Notice Of Intended Transfer Of Retail Alcoholic Beverage License Under Section 24071.1 OR 24071.2
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Notice Of Intended Transfer Of Retail Alcoholic Beverage License Under Section 24071.1 OR 24071.2 Form. This is a California form and can be use in Department Of Alcoholic Beverage Control Statewide.
Tags: Notice Of Intended Transfer Of Retail Alcoholic Beverage License Under Section 24071.1 OR 24071.2, ABC-227-A, California Statewide, Department Of Alcoholic Beverage Control
RECORDING REQUESTED BY WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: NAME MAILING ADDRESS (Street number and name) CITY STATE ZIP CODE DO NOT WRITE IN THE SPACE ABOVE. Government Code Section 27361.6 reserves space above for exclusive use of County Recorder. NOTICE OF INTENDED TRANSFER OF RETAIL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE UNDER SECTION 24071.1 OR 24071.2 CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE Read instructions before completing. Notice pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 24071.1 (Corporate Stock Ownership) is hereby given that Issuance of stock Transfer of stock Has been made and the alcoholic beverage license is about to be transferred to the corporation, as newly constituted. Notice pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 24071.1 Is about to be made (Limited Partnership Ownership) is hereby given that A new general partner Has been added 50 percent or more of the capitol or profits of the partnership Has been transferred and the alcoholic beverage license is about to be transferred to the partnership, as newly constituted. Notice pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 24071.2 Is about to be added Is about to be transferred (Limited Liability Company Ownership) is hereby given that Issuance of membership interest Has been made Transfer of membership interest Is about to be made and the alcoholic beverage license is about to be transferred to the company, as newly constituted. 1. LICENSEE(S) NAME(S) 2. FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 3. ADDRESS TO WHICH LICENSE IS ISSUED (Street number and name, city, zip code) 4. KIND OF LICENSE INTENDED TO BE TRANSFERRED 5. NAME OF PERSON(S) SELLING OWNERSHIP 6. BUSINESS ADDRESS OF PERSON(S) SELLING OWNERSHIP 7. NAME OF PERSON(S) ACQUIRING STOCK, CAPITAL OR PROFITS 8. BUSINESS ADDRESS OF PERSON(S) ACQUIRING STOCK, CAPITAL OR PROFITS 9. CONSIDERATION PAID FOR STOCK, CAPITAL OR PROFITS $ PRINTED NAME TITLE SIGNATURE (For the applicant) DATE SIGNED One copy of this notice, CERTIFIED by the County Recorder, together with an additional copy must accompany the application for the transfer of the license. ABC-227-A (11/99) State of California, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control American LegalNet, Inc.