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[Instructions to clerk: If both appearance and performance bonds are checked, add separate bond records for each in CourtView. If a bond is not 100% secured, add a bond record for the unsecured part.] CR-230 (1/19)(cs) AS 12.30.006 .080 CASH BOND AGREEMENT Civil R. 80, Crim. R. 41 IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT STATE OF ALASKA ) ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) ) Defendant. ) CASE NO. CR ) DOB: ) CASH BOND AGREEMENT APSIN: ATN: DL/ID: ST: Comm. Lic. [A cash bond is a payment of cash to the court to make sure that the defendant attends all future court hearings and performs other conditions of the bond.] I am depositing cash as security for the bonds in the amount of: $ appearance unsecured 10% cash 100% cash/surety $ performance unsecured 100% cash/surety % cash/surety I understand and agree that: 1. The bonds continue until the court cancels them. 2. If the defendant complies with the conditions of the bonds, the bonds will be canceled. If the bonds are canceled, the cash I deposited: may be used may not be used by the court to pay any fine, judgment, or other costs imposed on the defendant. 3. If the defendant fails to comply with the conditions of the bonds, the amount I deposited will be forfeited to the State of Alaska. The court will send me notice of forfeiture to the mailing or email address I give below. 4. It is my responsibility to notify the court if my email or mailing address changes. (Use court form TF-955.) Signature: Date: Print Name: Date of Birth: Mailing Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: Email*: * I authorize the court to email me court documents in this case to the email address above. FOR COURT OR JAIL USE ONLY Next Court Appearance. The defendant must appear in court for a hearing on: Date: Time: Location: IRS Requirement: The clerk or jail officer accepting bail must complete form CR-231 if the amount posted is more than $10,000 in cash and the defendant is charged with one of the offenses listed on money orders. The Court System is required to submit this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Form CR-231 is required in this case: Yes No Clerk/Jail Officer: Court Receipt # Amount $ Date Receipted Receipted By Distribution: (1) Court (2) Def. (3) Person depositing money (4) Jail, if Def. in custody (5) PED, if ordered American LegalNet, Inc.