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IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT In the Matter of the Protective Proceeding of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Minor Date of Birth: To the minor named above: CASE NO. NOTICE TO MINOR WARD OF GUARDIAN'S APPOINTMENT AND MINOR'S RIGHT TO OBJECT . . I have been appointed as your guardian in the will of your parent The will is filed in the court named above under estate case number I have filed a copy of my acceptance of this appointment with the court. A copy is attached. If you are age 14 or older and you object to me being your guardian, you may file an objection with the court at the following address Your written objection must be filed within the next 30 days, that is, by (date) . You may use the enclosed Objection form (PG-654), and in it, you may ask the court for expedited consideration of your objection. You must also mail a copy of your objection to me at the address written below. Date Guardian's Signature Printed Name Mailing Address City Daytime Phone State ZIP . Certificate of Service I certify that on ,I mailed personally delivered a copy of this Notice and a copy of my Acceptance to: Minor named above along with an Objection form (if minor is 14 or older), and either Person taking care of minor (name & address): or Minor's nearest adult relative (name & address): I filed the original Notice and the original Acceptance with the court. Guardian's Signature PG-653 (2/17)(cs) NOTICE TO MINOR WARD OF RIGHT TO OBJECT Probate Rules 15.1 AS 13.26.101 - .126 American LegalNet, Inc.