Beer Brand Registration
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Beer Brand Registration Form. This is a California form and can be use in Department Of Alcoholic Beverage Control Statewide.
Tags: Beer Brand Registration, ABC-412, California Statewide, Department Of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Department of Alcoholic Beverage ControlBEER BRAND REGISTRATION 1. MANUFACTURER'S LEGAL NAME2. CALIFORNIA ABC LICENSE NUMBERPending3. MANUFACTURER'S ADDRESS (Street number and name, city, state, zip code)4. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NUMBERPending5. EMAIL ADDRESS6. IS PRODUCT CONTRACT BREWED?YesNo If Yes, complete question #7. If No, skip to question #8.7. CONTRACTOR'S TRUE NAME (NOT "DBA" or Fictitious Business Name)8. IS MANUFACTURER USING A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME (FBN) ON LABEL?(If not previously provided, include a copy of the filed FBN)YesNo If Yes, complete question #9. If No, skip to question #10 9. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME (FBN) 10. HAS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT BEEN FILED WITH THE APPROPRIATE COUNTY?YesNo11. BRAND NAME. (IF ANY OF THE BRANDS LISTED BELOW INVOLVE MORE THAN ONE BREWER IN A COLLABORATIVE CLASS OR TYPEALCOHOL OR JOINT VENTURE, LIST THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF EACH BEER MANUFACTURER NEXT TO THE BRAND NAME.) (i.e. lager; ale; stout;PERCENTAGE etc.) (By volume) 12. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE13. DATE SIGNEDABC-412 (1/1) See additional instructions, ABC - 412 Instructions. Completed forms can be emailed to: Or sent to the address below: Alcoholic Beverage Control Attn: Price Posting 3927 Lennane Drive, Ste. 100 Sacramento, CA 95834 State of California Governor American LegalNet, Inc.