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Custodians Application For Services Form. This is a Alaska form and can be use in Child Support Services Division Statewide.
Tags: Custodians Application For Services, 04-1017, Alaska Statewide, Child Support Services Division
CSSD 04-1017 (Rev. 10/30/18) (12 pp.) Custodian222s Application for Services Page 1 of 12 STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE CUSTODIAN222S APPLICATION FOR SERVICES Custodial parents and other custodians must complete an application for services to obtain Child Support Services Division (CSSD) services. CAfter you have submitted your application, your case will be set up within 20 days. It may take 60 days or more to make progress toward establishing or enforcing an order. During that time, contact us if you have additional need assistance or other accommodations to use our services. KIDSLINE: (907) 269CSSD 04-1017 (Rev. 10/30/18) (12 pp.) Custodian222s Application for Services Page 2 of 12 STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION INFORMATION ABOUT CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES Child Support Services You are required to provide your social security number to CSSD. This is mandatory under federal law at 42 USC Section 405 (c) (2) (C). Your social security number will be used by CSSD to identify and locate you for the purposes of establishing paternity and establishing, modifying and enforcing support obligations. You will be asked for your social security number when you call CSSD so we can identify your case. We may also ask for your social security number on forms you may need to complete in order for CSSD to help you. CSSD provides child support services for parents or third-party custodians. CSSD can: collect and distribute child support payments; establish paternity; establish child support and medical support orders; enforce child support orders, even if the paying parent is not in Alaska; modify support orders if there is good reason; require banks, employers, the Permanent Fund, and others to withhold the paying parent222s income or assets; attach IRS tax refunds to collect child support; and Provide interstate services when parents move to other states. Enforce medical support orders. There is no fee for these services, although the costs of determining paternity may be charged to the father. CSSD cannot monitor or modify visitation or custody orders; a court must address those matters. Child Support Payments Support orders established by CSSD begin with the month CSSD receives the application, unless the children received public assistance earlier. Once CSSD receives an application, all support payments must be made through CSSD unless a court order provides otherwise. If a custodian receives a direct payment before the case is set up, the custodian must tell CSSD, in writing, how much was received and when. Money collected by CSSD is paid to the custodian, unless the custodian or the child is receiving or has received public assistance. In those cases, the state debt must be repaid. Establishing Paternity If paternity has not been established and child support is requested, CSSD will establish paternity. I request the service to only establish paternity, which may include genetic testing. This means I will not receive services to ensure the children listed in this application receive child support or medical support services. CSSD will close your case after parentage is determined. I understand that selecting this option does not preclude either parent from requesting full services during the closure process or after my case is closed.This generally occurs when a child is born to unmarried parents. If the child was born in Alaska, parents can contact the Bureau of Vital Statistics to complete an affidavit if they agree about paternity. If the child was born in another state, they must contact that state for assistance. If they disagree, CSSD will require genetic tests to determine paternity. The man who proves to be the biological father may be required to pay for genetic tests and related costs. CSSD 04-1017 (Rev. 10/30/18) (12 pp.) Custodian222s Application for Services Page 3 of 12 Establishing Support Orders CSSD calculates child support using the Child Support Guidelines in Alaska Supreme Court Rule of Civil Procedure 90.3. This rule requires that the child support obligation be a percentage of the adjusted annual income of the non custodial parent based on the number of children in the support order. Parties can ask for exceptions. If a parent does not provide income information, CSSD will use the best information available to determine the parent222s income from all sources. We use an 223Administrative Child Support Order224 when we issue a child support or medical support order. Either party can appeal the findings in that order and present evidence. After an administrative review, we may change those findings. Either party may appeal the CSSD decision to the Office of Administrative Hearings Administrative Law Judge. Either party may then appeal the Administrative Law Judge222s decision to the superior court. Enforcing Support Orders If child support is owed and CSSD identifies the non custodial parent222s employer, bank account, or other financial account, we normally issue an Order to Withhold and Deliver those wages or assets. The withholding order is a standard method of ensuring timely support payments. Support is withheld directly from the payroll office or the bank account. Non custodial parents who want to make additional payments, or who are self-employed, may pay by check or money order. Please include the case number with the payment, and send it to the payment mailing address (see the cover sheet of this application). Cash payments can be made only in person, and only in Anchorage. Failure to pay support may result in collection actions including liens, judgments, withholding from Permanent Fund Dividends, wages, or other income, credit bureau reporting, the seizure of bank and financial accounts, and other civil and criminal law actions. Non custodial parents who owe more than four months of child support may lose their occupational licenses or their driver222s licenses. Non custodial parents who owe $2,500 or more in past child support (arrears) risk losing their passports. We file liens on real estate if arrears are at least $2,500 or equal to one year222s support. CSSD may take the non custodial parent222s federal income tax refunds to pay arrears. If the custodian received public assistance in Alaska, the IRS refund is applied first to reimburse the state. IRS funds remaining after the state is paid go to the custodian. Modifying Support Orders Either party, or the state, has the right to request a review of a child support order. Both parties must provide financial information to CSSD. Private agreements between parties are not valid unless approved by the court. Situations that could result in support modification are: a child listed in the order has reached the age of majority or been legally emancipated; the child support guidelines were adopted or significantly amended after the support order was issued; the obligor222s income has changed to the extent that support would change by 15 percent; or Medical support or post-majority support language is needed in the order. If a court issues a support order, usually the court must modify the order. If CSSD or another child support agency issues an administrative support order, the agency can modify it. Your Rights and Responsibilities Alaska law allows interest to be charged on payments received ten or more days past the due date, on judgments, and on most arrears. If you use CSSD services, you must notify us immediately of the following: address changes, new employment, or changes in earnings; CSSD 04-1017 (Rev. 10/30/18) (12 pp.) Custodian222s Application for Services Page 4 of 12 permanent custody changes;visitation when there is a court order for visitation;payments received directly from the non custodial parent;availability of or changes in health care coverage for the children;Any action by the parties that may affect support (such as seeking a new or modified court order, custodychanges, adoptions, bankruptcy, or other collections). We invite parties to attend and participate in case proceedings and hearings to protect their interests. An Assistant Attorney General represents CSSD in child support hearings; parties may h