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Notice Of Intention (Common Interest) (Part I) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Department Of Real Estate Statewide.
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State of California
Department of Real Estate
Serving Californians Since 1917
Notice of Intention (Common Interest)
RE 624 Part I (Rev. 12/08)
General Information
This is an application for a subdivision public report for a common interest subdivision (condominium, planned development, community
apartment, or undivided interest).
This application is required for a final public report. It may also be used to apply for a conditional public report or for a preliminary
public report.
Please see the Special Note relating to conditional public reports on page 2.
You may apply for a preliminary public report by using RE 603, but you must use this form (RE 624) to apply for the final public report.
The main feature of the preliminary public report is that it will normally be issued within 14 working days after receipt of an application,
if there are no deficiencies.
Part I Index
I. Who Must Apply… ………………………………
II. The Application (RE 624)… ………………………
A. Part I — Instructions… ………………………
B. Part II — Index/Quantitative Deficiency
C. Part III — Questionnaire… …………………
D. Project Narrative………………………………
III. Methods of Filing for Final Public Reports… ……
A. Minimum Filing Package (MFP)… …………
B. Substantially Complete Application (SCA)…
IV. All Documents Must Be Tabbed/Hole-Punched…
V. Application Processing… …………………………
VI. Filing Fees…………………………………………
VII. Where to File Your Application……………………
XVIII. Typed Preliminary Public Report (RE 603C)… …
IX. Final Public Reports… ……………………………
X. Communication with the Department… …………
XI. Single Responsible Party… ………………………
XII. DRE Publications… ………………………………
A. Subdivision Industry Bulletin…………………
B. Real Estate Law Book… ……………………
C. Subdivision Public Report
Application (SPRAG)…………………………
XIII. Request for Budget Review - RE 681… …………
XIV. Duplicate Budget Package…………………………
XV. Explanation of Phasing Options……………………
XVI. Receipt for Public Report — Regulation 2795.1…
Prospective Purchaser to Receive Report… ………
XVII. Regulations Regarding Use of Public Report… …
XVIII. Documents to be Delivered… ……………………
XIX. Final Documents… ………………………………
XX. Abandonment of Application for Public Report…
RE Forms
The following real estate forms are for your reference and may be
listed by number and/or name in this Notice of Intention. Forms
marked with an “*” are part of the RE 624 Packet.
Publications Request*
Blanket Surety Bond [§11013.2/.4]
Preliminary Public Report – Application Instructions
Preliminary Public Report Common Interest Subdivision
Subdivision Filing Fees*
Consent to Service of Process (Public Report, or Outof-State Registration)
[608 = individual; partnership; corporation; limited
liability company; 608A = Out-of-State Trustee]
Instructions to Escrow (Promotional Gifts)
Bond (Completion of Common Facilities)*
Planned Construction Statement*
Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit [B&P §11018.5(a)
Reservation Instrument*
Reservation Deposit Handling Agreement*
Common Area Completion Security Agreement and
Instructions to Escrow Depository - [§11018.5(a)(2)]
Receipt for Public Report
Master Management Document Information
Declaration of Approved MMDs
Approval of Master Management Documents
Escrow Instructions [§11018.5(a)]
Budget Worksheet*
Notice of Intention (Common Interest)*
HOA Common Facilities*
Special District and Special Assessment District
Master Planned Community Information
Set-Aside Letter [§11018.5(a)(2)]
Supplemental Questionnaire (Common Interest Subdivision Conversion)*
Assessment Security Agreement and Instructions to
Detach and retain Part I for reference.
The Department of Real Estate does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, martial
status, domestic partnership, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability in employment or the provision of services.
