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AS 25.24.200-.260 Page 1 of 17 DR-105 ()(cs) PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (WITH CHILDREN) Civil Rule 90.1(a), f(2)(A)-(B), (i)(1) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT In the Matter of the Dissolution ) of the Marriage of ) ) ) CASE NO. Party A, ) ) Party B. ) There is an open Child-in-Need-of-Aid Case. Court Location: . Case number (if known): . of marriage. Our marriage has broken down and we no longer want to be married Yes No If yes, please list the case number, date, and place of filing: A. PARTY A 1.Date of birth: Place of birth: 2.Length of Alaska residence: 3.Home phone: Cell phone: 4.Residence address: (street address) (city) (state) (ZIP) 5.Mailing address: (box or street number) (city) (state) * I authorize the court to email me court documents in this case to the email address above.7.Occupation: Work phone: 8.Most recent employer: Phone: 9. B. PARTY B 1.Date of birth: Place of birth: 2.Length of Alaska residence: 3.Home phone: Cell phone: 4.Residence address: (street address) (city) (state) (ZIP) 5.Mailing address: (box or street number) (city) (state) (ZIP) 6.Email Address*: * I authorize the court to email me court documents in this case to the email address above.7.Occupation: Work phone: 8.Most recent employer: Phone: 9. Print or Signature of Party A American LegalNet, Inc. C. Date and Place of Marriage. D. Health Care and Health Insurance E. Domestic Violence F. Haseitherspousereceivedadvicefromanttorneyaboutdivorce American LegalNet, Inc. II.FINANCIAL INFORMATIONmustmonthly yearly.A. Gross Income Party A Party B TOTAL INCOME $ $ B. Deductions Allowable Under Civil Rule 90.3 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS $ $ C. Net Income NET INCOME $ $ American LegalNet, Inc. D. Adjusted Annual Income E. Monthly Expenses III.PROPERTY AND DEBT INFORMATION, AND AGREEMENT OF IESWe believe the division below is fair and just. A. Assets F. Bankruptcy. * American LegalNet, Inc. * American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. This is required. B. Debts IV.SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE (ALIMONY) AGREEMENT American LegalNet, Inc. V. CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION INFORMATION CHILD 1 CHILD 2 CHILD 3 American LegalNet, Inc. CHILD 4 [Attach extra pages if there are more than four children.] NOTE: You both have a continuing duty to inform the court of any other court proceeding in this state or any other state concerning any of the children listed above. American LegalNet, Inc. VI.CHILD CUSTODY AGREEMENT VII.VISITATION AGREEMENTA. Visitation Rights of Parents B. Visitation with Other Persons American LegalNet, Inc. VIII. CHILD SUPPORT (Civil Rule 90.3) A. Child Support Calculation or American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. + American LegalNet, Inc. C. Do you want the assistance of the Child Support Services Division (CSSD) to enforce the support order and keep records of the payments? D. Immediate Income Withholding American LegalNet, Inc. E. Federal Taxes F. Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) American LegalNet, Inc. IX.RESTORE OR CHANGE NAME X. OTHER AGREEMENTS (IF ANY) wants to take and be legally Party A B, American LegalNet, Inc. XI.SIGNATURES AND VERIFICATIONSVerification American LegalNet, Inc.