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IN THE DISTRICT/SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA AT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. REQUEST TO REMOVE NAME FROM COURTVIEW UNDER ADMINISTRATIVE RULE 40(b) or (c) I am a party in this case. I ask that my name be removed from the public index (CourtView) pursuant to Administrative Rule 40(b) or (c) because: The issues in the case involve matters of a sensitive and highly personal nature. Publication of my name could expose a person to harassment, injury, ridicule, or personal embarrassment. Protection of my name outweighs the public's interest in disclosure and any prejudice to the opposing party. Admin. Rule 40(b). Publication of my name is likely to result in substantial physical harm to me or members of my household. Protection of my name outweighs the public's interest in disclosure. Admin. Rule 40(c). State a brief reason why you believe the above to be true: Date Daytime Phone Email Address Your Signature Print Name Mailing Address City State ZIP ORDER The requested removal from the public index is DENIED. The requested removal from the public index under Admin. Rule 40(b) is GRANTED. The clerk shall substitute "Not Published" for the party's name on the public index. The requested removal from the public index under Admin. Rule 40(c) is GRANTED. The clerk shall substitute "Not Published" for the party's name on the public index for five years. After five years, the party's name will appear on the public index unless the presiding judge orders the name protected for a longer time upon another request by the party showing that publication of the name is likely to result in substantial physical harm to the party or members of the party's household. I certify that on a copy of this order was sent to: by Clerk: Presiding Judge Type or Print Name Date TF-805 (1/17)(cs) REQUEST TO REMOVE NAME FROM COURTVIEW UNDER ADMIN. R. 40(b) or (c) Admin. R. 40(b)-(c) American LegalNet, Inc.