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Escrow Depository [Reg. 2792.9]*
Subsidy Security Agreement and Instructions to Escrow
Depository [Reg. 2792.10]
Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
Surety Bond (Regulation 2792.9)
Surety Bond (Regulation 2792.10)
Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit (Reg. 2792.10)
Common Interest Subdivision General Information
Regulation Check Sheet [RE 624 & 658 Filings]*
Budget Review Request*
Certification (Approved Budget)*
Set-Aside Letter [Regulation 2792.10]
Set-Aside Letter (Regulation 2792.9)
Subdivision Forms Request*
Certification (Subsequent Phases of a Phased Project)
Certification (Mutual Water Company)
Certification (Totally Complete Filing – Common Interest)
Special Note
Conditional Public Reports
Under California B&P Code §11018.12(d), a person may sell or
lease, or offer for sale or lease, lots or parcels in a subdivision
pursuant to a conditional public report if, as a condition of the
sale or lease, delivery of legal title or other interest contracted
for will not take place until issuance of a final public report and
other specified conditions are satisfied. §11018.12(f) requires a
subdivider or principal to provide a prospective purchaser with a
copy of the conditional public report and a written statement with
certain specified information.
Section 11018.12(h) provides that the term of a conditional public
report shall not exceed 6 months, but the report may be renewed for
one additional six-month period if the Commissioner determines
that the requirements for issuance of a public report are likely to
be satisfied during the renewal term.
Section 11018.12(i) provides that the term of a conditional public report for attached residential condominium units, as defined
pursuant to Section 783 of the Civil Code, consisting of 25 units
or more as specified on the approved tentative tract map, shall not
exceed 30 months and may be renewed for one additional term of
six months if the commissioner determines that the requirements
for issuance of a public report are likely to be satisfied during the
renewal term.
In addition to the items required for a final public report, an applicant for a conditional public report should submit:
for use in sales conducted under authority of the conditional
public report.
Who Must Apply
This application must be filed and a subdivision public report
must be obtained before offering for sale or lease, in California,
five or more interests in a common interest subdivision. (See
Section 11000 et seq., of the Business and Professions Code
for further details.)
The Application (RE 624)
A. Part I — Instructions
Part I is instructions to the applicant on how to complete
the form. Detach Part I before submitting the remainder.
Retain Part I for your reference.
You are encouraged to obtain and use the Subdivision
Public Report Application Guide (SPRAG). See page 5
for information about SPRAG.
B. Part II — Index/Quantitative Deficiency Notice
(c) Exemplar sales agreements and escrow instructions designed
RE 624 Part I
Part II has three distinct functions and uses:
1. The applicant uses Part II to determine which documents are required for a “minimum filing package”
and for a “substantially complete application.”
2. The applicant also uses Part II as an index for tabbing documents which are being submitted with the
3. The Department of Real Estate uses Part II as a
“quantitative deficiency notice” to communicate
what further documentation, if any, is required of the
applicant for a substantially complete application.
After receiving a quantitative deficiency notice, all additional documents required in a substantially complete
application must be submitted together, at one time, with
the deficiency notice on top. If documentation is submitted
piecemeal, it will be returned.
C. Part III — Questionnaire
Part III contains questions about the subdivision project
and requests that various kinds of supporting documentation, as applicable, be submitted.
Answer all questions. If an item is not applicable, mark
it NA.
If you do not understand a question, please consult SPRAG,
or contact your title company, your attorney or the Department.
If you cannot answer a question because your project plans
are not finalized, do not leave the question unanswered;
do not submit your application until your plans are finalized.
(a) The required fee;
(b) A statement identifying the information required for issuance
of the final public report which is not to be available when the
conditional public report is issued and specifying why that
information will not be available at the time of issuance of
the conditional public report; and
This is a three-part form - Instructions, Index, and Questionnaire.
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D. Project Narrative
If the project for which a Notice of Intention is being
submitted has unusual or noteworthy aspects, processing
of the submittal may be considerably simplified, and processing time thus shortened, if a cover letter is included
which describes the offering and highlights the unusual
or noteworthy aspects thereof.
included in the substantially complete application.)
IV. All Documents Must Be Tabbed/Hole-Punched
In order to efficiently process the application file, we require
that all incoming documents, including those submitted after the
original submittal, be tabbed with the item numbers shown in
Part II, column one. Use heavy stock or fabric tabs, not plastic
or paper tabs. Each tab must show the document’s precise item
Place the tabs on the right side of the documents. Do not place
them all in the same location, but stagger them up and down
the right-side page edges. Do not place tabs on the upper two
inches of the documents.
