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IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT In the Matter of the Will of (testator) Date of Birth: WILL NO. REQUEST FOR DEPOSITED WILL has requested the original of the will of the abovenamed testator which was deposited for safekeeping with this court. The person requesting the will is a person legally allowed to receive the will* and has presented the following proof of identity: Driver's License. State: Other Photo ID: Number: Date Superior Court Clerk Print Name RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the original of the above will. Date Signature of person requesting the will ***************************************************************************** *While the testator is alive, the will can be given only to "the testator or to a person authorized in writing signed by the testator to receive the will." Also, during the testator's lifetime, the will may be examined by a conservator of the testator, but the conservator may not be allowed to remove the will. (AS 13.12.515 and Probate Rule 5.) After the testator's death, the original will must remain in the court's will depository unless it is transferred to a probate file. Upon notification of the testator's death, the court must contact the person designated to receive the will in the deposit agreement and mail a copy of the will to that person. The original on file with the court becomes a public, non-confidential, document. Probate Rule 5(c). American LegalNet, Inc. P-105 (7/01)(cs) REQUEST FOR DEPOSITED WILL Probate Rule 5 AS 13.12.515