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Time-Share Plan Public Report Form. This is a California form and can be use in Bureau Of Real Estate Statewide.
Tags: Time-Share Plan Public Report, RE 618C, California Statewide, Bureau Of Real Estate
RE 618C (Rev. 11 /16 ) Department of Real Estate of the State of California F INAL C ONDITIONAL T IME - S HARE P LAN P UBLIC R EPORT Single - Site Time - Share Plan Multi - Site Time - Share Plan (Specific Time - Sha re Interest) Multi - Site Time - Share Plan (Non - Specific Time - Share Interest) In the matter of the application of F ILE N O . I SSUED : AMENDED / RENEWED : E XPIRES : for a Time - Share Plan Public Report on D EPA RTMENT OF R EAL E STATE by Signature Printed Name CONSUMER INFORMATION (If checked) The attached Public Report issued by the State of (if applicable) has been accepted, pursuant to Section 11227(i) of the B&P Code, in lieu of a public report prepared for the State of California pursuant to Section 11234 of the B&P Code. This report is not a recommendation or endorsement of the time - share plan; it is informative only. Buyer or lessee must sign that (s)he has received and read this report. This report expires on the date shown above. All material changes must be reporte d to the Department of Real Estate. (Refer to Section 11226(f) of the B&P Code; and Chapter 6, Title 10 of the California Administrative Code, Regulation 2806.) Some material changes may require amendment of the Public Report. Section 12920 of the Californ ia Government Code provides that the practice of discrimination in housing accommodations on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, domestic partnership, national origin, physical handicap, ancestry, gender identity, gender expression, se xual orientation, familial status, source of income, disability, or genetic information is against public policy. Under Section 125.6 of the B&P Code, California real estate licensees are subject to disciplinary action by the Real Estate Commissioner if th ey discriminate or make any distinction or restriction in negotiating the sale or lease of real property because of the race, color, sex, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sexual orient ation, or physical handicap of the client. If any prospective buyer or lessee believes that a licensee is guilty of such conduct, (s)he should contact the Department of Real Estate. Read the entire report on the following pages before contracting to buy o r lease an interest in this time - share plan. American LegalNet, Inc.