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IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT Trust No. REGISTRATION OF TRUST Name of Trust: Name of Trustee: Address of Trustee: 1. Trustee hereby acknowledges his trusteeship and submits himself to the jurisdiction of the court in any proceeding relating to the trust that may be initiated by any interested person while the trust remains registered, providing that notice is given as provided by law. The trust (has) (has not) been registered in another jurisdiction. (If registered elsewhere, .) state where: Note: If a trust has been registered elsewhere, registration in this state is ineffective until either the earlier registration is released by order of the court where prior registration occurred or an instrument executed by the trustee and all beneficiaries is filed with the registration in this state. 3. The trust is: (Check one and fill in the blanks.) A testamentary trust. Name of testator: Date and place of domiciliary probate: A written inter vivos trust. Name of settlor: Name of original trustee: Date of trust instrument: An oral trust. Name of settlor: Other sources of funds, if any, are: Brief description of time and manner of creation of the oral trust and the terms of the trust, including the subject matter, beneficiaries and time of performance: 2. Trustee's Signature Trustee's Signature Registered in the Superior Court on , 20 . Date Date Superior Court Clerk/Registrar P-200 (2/06) (st.2) REGISTRATION OF TRUST AS 13.36.010 American LegalNet, Inc.