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Requirements For Filing A Community Pharmacy Application Form. This is a California form and can be use in Board Of Pharmacy Statewide.
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Tags: Requirements For Filing A Community Pharmacy Application, 17M-45, California Statewide, Board Of Pharmacy
California State Board of Pharmacy
1625 N. Market Blvd, N219, Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone (916) 574-7900
Fax (916) 574-8617
IMPORTANT: Please follow these instructions completely. Failure to submit the necessary items will delay
the processing of your application. If the number of forms provided is not sufficient, please make
photocopies. You will be notified of any major deficiencies in your application. Please allow approximately 60
days from the time your application packet is complete before calling the Board of Pharmacy.
Any forms that have been previously submitted with another application will not be pulled from the file. You
must complete and submit all of the requested information.
If you would like notification that the board has received your application, please submit a stamped postcard
addressed to yourself.
Section A
Requirements for all applicants except government owned, Indian tribe owned,
or change of location. Note: All pharmacy change of ownership applications
will be considered for temporary permits. Whenever a change of ownership
occurs, either a temporary permit will be pursued or operation must stop. In
addition to the regular items required for this application, a $250.00 temporary
permit fee must also be submitted.
Section B
Forms required for an applicant who is filing as an individual owner
Section C
Forms required for an applicant whose ownership is a partnership
Section D
Forms required for an applicant who is filing as a corporation
Section E
Forms required for an applicant who is filing as a limited liability company
Section F
Requirements for state, city or county owned pharmacy and city or county
ed jail pharmacies
Section G
Requirements for Native American tribe owned pharmacy
Section H
Requirements for non-Native American owned but operating on tribal lands
Section I
Requirements for change of location only (no ownership change)
American LegalNet, Inc.
Section A
All Applicants
[ ]
1. Application (17A-4) and the non-refundable processing fee of $400.
[ ]
2. Ownership form
[ ]
Corporation OR Limited Liability Company (17A-33 )
Partnership or Individual (17A-34)
3. Financial Affidavit in Support of Application (17A-2)
(NOTE - Not needed for a change of location or non-profit organization)
[ ]
4. Approved wholesale credit application or wholesale agreement
(NOTE - Not needed for a non-profit organization)
[ ]
5. Copy of the lease agreement
[ ]
6. Seller’s Certification for a Pharmacy (17A-8) (If applicable)
This is only required for an application for a change of ownership and it must be
submitted by the prospective owner(s).
Section B
Individual Owner who is not incorporated
In addition to items listed in Section A, the following must be submitted:
[ ]
1. Certification of Personnel (17A-11)
[ ]
2. Individual Personal Affidavit (17A-27)
[ ]
3. Individual Financial Affidavit (17A-26)
[ ]
4. Copy of Request for Live Scan Service Form verifying that your fingerprints have been
scanned and all applicable fees have been paid. Please refer to fingerprint instructions
on page 7.
[ ]
5. Certification of Personnel (17A-11) for the pharmacist-in-charge
-2American LegalNet, Inc.
Section C
In addition to items listed in Section A, the following must be submitted:
[ ]
1. Each partner must submit:
Certification of Personnel (form 17A-11)
Individual Personal Affidavit (17A-27)
Individual Financial Affidavit (form 17A-26)
Copy of Request for Live Scan Service Form verifying that your fingerprints have
been scanned and all applicable fees have been paid. Please refer to fingerprint
instructions on page 7.
[ ]
2. Certification of Personnel (17A-11) for the pharmacist-in-charge
[ ]
3. Signed Partnership Agreement
If the partners are a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC), then complete and
provide the same documents required of corporations (see section D).
Section D
In addition to items listed in Section A, the following must be submitted:
The first line corporation over the pharmacy needs to complete a form 17A-33. Each remaining
parent corporation, over the first line corporation, needs to complete a form 17A-33A.
For Profit
For the named corporation on the application, or person(s) who owns an interest in, the corporation
named on the application the following is required:
[ ]
1. Each corporate officer, major shareholder, and director must submit:
Certification of Personnel (17A-11)
Individual Personal Affidavit (17A-27)
Individual Financial Affidavit (form 17A-26)
Copy of Request for Live Scan Service Form verifying that your fingerprints have
been scanned and all applicable fees have been paid. Please refer to fingerprint
instructions on page 7.
[ ]
2. Certification of Personnel (17A-11 for the pharmacist-in-charge)
[ ]
3. Articles of Incorporation endorsed by the Secretary of State.
-3American LegalNet, Inc.
[ ]
4. Statement
a. Statement of Information endorsed by the Secretary of State. An endorsed copy
must be requested from the Secretary of State.
b. Statement by Foreign Corporation endorsed by the California Secretary of State.
This is only required if the named corporation on the application is incorporated
outside of California.
[ ]
5. By-laws
For the named corporation on the application, or person(s) who owns an interest in, the corporation
named on the application, the following is required:
[ ]
1. Statement of Information endorsed by the Secretary of State.
[ ]
2. By-laws
[ ]
3. Articles of Incorporation endorsed by the Secretary of State.
[ ]
4. Each corporate officer, shareholder, and director must submit:
[ ]
Certification of Personnel (17A-11)
5. Certification of Personnel (17A-11) for the pharmacist-in-charge
Publicly Traded Corporation
[ ]
1. A copy of the corporation’s 10K filing with the Securities Exchange Commission.
[ ]
2. A list of the five largest shareholders who own 5% or more of stock which requires a filing
with the Securities Exchange Commission.