The entire submittal package must be hole-punched as shown
in Figure B on page 10.
Methods of Filing for Final Public Reports
When applying for a final public report, submit a minimum
filing package (MFP) or a substantially complete application
A. Minimum Filing Package (MFP)
The Department will accept an application filing only if
all of the following requirements are met:
• the filing fee is submitted
• the Index (Part II) is completed
• the Questionnaire (Part III) is completed
• all documents submitted are legible, tabbed with the
appropriate item number, and hole-punched
• the required documents are submitted
The Department requires that all original applications
include a minimum amount of supporting documentation
in order to be accepted. This requirement is met by submitting all documents requested by those questions of Parts II
and III that are marked with an asterisk (*). If a question
does not apply, mark it NA. However, if an asterisked
question does apply, you must submit the documentation
A preliminary public report can also be processed, if
requested, after a minimum filing package is submitted.
There is not statutory time limit regarding issuance of a
preliminary public report. However, no further processing
of a minimum filing package for a final public report will
occur until the filing is substantially complete.
• Do not hole-punch original public report drafts or
• Do not staple management documents together. They
may be fastened by ACCO fastener.
No other processing of a minimum filing package for a
final public report will occur until the filing is substantially
If MFP requirements are met, the DRE will accept the
filing as a Notice Of Intention and will continue processing to determine if the filing is a substantially complete
Note: • Be sure to tab and hole-punch any documents submitted
after the initial submittal of the application.
If the minimum filing package requirements are not met,
the application and filing fee will be returned.
B. Substantially Complete Application (SCA)
A substantially complete application includes:
• A minimum filing package
• Most other documentation required for the issuance of
a final public report. (Matching answers in columns
two and three of Part II will indicate what is to be
RE 624 Part I
A duplicate budget package with duplicate copies
of materials related to the homeowners’ association
Application Processing
Substantially complete applications are processed on a firstcome first-served basis. Under the legislative time frames in
Business and Professions Code Section 11010.2, the Department will complete the initial review to verify that the filing
is substantially complete within 10 days. Within 60 days after
the file is determined to be substantially complete, a qualitative
deficiency notice showing legal, budget and other deficiencies
will be sent. The comprehensive response to the qualitative
deficiency submitted by the “single responsible party” will be
reviewed within 30 days after receipt thereof at DRE. After
all corrections are made and final documents (e.g., recorded
documents, bonds, etc.) are submitted, i.e., when the file is
“perfected,” the final public report will be issued within 15
VI. Filing Fees
See Subdivision Filing Fees (RE 605).
VII. Where to File Your Application
There are two DRE Subdivision Offices. Each office processes
applications for subdivisions being developed in certain counties
as shown below. Please submit your application to the correct
office. Note: In rare instances DRE may transfer appli ations
to the other District Office for processing. You will be advised
should your file be transferred.
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The following counties are covered by the Southern office:
Los Angeles
San Bernardino
San Diego
Santa Barbara
Subdivisions Office - South
320 W. 4th Street, Suite 350
Los Angeles, CA 90013-1105
Telephone: (213) 576-6983
All Other Counties are covered by the Northern office:
Subdivisions Office - North
2201 Broadway
P.O. Box 187005
Sacramento, CA 95818-7005
Telephone: (916) 227-0813
E. Reservation Money Handling — Add the name and street
address of the escrow depository. Do not use a post office
IX. Final Public Reports
VIII. Typed Preliminary Public Report (RE 603C)
Follow the instructions listed below to complete RE 603C.
Submit the original and three pink copies of the typed preliminary public report.
A. Subdivision Information — Enter the name of applicant,
tract or map name and number, advertising name, and
county only. DRE will complete the file number, issuance
date, and expiration date fields.
B. Location and Size — This subdivision contains (#) lots
or units on (#) acres and is located at (street address or
cross streets) within the city limits of (city/town) or approximately (#) miles from (city/town).
