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Notice Of Conservatorship Hearing (To Interested Persons) Form. This is a Alaska form and can be use in Probate Guardianship Statewide.
Tags: Notice Of Conservatorship Hearing (To Interested Persons), PG-116, Alaska Statewide, Probate Guardianship
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT _______________ In the Matter of the Protective Proceeding of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Respondent , CASE NO. NOTICE OF CONSERVATORSHIP HEARING (To Interested Persons) The court has been asked to appoint a conservator for the above-named respondent. The court will hold a hearing on this matter on: Date and Time: Court Address : Courtroom: Judge or Master: You are not required to attend this hearing unless you are called as a witness. Purpose of Hearing. At the hearing, the court will decide whether the respondent needs a conservator because the respondent is unable to manage his/her property and affairs effectively and has property that will be wasted or dissipated unless proper management is provided (or needs the management of a conservator in order to receive proper financial support). Possible Consequences. If the court decides to appoint a conservator, the conservator will be given control of the assets and income of the respondent. Alternatively, the court may decide to appoint only a "special conservator" who will have more limited powers. Or, the court may decide not to appoint a conservator at all or to order an alternative form of protection. Date Petitioner American LegalNet, Inc. Page 1 of 2 PG-116 (4/17)(cs) NOTICE OF CONSERVATORSHIP HEARING (To Interested Persons) AS 13.26.420 & AS 13.06.110 Probate Rule 17(b) Certificate of Service [Write names on the blank lines and check the boxes that show how notice was delivered.] I certify that on (date) , a copy of this notice was mailed or delivered to: (name) (names) by certified mail * by process server certified mail * process server Respondent's spouse Respondent's parents All respondent's adult children (list names): by by by by by by first class mail first class mail first class mail first class mail first class mail first class mail hand delivery by hand delivery by hand delivery by hand delivery by hand delivery by hand delivery by None of the above relatives of respondent could be notified, so the notice was sent to the following close adult relative of respondent: Relationship to respondent: by first class mail hand delivery by The following persons who have requested notice under AS 13.26.425 (list names): by by first class mail first class mail hand delivery by hand delivery by The following persons to whom the court has directed that notice be given (list names): by by first class mail first class mail hand delivery by hand delivery by The following other interested persons: by by first class mail first class mail hand delivery by hand delivery by Signature of Petitioner Mailing Address City Daytime Telephone State ZIP * If the spouse or parents are outside Alaska, you can send this notice to them by ordinary first-class mail instead of certified mail. AS 13.26.420 (a). File form PG-117 if you use certified mail. Page 2 of 2 PG-116 (4/17)(cs) NOTICE OF CONSERVATORSHIP HEARING (To Interested Persons) American LegalNet, Inc. AS 13.26.420 & AS 13.06.110 Probate Rule 17(b)