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CR560 CR-560 (4/19)(cs) PJ Order 10-2 (First District), 2010-2 (Second District), NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF SUPERVISION 3AO-10-17 (Third District), 10-4 (Fourth District) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT (New Supervising Court) STATE OF ALASKA, ) ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) ) ) Defendant. ) CASE NO. ) DOB: APSIN: ) NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION Instructions: File this notice whenever jurisdiction transfers to another court. It is only required when the first petition or motion is filed after each transfer. Because the defendant has moved, the Department of Corrections transferred probation supervision to the probation office listed below. Probation supervision was initially assigned to the probation office listed below, instead of the sentencing courtthe defendant did not live in the sentencing court area. Therefore, pursuant to , jurisdiction over the probationer transferred to this court because it is the superior court or PTRP filing location nearest to where the defendant now resides. The following documents accompany this notice. (If the new supervising court was also the sentencing court or a prior supervising court, file all these documents except those previously filed with this court.) Petition to Revoke Probation Motion for Copy of the original judgment in the case Copy of all prior petitions to revoke probation filed in the case Copy of all supplemental judgments or orders disposing of prior petitions Copy of the original presentence report as corrected by the sentencing judge under Criminal Rule 32.1(f)(5), and any updates to that report There is no presentence report in this case. I certify that I provided three copies of the Notice, Petition, and attachments to: Local District Attorney Court (as authorized by Clerk of Court). Date Probation Officer / District Attorney Current Probation Office Location Print Name American LegalNet, Inc.