C. Type of Subdivision — Choose one of the following to
indicate the type of subdivision (project):
Community Apartment
Condominium Conversion
Planned Development
Planned Development Mobile Home
D. Interest To Be Conveyed (page 2) — Choose the appropriate phrase below, fill in the blanks and enter the phrase on
page 2. (If none of the statements below is representative
of your offering, rephrase the statement and explain the
reasons in a cover letter.)
1. Condominium or Condominium Conversion
You will receive fee title to a specified unit and an
undivided fractional interest as a tenant-in-common
in the common area together with a membership in
the ____________ Association and rights to use the
common area(s).
2. Planned Development or Planned Development
Mobile Home
You will receive fee title to a specified lot together
with a membership in ___________Association and
rights to use the common area(s).
3. Community Apartment
RE 624 Part I
You will receive an undivided interest in all the
property and an exclusive right to occupy a specified
Common interest subdivision final public reports are typed at
both the Northern and Southern Subdivision Offices. Public
reports will automatically be mailed to the entity designated
as the single responsible party in this application, unless DRE
is notified otherwise.
Communication with the Department
When corresponding with the Department about a file or when
sending in deficiencies, always reference the DRE application
file number and the name of the Deputy assigned. Prior to the
file being SCA, it will be assigned to the Central Control (CC)
You are advised to make copies of all documents submitted
and to retain them for your reference.
Always submit correspondence and deficiency corrections,
under the Deficiency Notices, to the Office indicated on the
Deficiency Notice. Do not submit correspondence piecemeal
and do not submit deficiency corrections to the office that is
not processing your application.
XI. Single Responsible Party
In order to process your application expeditiously we request
that a “single responsible party” be designated in Part III.
Normally, all communication from the DRE regarding your
application will be through this person (preparers of management documents and/or homeowners’ association budgets may
be contacted if needed). Other parties having an interest in
the application should contact the single responsible party for
status information, rather than the DRE. In addition, copies
of all written communications to the single responsible party
will be sent to the subdivider.
Submit 20 self-sticking address labels for the single responsible
party for the filing and another 20 labels for the subdivider.
Submit 5 additional labels for the SRP and another 5 for the
subdivider with the duplicate budget package. Complete the
labels as shown below:
Mr. John Smith
Smith Title Company
123 Main Street
Anywhere, CA 90000
XII. DRE Publications
A. Subdivision Industry Bulletin
The Department publishes a newsletter which includes
the latest in subdivision procedures, regulations, form
changes, etc. The Subdivison Industry Bulletin is availPage 4 of 11
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in Part II, column 1. Use heavy stock or fabric tabs, not
plastic or paper tabs. Each tab must show the document’s
precise item number.
able on the DRE Web site,, by clicking
on the Publications tab.
B. Real Estate Law Book
The Real Estate Law Book is available free of charge on
our Web site,, by clicking on the Publications tab. Use RE 350 to order a hard copy of the Real
Estate Law Book.
C. Subdivision Public Report Application (SPRAG)
The Guide is a compilation of detailed instructions on
how to apply for a public report plus an item-by-item
analysis of RE 624 and 628, Notices of Intention, and the
documentation which must be submitted with each. The
Guide should prove to be a valuable tool for anyone who
submits applications.
The SPRAG is also available free of charge on our Web
site,, by clicking on the Publications tab.
Use RE 350 to order a hard copy of the SPRAG.
Place the tabs on the appropriate side of the documents
(see Figure B on page 10). Do not place them all in the
same location, but stagger them up and down the side of
the page. Do not place tabs on the upper 2 inches of the
Attach a completed RE 681 to the outside front of a sidetabbed, legal-sized, manila folder. Attach all the DBP
documents inside as shown in Figure B on page 10; attach
the documents, two-hole punched, with an Acco fastener.
Do not obscure any writing/drawing on the documents
when attaching them to the folder.
The items to be included in the duplicate budget package are,
as applicable:
The Guide is NOT copyrighted. You may reproduce it if
you wish.
Fill out the RE 681 as shown in Figure A on page 9 and attach
it to the front of the duplicate budget package folder.
