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Screen for VRA CR-765 (10/18)(cs) RELEASE PER JUDGE ORDER (JAIL FORM) [Dockets CR765B if bail; CR765ORJ if own recognizance] RELEASE PER JUDICIAL OFFICER ORDER (Use form CR-766 for release per schedule.) To: Defendant. Case #: Plaintiff: State of Alaska Date of Offense: OFFENSE CHARGED: ATN: APSIN: Fingerprinted Veteran No PED Report Courtroom: Log #: Date: Arresting Ofcr: Release You are ordered released on your own recognizance per Judicial Officer You are ordered released on bail in an amount to be set at arraignment in the amount of: $ appearance bond unsecured 10% cash 100% cash or surety $ performance bond unsecured 100% cash You are ordered to supervision by a PED officer during the pretrial period per AS 33.07: No EM required. Call 1-833-500-5090 within 24 hours of release for instructions. EM ordered. You shall remain in custody until the monitor is attached: alcohol monitoring Curfew: Location Restrictions: intain EM equipment. Next Court Appearance You must appear in court for arraignment at: Date: Time: Location: If you fail to appear, your bail will be forfeited and a bench warrant will be issued for your arrest. Conditions of Release Effective immediately, obey the following conditions per Judicial Officer . 1.Obey all court orders and all federal, state, and local laws. Appear in court when ordered.Tell your attorney, PED officer, or the court of any new phone/email address by next business day.6. Do not leave Alaska without written court permission. 7. Do not consume alcohol illegal drugs, or enter any place where they are sold. Be tested as recommended by PED or 8. Do not directly or indirectly contact: 9. Date Time I promise to appear in court at the hearing time and place shown above, and I promise to obey any conditions of release set forth above. The court may enter a judgment against me for the amount of the Date Signature of Defendant Home Phone: Cell Phone: Work Phone: Date of Birth: Employer: Email: Other Bail Information BAIL SET: BAIL POSTED: On arrest/bench warrant from: Amount: Case #/Ticket #: Receipt #: Issue Date: Distribution:(1) orig to court w/cash & orig bond form Name: (2) defendant (3) jail (4) PED Address: Phone: Email: American LegalNet, Inc.