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DV-140 (5/18)(cs) AS 18.66.100-.990 RESPONSE TO REQUEST TO MODIFY OR DISSOLVE PROTECTIVE ORDER ONE PETITIONER IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT ) PETITIONER (protected person), M F ) Birthdate: ) Petitioner is a child. Who is signing for the child? ) Relationship to child: ) v. ) ) Case No. CI ) RESPONDENT (restrained person), M F ) Birthdate ) Respondent is a child. Who is signing for the child? ) RESPONSE TO REQUEST TORelationship to child: ) PROTECTIVE ORDER ) (ONE PETITIONER) Note: This response does not, by itself, change the terms of the protective order. All parties must continue to obey the existing order until a judge modifies or dissolves the I am the petitioner respondent in this case. The other person asked to modify dissolve a protective order in this case. I I oppose (Attach extra pages if necessary.) Date Signature A mailing address and message phone number are necessary for contacting you about the hearing. Safe Mailing Address City State ZIP Work Phone Home Phone I certify that on a copy of this request was given mailed to: Petitioner Person signing for minor petitioner Respondent Person signing for minor respondent Clerk: Clerk: For requests to modify or dissolve ST, add petition MDMPOE. For requests to modify or dissolve LT, add petition MDMPOL. American LegalNet, Inc.