State Or Municipal Prosecutors Reply
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CR-717 (8/17)(cs) Criminal Rule 37(e) U.S. ATTORNEY REQUEST FOR SEALED SEARCH WARRANT RECORDS IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT U.S. ATTORNEY REQUEST FOR SEALED SEARCH WARRANT RECORDS I request copies of all records pertaining to the following search warrant number(s): Date ve Print Name: Daytime Phone: STATE OR MUNICIPAL REPLY The state or municipality does not oppose this request opposes this request because: Date ABA # Print Name: ORDER Request GRANTED. The clerk shall unseal the search warrant records to satisfy this request and then immediately reseal them. Request DENIED. Date Judge I certify that on a copy of this order was given or sent to: State or Municipal Prosecutor Clerk: Clerk Instruction: The Administrative Director has authorized a temporary fee waiver for search warrant records requested by t American LegalNet, Inc.