Items – pertain to the subdivision itself, not to the subdivider’s address particulars.
D. Operating Cost Manual
The Operating Cost Manual is available on our DRE Web
site,, by clicking on the Publications tab.
Use RE 350 to order a hard copy of the Operating Cost
XIII. Request for Budget Review - RE 681
XIV. Duplicate Budget Package
A substantially complete application must include a duplicate
budget package (DBP). All items included in the DBP are
duplicates of items in the main file, except RE 681. These
duplicate items are indicated by the note (cc for DBP) in Part
III. The DBP allows simultaneous processing of your applica
tion by Deputies and of the budget by DRE’s Budget Review
The duplicate budget package must be submitted complete,
with all documents included. Do not submit the duplicate
budget package until all required documents are included.
If the filing is a subsequent phase (or map) in a phased or
multiple-map project, certain items may be deleted from the
duplicate budget package for the subsequent phase (or map).
However, any pages from the below-listed doc ments, which
show changes must be submitted with the changes red-lined.
Obviously, any item which was not included in the phase one
(Master File) duplicate budget package may not be deleted,
even if it is among the items listed.
Items which might be deleted include: (Note: These items
may be deleted from the subsequent phase duplicate budget
package only. See Part II, page 1, Use of Master File, relative
to subsequent phase application package preparation.)
The duplicate budget package is not required as part of the
minimum filing package, but it is required for a substantially
complete application.
The DBP is to be set up as follows:
In order to efficiently process the DBP, we require that all
incoming documents, including those submitted after the
original submittal, be tabbed with the item numbers shown
RE 624 Part I
Completed RE 681 (Do not tab. Fasten to outside of
Five address labels for both the SRP and subdivider
Vicinity Map (Copy of item 30)
Tract/Parcel Map (Copy of item 27)
Condominium Plan (Copy of item 28)
Plot Plan (Copy of item 29)
Conditions of Approval (local agency)
A copy of the Part III Questionnaire (Do not tab)
RE 611A, if applicable (Copy of item 32B)
RE 623 (Copy of item 37)
Future phases information (Copy of items 38A-38C)
RE 624A (Copy of item 31A)
RE 639 including all documents required by RE 639 (Copy
of item 33, conversions only)
Subsidy/Maintenance Agreement and Accounting Procedure (Copy of item 34)
Contracts Obligating HOA. (Copy of item 35)
Use/easement agreements (miscellaneous documents)
Bylaws (Copy of item 45)
CC&Rs (Copy of item 47)
Proposed Declaration of Annexation (Copy of item 49)
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RE 624 (except pages with changes)
Articles of Incorporation
• Tract Map
• Phasing Plan
For the above items which are not submitted in the subsequent
phase (or map) DBP, mark Master File in column five of Part
II, on page 7 .
XV. Explanation of Phasing Options
It is imperative that the "master file” DRE File Number
be prominently shown on the subsequent phase (or map)
duplicate budget package.
and establishment of reserves to defray the costs to
repair, replace, or add to major com onents of the
common areas and facilities for which the Association
is responsible.
If this is a subsequent phase (or subsequent map) filing and if
the budget for this phase was accepted by DRE within the last
24 months and if there is absolutely no change in the offering,
including the phasing plan, from that which was approved,
you may submit RE 684A, Certification (Reviewed Budget),
in lieu of a duplicate budget package.
If an Association has been formed, the following information
should be included in the budget package submitted for subsequent phases in a phased project (or for subsequent maps
in a multiple-map project or for subsequent maps/phases in
a phased multiple-map project). The information must also
be submitted with renewal and/or amendment filings. (See
Operating Cost Manual for more information.
A. The Association’s most recently audited financial statements
for the past year or from start-up, whichever is less, and a yearto-date statement. (If the reserve study, item 4 below, is not
available, submit financial statements for the past two years,
or from start-up, whichever is less.)
B. A copy of the Association’s current budget. If the Association has approved the budget for the next fiscal year, also
include next year’s budget and indicate the commencement
date for the fiscal year.
