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Checklist For Uniform Parentage Act Case Form. This is a California form and can be use in Imperial Local County.
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Tags: Checklist For Uniform Parentage Act Case, FL-12, California Local County, Imperial
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF IMPERIAL 939 W. Main Street El Centro, CA 92243 Your name:____________________________________________ Are you the Petitioner (P) or Respondent (R)? Your case number:_____________________________________ Always bring a complete copy of your court case and this check list when you come to court to discuss your case. CHECKLIST FOR YOUR UNIFORM PARENTAGE ACT CASE Please use this checklist to keep track of the many documents in your case. Court forms are available for purchase at the clerk's window or you may print them for free from the internet at Instructions: Find the item and fill in the date of filing. * START YOUR CASE: BEGIN YOUR FILE Form name Summons Petition and any attachments Declaration under Uniform Child Custody and Jurisdiction Enforcement Act Form # FL-210 FL-200 FL-105 Date filed by P Date filed by R N/A FINISH YOUR CASE: PREPARE YOUR JUDGMENT Form Name Declaration for Default or Uncontested Judgment Advisement and Waiver of Rights Stipulation for Entry of Judgment** Judgment and any attachments or Settlement Agreement** Notice of Entry Child Support Case Registry Notice of Right and Responsibilities Form # FL-230 FL-235 FL-240 FL-250 FL-190 FL-191 FL-192 Date filed by P Date filed by R SERVE THE OTHER PARTY Form Name Proof of Service of Summons Form# FL-115 Date filed by P Date filed by R N/A AFTER SERVICE Form Name Request to Enter Default (If no Response within 30 days) Response and any attachments, forms for children as above. Case Management Questionnaire & attendance at Conference Form # FL-165 FL-220 Local Form Date filed by P Date filed by R N/A OR PREPARE FOR TRIAL Form Name Trial Brief (and pay court reporter fees) Income & Expense Declaration Form # FL-08 FL-150 Date filed by P Date filed by R N/A * You must serve the other party a copy of any document you file and complete a proof of service. This list is basic, you may need more forms and more steps. If you need support, visitation, or other orders while your case is open, you may file a Request for Order. ** If applicable. FL-12 (Adopted 01/01/12, Revised 01/01/13, 01/01/15) UNIFORM PARENTAGE ACT CASE CHECKLIST American LegalNet, Inc.