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Petition Dissolution Marriage One Spouse Form. This is a Alaska form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
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Tags: Petition Dissolution Marriage One Spouse, DR-200, Alaska Statewide, Domestic Relations
Page 1 of 2 DR-200 (8/18)(cs) AS 25.24.200(b) PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE - ONE SPOUSE Civil R. 90.1(a), f(2)(A)(B), (i)(1) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT In the Matter of the Dissolution ) of the Marriage of ) ) ) Party A, ) CASE NO. ) ) Party B. ) PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION ) OF MARRIAGE: ONE SPOUSE There is an open Child-in-Need-of-Aid Case. Court Location: . Case number (if known): . I, , consent to the court's jurisdiction and request a decree of dissolution of marriage under Alaska Statutes 25.24.200 - 25.24.260. I state that the following are true: Incompatibility of temperament has caused the irremediable breakdown of the marriage.I do not know where my spouse is. I have made diligent efforts to locate my absentspouse. Because I have not been able to find my spouse, I have been unable to find outmy spouse's position in regard to the dissolution of our marriage and the fair and justdivision of property (including retirement benefits), spousal maintenance, payment ofdebts, and custody, support and visitation of minor children.My spouse cannot be personally served with a copy of this petition either inside or outsideAlaska because I do not know any way to find my spouse.1.Has either spouse filed an action for legal separation prior to the filing of this action? Yes No. If yes, please list case number, date and place of filing: 2.Date and place of marriage: 3.Length of residence in Alaska: 4.My residence address: (street address) (city) (state) (ZIP) 5.My home phone: 6.My mailing address: (box or street number) (city) (state) (ZIP) 7.Email Address*: * I authorize the court to email me court documents in this case to the email address above.8.My occupation:Work phone: American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2 DR-200 (8/18)(cs) AS 25.24.200(b) PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE - ONE SPOUSE Civil R. 90.1(a), f(2)(A)(B), (i)(1) 9.Restoration or Change of Name. Restoration. I want my prior name restored as follows: (Print full names clearly.) From: (current full name) To: (prior full name) Change. [Before checking this box, it is important to read pages 5-6 of the instructions about publication costs and hearing delay.] I want to take and be legally (current full legal name) known by a new name, which is . The reasons for this request for a change of name are: I seek this name change for personal reasons and not to avoid judgments, debts, obligations, or to defraud any person. The reasons I have stated are consistent with the public interest. This petition is accompanied by my Affidavit of Diligent Inquiry as to the whereabouts of my absent spouse. I request that the court issue a Notice to Absent Spouse. Verification I, , say on oath or affirm under penalty of perjury that I have read the foregoing petition and believe all statements made in the petition are true. I further certify that my signature is voluntary and not the result of fear, threat, coercion or restraint. Date Petitioner's Signature Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me at , Alaska, on . (date) (SEAL) Clerk of Court, Notary Public or other person authorized to administer oaths. My Commission Expires: American LegalNet, Inc.