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TF-202 (4/19)(cs) Civ. R. 43.1; Crim. R. 26.1; NON-DOCUMENTARY EXHIBIT LIST Admin. Bulletin No. 9 NON-DOCUMENTARY EXHIBIT LIST [ONLY complete this form if you use TrueFiling to electronically file with the court and you have non-documentary exhibits in support of a principal document (e.g., your motion). A non-documentary exhibit is any exhibit that you need to physically bring to the court because you cannot upload it through TrueFiling.] Instructions for the Filer:4) Submit the second copy of this form with your principal document. Submit these directly to Case Name: Party: Plaintiff Defendant Party's Attorney: The exhibits listed below are in support of: (name of principal document) which was filed with the court on (date) . Exhibit No. Description of Exhibit Instructions to Clerk: Anytime an exhibit is moved to another location within the court (e.g., storage, s office), TrakMan will need updated with the new location. I certify that the exhibits listed above have been placed in exhibit storage. American LegalNet, Inc.