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Person Submitting This Document: Name: Address: Attorney for Telephone No. Pro Se (self-represented) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiff, vs. CASE NO. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW (CUSTODY) Defendant. BACKGROUND Trial in this case was held on Settlement was placed on the record on Plaintiff Defendant did not appear appeared in person appeared by telephone Plaintiff was represented by self attorney did not appear appeared in person appeared by telephone Defendant was represented by self attorney The record shows the defendant was served with summons and complaint for custody, and Defendant did not file an answer or otherwise defend, and the matter proceeded by default. (Default) Defendant joined in signing the complaint filed an answer and did not contest the facts alleged or prayer for relief in the complaint. (Uncontested) Defendant filed an answer and the parties settled all issues. (Settlement) Defendant filed an answer and the parties proceeded to trial. (Contested) The court considered the testimony and any evidence or agreements presented. The court makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law: CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION 1. The following minor child(ren) was(were) born to, or adopted by, the parties: Child's Full Name Child's Date of Birth 2. The court has jurisdiction over the children. The child(ren) lived in Alaska for at least six months immediately before the complaint was filed. Other Civil Rule 54 & 78(a) AS 25.20.060-.130 American LegalNet, Inc. Page 1 of 3 DR-460 (4/10)(cs) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW (CUSTODY) 3. No evidence of domestic violence was offered and the court makes no findings regarding domestic violence. Neither parent has a history of committing domestic violence under AS 25.24.150(g). The father mother has a history of committing domestic violence under AS 25.24.150(g), and the statutory presumption against custody was overcome was not overcome does not apply. Both parents have a history of committing domestic violence under AS 25.24.150(g). The court finds that the best interests of the child(ren) will be served by: The parties' agreement which is incorporated here by reference. The parties' agreement described below. The court's determination set forth separately and incorporated here by reference. The court's determination described below. Announced on the record at: Ctrm/Media # Log # Date Legal custody (decision making) is awarded to the father solely other parties jointly mother solely 4. 5. 6. 7. Both parents must be listed on all educational, medical, dental, and other records. Neither parent will speak badly about the other parent in front of the child(ren). Neither parent will allow anyone else to speak badly about the other parent or members of their family in front of the child(ren). Physical custody and visitation schedule The schedule is set forth separately and incorporated here by reference. The regular schedule is set forth below: 8. The vacation schedule differs from the regular schedule and is set forth below: The holiday schedule differs from the regular schedule and is set forth below: Page 2 of 3 DR-460 (4/10)(cs) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW (CUSTODY) Civil Rule 54 & 78(a) AS 25.20.060-.130 American LegalNet, Inc. FINANCIAL ISSUES 9. Child Support. A child support order (DR-300) will be entered and is incorporated here by reference. The existing administrative order will stay in effect. Permanent Fund Dividends (PFD). Mother will timely apply for the annual PFD's of Father will timely apply for the annual PFD's of The child(ren)'s PFD monies will be saved in a bank account unless both parents agree in writing. Both parents must have access to all account statements. Other ANCSA Stock. This section applies to this case does not apply to this case. mother father is designated custodian of the child(ren)'s Alaska Native Claims The Settlement Act (ANCSA) stock. The child(ren)'s dividends Will be saved in a bank account by the ANCSA custodian unless both parents agree in writing. Both parents will have access to all account statements. Other Federal income tax returns. Subject to the limits of AS 25.24.152 Mother will claim as dependents for income tax purposes. Father will claim as dependents for income tax purposes. Other Other findings of fact or conclusions or law: 10. 11. 12. 13. Recommended for approval: Date Superior Court Master Print or Type Name Date Judge of the Superior Court Print or Type Name I certify that on of this document was sent or given to: a copy Clerk: Page 3 of 3 DR-460 (4/10)(cs) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW (CUSTODY) Civil Rule 54 & 78(a) AS 25.20.060-.130 American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiff, vs. CASE NO. DECREE OF CUSTODY AND JUDGMENT Defendant. The court reviewed the pleadings filed in this action and the evidence presented by the parties, and entered Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. IT IS ORDERED: 1. Children. This custody decree and judgment applies to: Child's Full Name Child's Date of Birth 2. 3. Legal custody and physical custody of the child(ren) is awarded as set forth in the Child Custody and Visitation section of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Child and medical support is ordered as set forth in the Child Support Order (form DR-300) and in the Financial Issues section of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Other orders: 4. Recommended for approval: Date Superior Court Master Date Judge of the Superior Court Print or Type Name I certify that on a copy of this document was sent or given to: Print or Type Name Clerk: DR-465 (4/10)(cs) DECREE OF CUSTODY AND JUDGMENT Civil Rule 54 & 78(a) AS 25.20.060-.130 American LegalNet, Inc.