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CR-715 (5/19) AS 12.36.070 and AS 24.65.115 REQUEST FOR RETURN OF SEIZED PROPERTY AND NOTICE OF HEARING Instructions: This form can be submitted only on behalf of a victim of a crime and may be filled out If the property that is the subject of this request is being held in connection with a criminal or search warrant case, write the case number below. If there is no underlying criminal or search warrant case, leave the case number blank. You must also fill out and file CR-715.1, Seized Property Owner Information Sheet . IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT In the Matter of Seized Property. ) ) CASE NO. ) ) REQUEST FOR HEARING FOR RETURN OF PROPERTY The law enforcement agency named below has received a request from the owner of the property or the victims advocate for the return of seized property as provided in AS at issue: Law Enforcement Agency: Prosecuting Agency: State Prosecutor Municipal Prosecutor Description of Property: List the name and address of the owner of the property on the CR-715.1 . Date Agency Representative or Office of Print Name NOTICE OF HEARING ON REQUEST FOR RETURN OF PROPERTY Date: Time: AM PM Location: Courtroom: I certify that on a copy of this request and notice was given or sent to: State Prosecutor Municipal Prosecutor Defendant/Atty Owner of Property Law Enforcement Agency Other: Clerk: *Clerk: If there is no existing criminal or search warrant case, assign a General Criminal Non-Case Type (GC) caseAmerican LegalNet, Inc.