Petition For Order Of Protection-Injunction Against Harassment-Workplace Injunction Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Petition For Order Of Protection-Injunction Against Harassment-Workplace Injunction Form. This is a Arizona form and can be use in Family Crisis Statewide.
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Tags: Petition For Order Of Protection-Injunction Against Harassment-Workplace Injunction, Arizona Statewide, Family Crisis
All Courts in Arizona/NCIC#/DPS#
City, Arizona Zip Code
Telephone Number
Case No.
Plaintiff / Plaintiff Employer
(Work Injunction ONLY)
Birth Date:
[ ] Order of Protection
[ ] Injunction Against Harassment
[ ] Workplace Injunction
Agent’s Name
(Work Injunction ONLY)
City, State, Zip Code, Phone
DIRECTIONS: Please read the Plaintiff’s Guide Sheet before filling out this form.
1. Defendant/Plaintiff Relationship: [ ] Married now or in the past [ ] Live together now or lived together in the past
[ ] Child in common [ ] One of us pregnant by the other [ ] Related (Parent, In-law, Brother, Sister or
Grandparent) [ ] Romantic or sexual relationship (current or previous) [ ] Dating but not a romantic or sexual
[ ] Other:
2. [ ] If checked, there is a pending action involving maternity, paternity, annulment, legal separation, dissolution,
custody, parenting time or support in
Superior Court,
Case #:
3. Have you or the Defendant been charged or arrested for domestic violence OR requested a Protective Order?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure
If yes or not sure, explain:
4. I need a Court Order because: (PRINT both the date(s) and briefly what happened):
Describe what happened (Attach additional paper if necessary – Do not write on back)
Effective: September 30, 2009
Page 1 of 2
Adopted by Administrative Directive No. 2009-26
American LegalNet, Inc.
Case No. ____________________
5. The following persons should also be on this Order. As stated in number 4, the Defendant is a danger to
Birth Date
Birth Date
Birth Date
Birth Date
6. Defendant should be ordered to stay away from these locations, at all times, even when I am not present:
[ ] Home
[ ] Work
[ ] School/Others
7. [ ] If checked, because of the risk of harm, order the defendant NOT to possess firearms or ammunition.
8. [ ] If checked, request an order for the Defendant to participate in domestic violence counseling or other
9. Other:
Under penalty of perjury, I swear or affirm the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, and I
request an Order / Injunction granting relief as allowed by law.
Judicial Officer/ Clerk / Notary
Effective: September 30, 2009
Page 2 of 2
Adopted by Administrative Directive No. 2009-26
American LegalNet, Inc.