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Form ADR-Stip rev. 1-15-2019 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Plaintiff(s) v. Defendant(s) CASE No C STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER SELECTING ADR PROCESS Counsel report that they have met and conferred regarding ADR and have reached the following stipulation pursuant to Civil L.R. 16-8 and ADR L.R. 3-5. The parties agree to participate in the following ADR process: Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) (ADR L.R. 5) Mediation (ADR L.R. 6) Early Settlement Conference with a Magistrate Judge (ADR L.R. 7) Private ADR (specify process and provider) The parties agree to hold the ADR session by: the presumptive deadline (90 days from the date of the order referring the case to ADR) other requested deadline: Date: Date: Attorney for Plaintiff A tt orney for Defendant IT IS SO ORDERED. IT IS SO ORDERED WITH THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS: D ATE : U.S. DIST R ICT/MAGISTRATE JU DGE I m p o rt a n t! E - file this fo r m in ECF us i n g the app r opriate e v ent among t h e s e choices: 223St i pu l ation & Propo s ed Ord e r Selecting Mediation224 or 223Stipulation & Proposed Order Selecting ENE224 or 223Stipulation & Proposed Order Selecting Early Settlement Conference with a Magistrate Judge224 or 223 S ti p ulati o n & P r o p os e d Ord e r Selecting Pri v ate A DR . 224 American LegalNet, Inc.