C. A statement from the Association showing the dollar
amount of past due delinquencies. The statement should
indicate what assessments are due from the subdivider or
should indicate that the subdivider is current in assessment
D. A copy of the following information which is required to
be distributed to the membership per Civil Code Section
1365 commonly referred to as a reserve study:
1. The estimated revenue and expenses on an accrual
2. The amount of the total cash reserves of the Association currently available for replacement or major
repair of common facilities and for contingencies.
3. An itemized estimate of remaining life of, and the
methods of funding to defray the costs to repair, replace
or add to, major components of the common areas and
facilities for which the Asso ation is responsible.
4. A general statement setting forth the procedures used
by the Association’s governing body in the calculation
RE 624 Part I
See Figure C on page 11 for a description of the phasing options and a sample of each. (Item 1(M) in Part III asks you to
describe how the lots/units covered by this application relate
to the overall project plan.)
A multiple-map project is characterized by groups of lots/
units offered on more than one map (See Example 1).
A phased project is characterized by groups of lots/units
offered within one map, each group to be covered by a
separate final public report (See Example 2).
Each map of a multiple-map project may itself be developed in phases (See Example 3).
XVI. Receipt for Public Report — Regulation 2795.1
Each prospective purchaser must be given a copy of the public
report for which a receipt must be completed and retained for
three years. A Receipt for Public Report or California Permit
(RE 614E) shall be used by the owner/subdivider (or agent).
(Refer to Figure D on page 12.) A copy of RE 614E will be
provided when the public report is issued.
The receipt is to be kept on file by the subdivider (or the agent)
for three (3) years.
Regulation 2795.1(a) states “A receipt on the form specified herein shall be taken by or on behalf of the subdivider
from each person executing a reservation agreement under authority of a preliminary public report and from each
person who has made a written offer to purchase or lease a
subdivision interest under authority of a final subdivision
public report.”
Subdivision (b) of Regulation 2795.1 provides that the
receipt shall be retained for a period of three years from
the date of the receipt and shall be available for inspection
by DRE during regular business hours.
Section 11018.1 of the Business and Professions Code stipulates
when, and to whom, the subdivider or the subdivider’s agents
or salespersons must give copies of the public report:
Prospective Purchaser to Receive Report
§11018.1.(a) A copy of the public report of the commissioner, when issued, shall be given to the prospective
purchaser by the owner, subdivider or agent prior to the
execution of a binding contract or agreement for the sale
or lease of any lot or parcel in a subdivision. The requirement of this section extends to lots or parcels offered by
the subdivider after repossession. A receipt shall be taken
from the prospective purchaser in a form and manner as
set forth in the regulations of the Real Estate Commissioner.
(b) A copy of the public report shall be given by the owner,
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subdivider or agent at any time, upon oral or written request,
to any member of the public. A copy of the public report
and a statement advising that a copy of the public report
may be obtained from the owner, subdivider or agent at
any time, upon oral or written request, shall be posted in
a conspicuous place at any office where sales or leases
or offers to sell or lease lots within the subdivision are
regularly made.
XVII. Regulations Regarding Use of Public Report
Interests in a subdivision shall not be offered for sale or lease
until the Real Estate Commissioner’s final or conditional public
report thereon has been issued, nor shall a deposit be accepted
on, or an agreement of sale or lease be executed for, any interest
in the subdivision until a copy of the final or conditional public
report thereon has been given to the prospective purchaser and
a receipt taken therefor.
Each purchaser’s signed receipt for a copy of the final public
report shall be kept on file in the possession of the owner/
subdivider (or agent) of the subdivision for three (3) years
subject to inspection at any reasonable time by the Real Estate
Commissioner or his representatives.
No public report shall be used for advertising purposes unless
the report is used in its entirety, nor shall any person advertise
or represent that the Department of Real Estate or the Commissioner approves or recommends the subdivision project
or sale thereof. No portion of the report shall be underscored,
italicized or printed in larger or heavier type than the balance
of the report unless the report issued by the Commissioner is
so emphasized.
