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Emergency Petition For Appointment Of A Temporary Guardian Form. This is a Alaska form and can be use in Probate Guardianship Statewide.
Tags: Emergency Petition For Appointment Of A Temporary Guardian, PG-101, Alaska Statewide, Probate Guardianship
Page 1 of 2 PG-101 (5/19)(cs) AS 13.26.301 EMERGENCY PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF A TEMPORARY GUARDIAN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT In the Matter of the Protective Proceeding of ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. ) Respondent ) EMERGENCY PETITION ) FOR APPOINTMENT OF A TEMPORARY GUARDIAN (AS 13.26.301) [This form may be filed only if the PG-100 Petition is also filed.] Before filling out this form, specify the reason that the respondent needs an emergency petition: The respondent needs services, and cannot procure the services him or herself. The respondent needs these services immediately to protect him or herself from: serious injury illness disease. Note: If the respondent does not meet the qualifications above, but you still believe the PG-100 should be filed on an expedited basis, you may not use this form. Instead, file the PG-100 and file a separate motion explaining why you think the petition should be heard on an expedited basis (Civil Rule 77(g)). 1. Petitioner's Name Age: Mailing Address Home Phone Work Phone Relationship to Respondent 2. A Petition for Appointment of a Guardian for the above-named respondent has been filed, but a guardian has not yet been appointed. 3. Respondent is now located at: Address: Phone 4. I believe the respondent needs the following emergency services immediately to protect him/her against serious injury, illness or disease: American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 2 PG-101 (5/19)(cs) AS 13.26.301 EMERGENCY PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF A TEMPORARY GUARDIAN 5. Respondent is not capable of procuring the necessary services because: 6. Therefore, I request that the court appoint a temporary guardian to authorize the necessary services. I understand that the temporary guardian's appointment will expire when a regular (full or partial) guardian is appointed or when the petition for appointment of a guardian is dismissed. 7. I recommend that the following person be appointed temporary guardian: Name Phone Address This person's relationship to respondent is Date Signature of Petitioner or Petitioner's Attorney If attorney, print name and bar number: Verification I state on oath or affirm that I have read this petition and that all statements made in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date Petitioner's Signature Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me at , Alaska on . (date) (SEAL) Clerk of Court, Notary Public, or other person authorized to administer oaths. My commission expires: American LegalNet, Inc.