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CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9821 Business Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95827 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 26000, Sacramento, CA 95826 800.321.CSLB (2752) | | 13A-1 (rev. 06/17) IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING CONVICTIONS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Failure to accurately report a conviction (except as explained below) may result in an application being denied. In this notice and on the application, the term 223conviction224 includes pleading guilty or nolo contendere (223no contest224) or being convicted by a court of any misdemeanor or felony in this state or elsewhere. As part of the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) application process and as required by law, you must be fingerprinted if you have not been fingerprinted by CSLB before or if your previous fingerprint record was purged by CSLB due to a voided application; disassociated, revoked, or cancelled license or registration; or for some other reason. After an application is accepted by CSLB as complete (also known as 223posted224), the applicant will be sent instructions on the process for obtaining and submitting fingerprints, usually via live scan electronic transmission. Your fingerprints will be compared to the records of the California Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If you have ever been convicted of a crime, your criminal record information will be reported to CSLB. This includes DUIs and other Vehicle Code violations resulting in a conviction. Even if you pled 223no contest,224 had the conviction set aside, or judgment deferred pursuant to Penal Code sections 1000 or 1203.4 (commonly understood as 223expunged224), the past conviction will still be reported to CSLB and must be disclosed on the application. However, some convictions or charges should NOT be disclosed, including the following: Convictions that were adjudicated in the juvenile court; Convictions under California Health and Safety Code sections 11357 (b), (c), (d), or (e) or section 11360 (b) that are two years old or older; and Charges that were dismissed as the result of successful completion of a deferred entry of judgment program (diversion program) under California Penal Code section 1000.3. If you have ever been convicted of a crime (except in the three circumstances outlined above), you should answer 223Yes224 to the criminal conviction question on the application and provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances resulting in your conviction. To help ensure that you provide the required information, you should complete and submit the Disclosure Statement Regarding Criminal Plea/Conviction form that is available on CSLB222s website on the Forms and Applications page. Applicants with criminal convictions are not automatically denied licensure 226 each application is reviewed individually based on the applicable sections of law. When reviewing criminal convictions, CSLB considers factors such as the nature and severity of the crimes, the amount of time that has passed since the convictions, and any evidence of rehabilitation submitted by the applicant. For rehabilitation evaluation, pursuant to Title 16, California Code of Regulations section 869, CSLB is generally looking for three (3) years to have passed after a misdemeanor conviction and seven (7)years to have passed after a felony conviction, without further violations of law. Thesetimeframes are calculated from the applicant222s date of release from incarceration or from the end ofprobation if no time was served and are subject to reduction or extension based on several factors,including the nature of the applicant222s conviction history as a whole. In addition, any type ofconviction could be considered substantially related to the qualifications or duties of a contractorwhen evaluated in the context of the applicant222s entire conviction record.Failure to accurately report any and all disclosable convictions may be grounds for denial of your application. If your application is denied, you will be notified of the earliest date when you may re-apply, which will vary based upon the facts of each case, from one (1) to five (5) years from the effective date of the denial. (Business and Professions Code sections 486 and 7073) American LegalNet, Inc. CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9821 Business Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95827 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 26000, Sacramento, CA 95826 800.321.CSLB (2752) | | 13A-1 (rev. 06/17) IMPORTANT NOTICE Dear Applicant: Enclosed is the application you requested from the Contractors State License Board (CSLB). Please be aware that nearly half of all applications submitted to CSLB are inaccurate or incomplete and must be returned to the applicant for correction or completion! Please complete your application in its entirety to help ensure that your application is accepted for processing by CSLB.After an application has been accepted by CSLB as complete (also known as 223posted224), the applicant will be sent instructions on the process for obtaining and submitting fingerprints, as required by law. (Business and Professions Code sections 144 and 7069) An incomplete application can needlessly delay your license. Delays can last several weeks or even months and possibly result in the application being deemed abandoned and becoming void and the application fee being forfeited. (Business and Professions Code sections 7074 and 7138 and Title 16, California Code of Regulations section 813) Spending a few extra minutes now may save you weeks or months later! Before you submit your application, follow these simple directions. Sign the form.Fill out all applicable information. Make sure you submit Certification of Work Experience forms that havebeen filled out completely, ensuring that you have provided four (4) yearsof applicable experience in the classification for which you are applying.Carefully read the General Information and Instructions that immediately precede the application package and follow the specific instructions that are contained throughout the application to help ensure that your application is complete and accurate. Please be aware that there are no schools or application preparation organizations that are affiliated with or agents of CSLB, although some may have company names that are confusingly similar to CSLB. If you discover that an organization has misrepresented itself as being CSLB, you should submit a complaint to CSLB or the California Department of Consumer Affairs. Official CSLB examination study guides are available free of charge on CSLB222s website and are mailed to applicants when they are scheduled for exams. American LegalNet, Inc. CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9821 Business Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95827 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 26000, Sacramento, CA 95826 800.321.CSLB (2752) | | Please detach this General Information and Instructions portion before submitting the completed application package to CSLB. 13A-1 (rev. 06/17)General Information and Instructions 226 Page 1 of 9 APPLICATION FOR ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE General Information and Instructions GENERAL INFORMATION Listed below is general information to assist you as you complete the attached application. Detailed instructions are also provided that address the content of the application section by section. Please refer to the Applicants page on the Contractors State License Board222s (CSLB) website ( for more detailed information about the licensing process. Do not submit this General Information and Instructions portion with your completed application 226 the actual application begins immediately following this section on Application 226 Page 1 of 4 and includes the Certification of Work Experience and the Owner-Builder B-General Building Construction Project Experience form, if needed. Before you submit your application, please review and be sure you have complied with the following items. Enclose the nonrefundable $330 application fee with your completed applica