Sale of a subdivision interest by the owner, agent or subdivider
after its repossession shall be considered an original sale, and
a copy of the public report shall be given to the purchaser as
in the case of the original sale.
The owner, subdivider or agent shall immediately furnish data
in writing to the Commissioner on any new condition or development in the subdivision being offered for sale. (See Section
2800 of the Commissioner’s Regulations for an enumeration
of material changes that may require amended subdivision
public reports.)
If the owner of the subdivision options or sells five or more
interests to another, such option or sale shall constitute a
material change within the meaning of Section 11012 of the
California Business and Professions Code, and such owner shall
immediately notify the Real Estate Commissioner in writing
of such option or sale. A purchaser of five or more interests
is under obligation to obtain an amended public report before
reselling. (See Regulation 2801.5 for further definition of
When the interest conveyed to purchasers consists of a sublease or lease assignment, the owner, subdivider or agent of
the subdivider shall deliver to each purchaser a copy of the
original lease and any and all modifications, extensions and assignments upon which the interest to be conveyed is based.
The proposed further division of any interest in the subdivision
RE 624 Part I
must be reported to the Real Estate Commissioner pursuant to
Section 11012 and/or 11018.7 of the Business and Professions
Code. (Also, see Regulation 2800.)
A division of any interest in the subdivision into five or more
interests may constitute a new subdivision as defined by Section 11000 et seq. of the Business and Professions Code and a
separate final public report may be required for that offering.
Note: All sections of the Business and Professions Code and the
Commissioner's Regulations (California Code of Regulations) mentioned herein can be found in the Real Estate
Law Book.
Review of Sections 11000 through 11200 of the Business
and Professions Code and Regulations 2790 through 2822
may be of benefit to you.
XVIII. Documents to be Delivered
Pursuant to Section 11018.6 of the Business and Professions
Code, the subdivider of a common interest subdivision must
make certain documents available to prospective purchasers
prior to entering into a purchase contract:
§11018.6. Any person offering to sell or lease any interest subject to the requirements of subdivision (a) of Section 11018.1
(B&P Code) in a subdivision described in Section 11004.5
shall make a copy of each of the following documents available
for examination by a prospective purchaser or lessee before
the execution of an offer to purchase or lease and shall give a
copy thereof to each purchaser or lessee as soon as practicable
before transfer of the interest being acquired by the purchaser
or lessee:
(a) The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
for the subdivision.
(b) Articles of Incorporation or Association for the subdivision
owners association.
(c) Bylaws for the subdivision owners association.
(d) Any other instrument which establishes or defines the
common, mutual, and reciprocal rights, and responsibilities of the owners or lessees of interests in the subdivision
as shareholders or members of the subdivision owners
association or otherwise.
(e) To the extent available, the current financial statement and
related statements specified in Section 1365 of the Civil
Code, for subdivisions subject to those provisions.
(f) A statement prepared by the governing body of the association setting forth the outstanding delinquent assessments
and related charges levied by the association against the
subdivision interests in question under authority of the
governing instruments for the subdivision and association.
Owners of interests in common interest subdivisions must
provide essentially the same documents to potential purchasers
(resales) pursuant to Section 1368 of the Civil Code.
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XIX. Final Documents
After a filing is substantially complete (SCA), a qualitative
deficiency notice is sent to the single respon ible party (SRP)
advising him/her of document revisions and/or submittals
which are required to effect com li nce with real estate law.
p a
Once the revisions/submittals are deemed adequate and the
budget amounts are approved, there are certain documents
which must be submitted to render the file “perfected.” These
documents may be termed “final documents” and generally
include the following, as applicable:
Recorded Map
Recorded condominium plan (condominium projects
Recorded CC&Rs (please do not submit recorded documents prior to DRE approval of draft)
Recorded Declaration of Annexation (subsequent phases
and/or maps of phased and/or multiple-map projects
Subordination of existing liens to the CC&Rs, Declaration
of Annexation, etc.