If the shareholder is an individual, include name, title and professional license (if
applicable). Also, identify if the shareholder is a bank, trust company or financial
institution to which a license is issued in a fiduciary capacity.
-4American LegalNet, Inc.
Section E
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
In addition to items listed in Section A, the following must be submitted:
The first line limited liability company over the pharmacy needs to complete a form 17A-33A. Each
remaining company over the first line limited liability company also needs to complete a form 17A33A.
[ ]
1. Each member/manager must submit:
Certification of Personnel (17A-11)
Individual Personal Affidavit (17A-27)
Individual Financial Affidavit (form 17A-26)
Copy of Request for Live Scan Service Form verifying that your fingerprints have
been scanned and all applicable fees have been paid. Please refer to fingerprint
instructions on page 7.
[ ]
2. Certification of Personnel (17A-11 for the pharmacist-in-charge)
[ ]
3. Articles of Organization endorsed by the Secretary of State
[ ]
4. Statement of Information endorsed by the Secretary of State
[ ]
5. Copy of limited liability company agreement
Section F
State, City or County Owned Pharmacy
In addition to items listed in Section A, the following must be submitted:
[ ]
1. Application (17A-4)
[ ]
2. Completed Certification of Personnel (17A-11) for:
a. Administr ator
b. phar macist-in-charge
[ ]
3. A letter of verification from the county public health department or the board of
supervisors indicating that the facility is government owned
[ ]
4. The name of the Director of Public Health or the responsible party for the pharmacy
[ ]
5. A copy of the organizational structure
-5American LegalNet, Inc.
Correctional facilities/city or county owned jail facilities
[ ]
1. Application (17A-43)
[ ]
2. Completed Certification of Personnel (17A-11) for:
a. war den
b. med ical director
c. phar macist-in-charge
Section G
Native American Owned
In addition to items listed in Section A, the following must be submitted:
[ ]
1. Application (17A-4) and the non-refundable processing fee of $400.
[ ]
2. Official documents from the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
identifying the official tribe.
[ ]
3. A copy of the constitution and by-laws establishing the tribal council that will be the
governing entity of the pharmacy.
[ ]
4. Tribal council members and the administrator/CEO must submit:
• Certification of Personnel (17A-11)
• Copy of Request for Live Scan Service Form verifying fingerprints for the tribal council
and the administrator/CEO have been scanned and all applicable fees have been
paid. Please refer to fingerprint instructions on page 7.
[ ]
5. Certification of Personnel (17A-11) for the pharmacist-in-charge.
Section H
Non-Native American Owned but Operating on Tribal Lands
In addition to items listed in Section A, the following must be submitted:
If the non-Native American owner is a corporation:
[ ]
1. All requirements listed in Section A.
[ ]
2. Articles of incorporation endorsed by the Native American tribe.
[ ]
3. Statement of Information endorsed by the Native American tribe.
[ ]
4. AND all other requirements of corporate owners listed in section D, (except the articles
of incorporation and the statement by domestic stock must be endorsed by the Native
American tribe and not by the Secretary of State).
If the non-Native American owner is a sole owner or partnership:
[ ]
1. All requirements listed in Section A.
-6American LegalNet, Inc.
[ ]
2. Documents describing the agreements with the Native American tribe to operate the
pharmacy on tribal land.
[ ]
3. AND all other requirements of sole owners or partnership listed in Section B or Section
C respectively.
Section I
Change of Location ONLY (no ownership change)
[ ]
1. Application (17A-4) and the non-refundable processing fee of $100.
[ ]
2. Ownership
Corporation or Limited Liability Company (17A-33)
Partnership or Individual (17A-34)
[ ]
3. Copy of the lease agreement.
[ ]
4. Each corporate officer, shareholder, and director must submit
a. Certification of Personnel (17A-11)
b. Individual Personal Affidavit (17A-27)
c. Completed fingerprint card and $51 fingerprint processing fee.
[ ]
5. Pharmacist-in-charge must submit a Certification of Personnel (17A-11)
-7American LegalNet, Inc.
Fingerprint Requirements
California Residents
The board will only accept Live Scan Service Forms from California residents.
Complete a Live Scan Request form and take all 3 copies to a Live Scan site for fingerprint
scanning. Please refer to the Instructions for completing a "Request for Live Scan Service"
form. Live Scan sites are located throughout California. For more information about locating a
Live Scan site near you, visit the Department of Justice website at or the sources listed on the bottom of the
instructions for completing a "Request for Live Scan Service" form.
The lower portion of the Live Scan Request form must be completed by the Live Scan operator
verifying that your prints have been scanned and all applicable fees have been paid. Attach the
second copy of the form to your application and submit to the board.
Non California Residents
If an owner, partner, corporate officer, major shareholder or director reside out of state they must
submit rolled fingerprints on cards provided by the board and include a separate fee of $51 ($32
California Department of Justice (DOJ) fee and $19 FBI fingerprint processing fee). (Live Scan
processing fees are paid directly at the Live Scan site.) You may contact the board to request
fingerprint cards at (916) 574-7900. You may also request cards on our website at
Fingerprints submitted on cards should be taken by a person professionally trained in the rolling
of prints. Fingerprint clearances from cards take approximately six weeks (live scan is faster).
Poor quality prints may result in rejection and will substantially delay licensing as additional
fingerprint cards will be required from you for processing.
The board will only accept fingerprint cards from residents outside of California.
17M-45 (1/08)
-8American LegalNet, Inc.