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Medicare Certification Civil Rights Information Request Form. This is a California form and can be use in Department Of Health And Human Services Statewide.
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Tags: Medicare Certification Civil Rights Information Request, California Statewide, Department Of Health And Human Services
OMB Number: 0990-0243
Expiration Date: 06/30/2007
Medicare Certification Civil Rights Information Request Form
Please return the completed, signed Civil Rights Information Request form and the required attachments with your other
Medicare Provider Application Materials.
a. CMS Medicare Provider Number: ________________________________
b. Name and Address of Facility: __________________________________
Administrator's Name _________________________________________
d. Contact Person ______________________________________________
(If different from Administrator)
e. Telephone _____________________ TDD _________________________
E-mail _________________________ FAX ________________________
g. Type of Facility _______________________________________________
(e.g., Home Health Agency, Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, etc.)
h. Number of employees: _______________
i. Corporate Affiliation __________________________________________ (if the facility is now or will be owned and
operated by a corporate chain or multi-site business entity, identify the entity.)
j. Reason for Application _________________________________________
(Initial Medicare Certification, change of ownership, etc.)
American LegalNet, Inc.
To ensure accuracy, please consult the technical assistance materials ( in
developing your responses.
Two original signed copies of the form HHS-690, Assurance of Compliance
1. (
A copy should be kept by your facility.
Nondiscrimination Policies and Notices
Please see Nondiscrimination Policies and Notices ( for the
regulations and technical assistance.
A copy of your written notice(s) of nondiscrimination, that provide for admission and services
2. without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, or age, as required by Federal law.
Generally, an EEO policy is not sufficient to address admission and services.
A description of the methods used by your facility to disseminate your nondiscrimination
notice(s) or policy. If published, also identify the extent to which and to whom such
policies/notices are published (e.g., general public, employees, patients/residents, community
organizations, and referral sources) consistent with requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.
Copies of brochures or newspaper articles. If publication is one of the methods used to
disseminate the policies/notices, these copies must be attached.
A copy of facility admissions policy or policies.
Communication with Persons Who Are Limited English Proficient (LEP)
Please see Communication with Persons Who Are Limited English Proficient (LEP)
( for technical assistance. For information on the obligation to take
reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to LEP persons, including guidance on what constitutes vital
written materials, and HHS' "Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI
Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons," available at . This guidance is also available at , along with other
helpful information pertaining to language services for LEP persons.
A description (or copy) of procedures used by your facility to effectively communicate with
persons who have limited English proficiency, including:
1. How you identify individuals who are LEP and in need of language assistance.
2. How language assistance measures are provided (for both oral and written communication) to
persons who are LEP, consistent with Title VI requirements.
3. How LEP persons are informed that language assistance services are available.
A list of all vital written materials provided by your facility, and the languages for which they
are available. Examples of such materials may include consent and complaint forms; intake forms
with the potential for important consequences; written notices of eligibility criteria, rights, denial,
7. loss, or decreases in benefits or services; applications to participate in a recipient's program or
activity or to receive recipient benefits or service; and notices advising LEP persons of free
language assistance.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Auxiliary Aids and Services for Persons with Disabilities
Please see Auxiliary Aids and Services for Persons with Disabilities ( for
technical assistance.
A description (or copy) of the procedures used to communicate effectively with individuals
who are deaf, hearing impaired, blind, visually impaired or who have impaired sensory,
manual or speaking skills, including:
1. How you identify such persons and how you determine whether interpreters or other assistive
services are needed.
2. Methods of providing interpreter and other services during all hours of operation as
necessary for effective communication with such persons.
3. A list of available auxiliary aids and services, and how persons are informed that interpreters
or other assistive services are available.
4. The procedures used to communicate with deaf or hearing impaired persons over the
telephone, including TTY/TDD or access to your State Relay System, and the telephone
number of your TTY/TDD or your State Relay System.
Procedures used by your facility to disseminate information to patients/residents and
9. potential patients/residents about the existence and location of services and facilities that
are accessible to persons with disabilities.
Requirements for Facilities with 15 or More Employees
Please see Requirements for Facilities with 15 or More Employees ( for
technical assistance.
For recipients with 15 or more employees: the name/title and telephone number of the
10. Section 504 coordinator.
For recipients with 15 or more employees: A copy or description of your facility's procedure
11. for handling disability discrimination grievances.
Age Discrimination Act Requirements
Please see Age Discrimination Act Requirements ( for technical
assistance, and for information on permitted exceptions.
A description or copy of any policy (ies) or practice(s) restricting or limiting admissions or
services provided by your facility on the basis of age. If such a policy or practice exists, please
12. submit an explanation of any exception/exemption that may apply. In certain narrowly defined
circumstances, age restrictions are permitted.
After review, an authorized official must sign and date the certification below. Please ensure that complete
responses to all information/data requests are provided. Failure to provide the information/data requested may
delay your facility's certification for funding.
Certification: I certify that the information provided to the Office for Civil Rights is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge.
Signature of Authorized Official: ________________________________
Title of Authorized Official: __________________________________________
Date: _________________
American LegalNet, Inc.