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TF-935 (4/19)(cs) Civil R. 42(c), Crim. R. 25(d), AS 47.10.113, AS 25.24.150, NOTICE OF CHANGE OF JUDGE (PEREMPTORY CHALLENGE) AS 13.26.050, and AS 25.23.030 CALENDARING NOTICE HEARING : DATE AND TIME : LOCATION: IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT ) ) ) CASE NO. ) ) NOTICE OF CHANGE OF JUDGE ) MAGISTRATE JUDGE OR MASTER ) (PEREMPTORY CHALLENGE) The plaintiff/petitioner defendant/respondent other party: in this case peremptorily challenges the assignment of pursuant to Civil Rule 42(c) or Criminal Rule 25(d). Please list of all parties or their attorneys in this case. There are codefendants in this case. See attached additional pages. I certify that a copy of this Notice was sent to each of the persons listed above. Date Signature of Party or Attorney Type or Print Name FOR COURT USE ONLY If there is an existing CINA, adoption, guardianship, or custody case involving the parties above, and this peremptory challenge is filed in a subsequent action (in one of the case types listed above), route this peremptory challenge to the presiding judge for decision. Notice is : timely not timely A peremptory challenge has not been previously filed. has been previously filed by: plaint . /pet . def . /resp . other party Date Clerk / Judge ORDER This case is reassigned to Judge Magistrate Judge/Master This notice of change of judicial officer is not approved because: It is not timely. Date Judge / Clerk I certify that on , a copy of this order was sent to: Type or Print Name Judge/MJ/Master Judge/MJ/Master Parties/Attys Clerk: American LegalNet, Inc.