.40.090 , .080, .020 The Articles of Incorporation shall be signed by an authorized individual who has been chosen, elected, or appointed, in conformity with the constitution, canons, rites, regulations, or discipline of the church or religious society, and in whom is vested the legal title to the property of the church or religious society. 227 AS 10.40.020 Below is the official corporate seal to be filed with the department. 227 AS 10.40.090 All writings shall be sealed with the seal of the corporation. 227 AS 10.40.080 Persons who sign documents filed with the commissioner that are known to the person to be false in material respects are guilty of a class A misdemeanor. (mandatory) Printed Name: This is the official corporate seal to be filed with the department. Corporate seal is required with signature. Title of Authorized Signer: Date: Signature: Must be signed before acknowledging official (see below) (Official corporate seal) Acknowledgement Certificate: N otarized Signature The execution of the Articles of Incorporation by the above individual must (mandatory) be acknowledged before an officer authorized (see AS 09.63.010) to take acknowledgements. Applicant222s Signature: Printed Name: Notary Public for State of: Subscribed and Sworn to Before me on this Day: Notary222s Signature: My Commission Expires: Notary Stamp American LegalNet, Inc. 08-561 Rev 7/14/16 Contact Information Return this form with your filing This information may be used by the Division to assist with processing your attached filings This form will not be filed for record, or appear online COR Corporations Section State Office Building, 333 Willoughby Avenue, 9th Floor PO Box 110806, Juneau, AK 99811-0806 Phone: (907) 465-2550 Fax: (907) 465-2974 Website: Corporations.Alaska.Gov Contact Information Entity Information Enter your entity information as it appears on this filing. Entity Name: AK Entity #: Contact Person Whom may we contact with any questions or problems with this filing? Company: Contact: Mailing Address: Address: City: State: ZIP: Phone: Email: Document Return Address Provide an address for the return of your filed documents. Return my filings to the address provided ABOVE Return my filings to this address provided BELOW Company: Contact: Mailing Address: Address: City: State: ZIP: FOR DIVISION USE ONLY T HE S TATE ALASKA of Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing American LegalNet, Inc. All major credit cards are accepted. For security purposes, do not email credit card information. Include this credit card payment form with your application. Name of Applicant or Licensee: Program Type: License Number (if applicable): I wish to make payment by credit card for the following (check all that apply): AMOUNT Application Fee: License or Renewal Fee: Other (name change, wall certificate, fine, duplicate license, exam, etc.): 1. 2. TOTAL: Name (as shown on credit card): Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email (optional): Signature of Credit Card Holder: 08-4438 Rev 12/26/18 Credit Card Payment Form (all major cards accepted) State of Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing PO Box 110806, Juneau