Amendment To Complaint
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Amendment To Complaint Form. This is a California form and can be use in San Bernardino Local County.
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Tags: Amendment To Complaint, SB-16778, California Local County, San Bernardino
AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT SB-16778, Rev. 04-2014 FICTITIOUS NAME (No order required) Upon filing the complaint herein, plaintiff(s) being ignorant of the true name of a defendant, and having designated said defendant in the complaint by the fictitious name of: and having discovered the true name of the said defendant to be: hereby amends the complaint by inserting such true name in place and stead of such fictitious name wherever it appears in said complaint. Date Declarant222s Signature INCORRECT NAME (Order required) Plaintiff(s) having designated a defendant in the complaint by the incorrect name of : and having discovered the true name of the said defendant to be: hereby amends the complaint by inserting such true name in place and stead of such fictitious name wherever it appears in said complaint. Date Declarant222s Signature ORDER Proper cause appearing, the above amendment to the complaint is allowed Dated Judge/Commissioner ATTORNE Y OR PART Y WITHOUT (Name, State Bar Number, andaddress):Telephone No.: Fax No. (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Bar No.: COURT US E ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF C A LIFORNI A , COUNTY OFS A NBERN A RDINOSTREET ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND ZIP CODE BRANCH NAME PLAINTIFF(S)/PETITIONER(S): CLER K ' S US E ONLY DEFENDANT(S)/RESPONDENT(S): AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT CASE NUMBER: American LegalNet, Inc.