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CIV-506 (1/18)(cs) INFORMATION FOR ISSUANCE OF WRIT OF EXECUTION ON PFD OR GARNSIHMENT OF EARNINGS IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT ) ) Plaintiff(s), ) vs. ) ) Case No. ) Defendant(s). ) INFORMATION FOR ISSUANCE ) OF WRIT OF EXECUTION ON PFD OR GARNISHMENT OF EARNINGS I request that the court issue a writ of execution on the judgment in the above-named case regarding debtor (only issue a writ for one debtor): . Judgment Amount: $ Judgment Date: TYPE OF WRIT REQUESTED: NOTE: You may only check one below. If you want to file multiple writs, you must fill out another form. Writ of Execution & Notice of Levy on PFD by Certified Mail Additional debtor Information: Date of Birth: SSN: Writ of Execution for Garnishment of Earnings *NOTE: According to Administrative Rule 9(e)(10) , a writ fee will be charged for each writ issued and for each debtor. You must file a separate writ request for each debtor. If you want to file a request for a general writ of execution, please use CIV-501 available at: . The following amounts were paid directly to the creditor after the judgment was entered: Date Amount Date Amount Post judgment costs: [Enter the amount of postage for each CIV-502 PFD Writ. If this is the first writ, enter costs incurred. If this is a subsequent writ, enter costs incurred since the last Information for Issuance was filed.] Description Date Amount Date Signature Name and Title (please print) Mailing Address City State ZIP Daytime Phone: American LegalNet, Inc.