Consent To Misdemeanor Proceedings In Defendants Absence
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Consent To Misdemeanor Proceedings In Defendants Absence Form. This is a Alaska form and can be use in Criminal Statewide.
Tags: Consent To Misdemeanor Proceedings In Defendants Absence, CR-165, Alaska Statewide, Criminal
ACW CR-165 (4/19)(cs) Crim. R. 38(b)(2) CONSENT TO MISDEMEANOR PROCEEDINGS IN DEFENDANT'S ABSENCE IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT STATE OF ALASKA ) ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) ) ) CASE NO. CR Defendant. ) ) CONSENT TO MISDEMEANOR PROCEEDINGS IN DEFENDANT'S ABSENCE I am accused of the offense(s) of in violation of I have been fully advised of my rights and of the nature of the charge(s) against me. Pursuant to Criminal Rule 38(b)(2), I hereby consent that arraignment, plea, pre-trial hearings, trial and imposition of sentence (or any or all of the above) may be conducted in my absence. Signature of Defendant Signature of Person Witnessing Defendant's Signature Date Signed Date Signed Address Print Name Address Line 2 Address Telephone Address Line 2 I certify that on I mailed/delivered a copy of this consent to the prosecutor. Defendant's Attorney American LegalNet, Inc.