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IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DOB Plaintiff(s), vs. DOB DOB Defendant(s). 1. CASE NO. COMPLAINT FOR FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER (Seeking Eviction: May Include Rent and/or Damages) CI Plaintiffs seek possession of the following real property, hereinafter referred to as "the premises:" Description: (house, apartment, trailer, trailer space, etc.) Location: (street address, apartment number, trailer space number, city and state) 2. Plaintiffs are individuals and own the premises. Plaintiff is a partnership that owns the premises. Plaintiff is a manager or management company legally authorized in writing by the owner of the premises to manage the premises and bring this action, and is represented by an attorney. Plaintiff is a corporation, owns the premises, has paid its taxes due the state and filed its required reports, and is represented by an attorney. Plaintiff is the representative of a non-profit public housing corporation that owns the premises, proceeding without an attorney pursuant to AS 09.45.158. Plaintiff(s) is/are individual(s) who leased the premises to defendant(s). 3. Defendants took possession of the premises pursuant to: A rental agreement, lease or other written agreement dated A verbal agreement made on: (date) Other: 4. Defendants failed to pay rent when due, or failed to comply with requirements of the rental agreement or requirements of law, and a Notice describing the problem has been served on defendants. A copy of the Notice is attached to this complaint. Defendants failed to pay the past due rent specified in the Notice or cure the condition specified in the Notice within the time provided by the Notice. Defendants remain in possession of the premises. AS 09.45.070 et seq. AS 34.03.010 et seq. Civil Rule 85 American LegalNet, Inc. 5. 6. Page 1 of 2 CIV-730 (9/14)(cs) F.E.D. COMPLAINT 7. Defendants owe plaintiffs for: Past due rent of $ the premises. and further rent to the date the defendant vacates Other damages, in an amount to be proved in court, not to exceed (check only one of the following boxes): $1,000 (one thousand dollars) $5,000 (five thousand dollars) $________ (specify other amount) Type or nature of other damages: PLAINTIFFS SEEK RELIEF AS FOLLOWS (check all that apply): A. B. C. D. E. Judgment for Possession, restoring the property to plaintiffs. Issuance of a Writ of Assistance. Judgment for rent due. Judgment for other damages set forth above. Judgment for plaintiffs' costs and attorney fees in this action. I am attaching a copy of the Notice to Quit. Initials NOTICE: If (i) this case has been pending for more than 180 days from the date the complaint was filed, and (ii) no further trial or hearing is scheduled to take place in the case, and (iii) no application for default judgment has been filed, then the court may dismiss this case for want of prosecution without further notice or order. If this happens, a party has the right to reopen this case no later than one year after dismissal by making a request to the court clerk in writing. Date Signature of Plaintiff or Attorney Print Name Mailing Address City State Daytime Phone ZIP Attach a copy of the Notice to Quit Page 2 of 2 CIV-730 (9/14)(cs) F.E.D. COMPLAINT AS 09.45.070 et seq. AS 34.03.010 et seq. Civil Rule 85 American LegalNet, Inc.