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Exempt from VRA Certif. IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) ) ) ) Defendant. ) ) ) CASE NO. PROSECUTOR'S APPLICATION FOR BAIL REVIEW HEARING Hearing date set: before Judge By (Clerk/Judicial Officer) I certify that on a copy of this notice of hearing was sent to: [ ] PD [ ] DA [ ] Defendant Clerk: at _______am/pm Ctrm vs. DOB: Hearing date requested: 1. This case alleges that there is a crime victim: 2. Defendant is not in custody Yes No is in custody at 3. Relief requested: 4. Reason for request: 5. I certify that I notified defendant attorney attorney's office of this application by mail fax in person email phone on (date) at a.m./p.m. Date Phone Number of Applicant Fax Number of Applicant Signature of Applicant Printed Name of Applicant Attorney Bar Number American LegalNet, Inc. CR-303 (10/16)(cs) PROSECUTOR'S APPLICATION FOR BAIL REVIEW HEARING AS 12.30.006; 12.61.010 -.015 Alaska Constitution art. I, sec. 24