Affirmation Of Completion Of Mandatory Education Requirement
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Affirmation That Mandatory Education Requirement Has Been Satisfied Form. This is a Alaska form and can be use in Probate Guardianship Statewide.
Tags: Affirmation That Mandatory Education Requirement Has Been Satisfied, PG-120, Alaska Statewide, Probate Guardianship
PG-120 (7/18)(cs) AS 13.26.311(c) AFFIRMATION OF COMPLETION OF MANDATORY EDUCATION REQUIREMENT AS 13.26.465(g) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT In the Matter of the Protective Proceeding of ) ) ) ) , ) Respondent / Ward / Protected Person ) ) ) CASE NO. AFFIRMATION OF COMPLETION OF MANDATORY EDUCATION REQUIREMENT I affirm that I completed one hour or more of mandatory education on the basics of guardianship/conservatorship as follows: On , 20 , I completed the on- On , 20 On , 20, I attended the class by the Alaska State Association for Guardianship & Advocacy (ASAGA). I have attached my certificate. Other: (The Court may ask you to provide documentation or clarification about how you completed this requirement.Date Signature of Guardian or Conservator Printed Name Mailing Address City State ZIP Daytime Telephone Number Email File this affirmation in court and I certify that on , I mailed hand delivered a copy of this document to: Court visitor Your signature: American LegalNet, Inc.