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Exempt from VRA Certif. CR-301 (1/18)(cs) AS 12.30.006 APPLICATION FOR FIRST BAIL REVIEW HEARING AS 12.61.010-.015 IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT STATE OF ALASKA ) ) CASE NO. Plaintiff, ) ) APPLICATION FOR FIRST vs. ) BAIL REVIEW HEARING ) ) Defendant. ) ) DOB: ) 1.This case alleges that there is a crime victim: Yes No 2.I notified the prosecutor of this application on (date) at am pm I notified the prosecutor by: mail fax in person phone email. 3. There is a surety who posted my bond (name) . I gave the surety written notice of my application on (date) . 4. Defendant is in custody at (location) , and has been in custody in this case since (date) . 5.In this case, I am: representing myself an attorney representing the defendant. 6.Relief requested: Bail modification from: to: Delete third party custodian requirement. Proposed third party custodian: Name: Address: Phone: DOB: AK DL/ID#: Custody arrangement: 24 hour Other: Monitoring by: Other: Date Signature of Applicant (Defendant or Attorney) Phone Number of Applicant Printed Name of Applicant Email of Applicant Attorney Bar Number Hearing date set : at am/pm before Judge Ctrm I certify that on a copy of this notice of hearing was sent to: [ ] PD [ ] DA [ ] Defendant Clerk: Hearing date requested: bail review hearing. [AS 12.30.006(c)] American LegalNet, Inc.