Filed Articles of Incorporation (incorporated associations
only; please do not submit filed Articles prior to DRE approval of draft)
RE 643 and financial security (please do not submit prior
to DRE acceptance of budget)
RE 611A and financial security (please do not submit prior
to DRE acceptance of amounts)
Title report issued after recordation of map, CC&Rs,
etc., less than 90 days old at date of issuance of public
Note: Depending upon the particulars of your project, items in
addition to those listed above may be required prior to
issuance of the final public report.
XX. Abandonment of Application for Public Report
After written notice to the subdivider, or the subdivider’s representative, the Commissioner may abandon any application
for a subdivision public report if the data required by Section
11010 has not been furnished within three years from the date
a notice of intention is filed for a subdivision public report.
(Refer to Section 11018.13(a) of the Business and Professions
The Commissioner has adopted Regulation 2804 establishing
time periods for notifying the subdivider and the subdivider’s
representative, of the intention to abandon a file, and establishing hardship or justifiable extenuating circumstances the
Commissioner deems acceptable.
RE 624 Part I
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Figure “A”
State of California
Department of Real Estate
Budget Review Request
File Number
RE 681 (Rev. 9/99)
To Be Completed By DRE
From: (Deputy)
Date Sent
Due Date
To Be Completed By Applicant
Master Planned Development Number (if applicable) Master File Number (if applicable)
Subdivision Name Advertising Name
Tract Number
Subdivision Street Address
Cross Streets
Type of Project (check one)
City (or nearest city)
Time Share Use
Community Apartment
Condominium Conversion
Time Share Estates
Undivided Interest
Planned Development
Stock Cooperative
Planned Development Mobile Home
Stock Cooperative Conversion
Other: ________________________
Limited Equity Housing Cooperative
Number of Units/Lots Number of Phases (i.e., Phase 2 of 3 Phases) If conversion, age
Is RE 611A on file?
Date of most recent DRE budget review file number of most recent DRE budget review
If the application is for a subsequent phase of a multi-phase project, does the subdivider
have sufficient votes to control the association?… …………………………………………………
How many budgets enclosed? Most recent budget reviewed by
Project Narrative/Comments
RE 624 Part I
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Figure “B”
Duplicate Budget Package File Layout
Attach completed RE 681 to the outside front of folder
Documents are not drawn to scale
* Vicinity map, proposed or recorded condo plan and plot plan must be large scale and legible.
RE 624
Part III Questionnaire
(copy on top)
RE 611A, if applicable
RE 623
Future Phases Information
RE 624A
RE 639
Address Labels
(Including all documents
required by RE 639)
Vicinity Map *
Agreement and Accounting Procedure
Conditions of Approval
Existing and Proposed
Tract/Parcel Map
Use/Easement Agreements
(Miscellaneous documents)
Proposed or Recorded
Condo Plan *
Plot Plan *
RE 624 Part I
Proposed Bylaws
Proposed CC&Rs
Proposed Declaration
of Annexation
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Figure “C”
Example 1:
Multiple-map Project
MAP #1
Example 2:
Example 3:
MAP #2
MAP #1
Phased Project
Phased, Multiple-map Project
MAP #1
MAP #2
Figure “D”
Receipt for Public Report
The Laws and Regulations of the California Real Estate Commissioner require that you as a prospective purchaser
or lessee be afforded an opportunity to read the public report for this subdivision before you make any written
offer to purchase or lease a subdivision interest or before any money or other consideration toward purchase or
lease of a subdivision interest is accepted from you.
In the case of a preliminary or interim public report you must be afforded an opportunity to read the public report
before a written reservation or any deposit in connection therewith is accepted from you.
In the case of a conditional public report, delivery of legal title or other interest contracted for will not take place
until issuance of a final public report. Provision is made in the sales agreement and escrow instructions for the
return to you of the entire sum of money paid or advanced by you if you are dissatisfied with the final public report
because of a material change. (See California Business and Professions Code §11012.)
I read the Commissioner’s Public Report on ____________________________________________________
[File Number]
[Tract Number or Name]
I understand the public report is not a recommendation or endorsement of the subdivision, but is for infor ation
The issue date of the public report which I received and read is: ______________________.
RE 624 Part I
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