Acceptance Of Appointment As Temporary Guardian And Acknowledgement Of Duties
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Acceptance Of Appointment As Temporary Guardian And Acknowledgement Of Duties Form. This is a Alaska form and can be use in Probate Guardianship Statewide.
Tags: Acceptance Of Appointment As Temporary Guardian And Acknowledgement Of Duties, PG-433, Alaska Statewide, Probate Guardianship
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT____________________ In the Matter of the Protective Proceeding of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Ward. , CASE NO. ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT AS TEMPORARY GUARDIAN AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DUTIES I, ward named above. , accept the duties of temporary guardian of the I have read and understand the duties and powers of a guardian in Alaska Statute 13.26.316 (and the powers and duties of a conservator in AS 13.26.500 - .575 if I also have conservator powers). I understand that I am being granted only the powers set forth in the court's order appointing me temporary guardian. I solemnly swear to perform the duties set forth in my appointment order. I understand that I must complete at least one hour of education on guardianship (and conservatorship) and file the PG-120 Affirmation form with the court within 30 days after my appointment. I further understand that I must file any reports the court asks me to file. I understand that my temporary appointment will end when a long-term guardian is appointed for the ward or when the petition for a long-term guardian is dismissed. Date Guardian's Signature Mailing Address City State Daytime Telephone Verification I state on oath or affirm that I have read the above Acceptance and that all statements made in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date Guardian's Signature ZIP Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me at , Alaska on . Date (SEAL) Clerk of Court, Notary Public, or other person authorized to administer oaths. My commission expires: PG-433 (2/17)(cs) ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT AS TEMPORARY GUARDIAN American LegalNet, Inc. Probate Rule 16(c) AS 13.26.261