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Notice Of Intention (Common Interest) (Part III) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Department Of Real Estate Statewide.
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State of California
Department of Real Estate
Serving Californians Since 1917
Notice of Intention (Common Interest)
RE 624 Part III (Rev. 12/08)
Note: Submit this package and one photocopy of pages 1 and 2;
attach filing fee to page 1 photocopy.
For DRE Use Only
File Number
1. General Information (1.A–1.O)
A. This application is for a: [Check box(es)]
Final Public Report
Amount Required
Preliminary Public Report
Amount Received
Overall Preliminary Public report (Multi-phase map projects only)
Refund Amount
Conditional Public Report
B. Type of Subdivision [Check box(es)]
Amt Transferred
Condominium Undivided Interest
For Lots
Planned Development Conversion
From File #
Community Apartment Mobile Home
C. Subdivision Identification and Location
Name of Subdivision
G. Size Of This Filing
Tract Number
Number of residential lots/units/interests (Do not count common area lots)
Name to be used in advertising
Number of Common Area Lots Number of Acres in this filing
Subdivision Location (address/main access roads/cross streets)
List common area lot numbers/letters
Nearest City
Miles/Direction From City
D. This application is being submitted as: [Check one]
Single phase project
First phase of a master planned development (MPD) that will contain
multiple owners’ associations.
First phase of a multiple-phase subdivision with all phases subject
to one owners’ association.
Will this subdivision also be part of an existing master planned
Provide file number & deputy name below.
Subsequent phase to an existing subdivision. Provide file number &
deputy name below.
Master File # or MPD file # (or MPD name, if number unknown)
Deputy assigned to most recent subsequent or MPD phase
E. Will you also file with HUD? (Refer to Question 1.O)
F. Were pre-approved master management documents
YES MMD #_________________________________
Check appropriate box(es)
Lots/Units to be: Sold Leased
All residential lots to be sold vacant
All residential lots to be sold with completed residential structures.
Indicate type of structure:
Conventional Manufactured Factory-built
Residential lots to be sold both vacant and improved with residential
Vacant lots to be sold under agreement obligating buyer to enter into
construction contract with seller or seller controlled entity.
All lots to be sold with age restrictions.
At least 50% of the lots/units will be sold subject to affordable housing
financing programs. (Submit evidence.)
H. Was a preliminary (or overall preliminary) public
report issued for this filing?
NO If NO, submit basic filing fee, lot fee, 15 address labels for SRP
and another 15 for subdivider.
YES If preliminary issued, enter assigned file number below.
If overall preliminary issued (covering all lots in the
subdivision), enter assigned file number below and submit basic
filing fee (except first phase) and 15 address labels for each
party. Note: Any difference between originally paid lot fees and
the current fees, plus a basic filing fee, must be paid for each
filing in a phased project (see RE 605).
____________________________ [Assigned File Number]
When public report is ready:
Mail to SRP Call SRP for pick-up
American LegalNet, Inc.
I. Subdivider Information
K. HOA Budget Preparer
business Address
business Address
Zip Code
Zip Code
Telephone Number (include a/c)
Fax Number
Telephone Number (include a/c)
Fax Number
J. Single Responsible Party (SRP)
L. Management Documents Preparer
business Address
business Address
Zip Code
Zip Code
Telephone Number (include a/c)
Fax Number
Telephone Number (include a/c)
Fax Number
M. Overall Project Plan (See Part I, Figure C, for explanation of multiple-maps and phases.)
1) This application is for: (check one box)
(Enter 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. and 1, 2, 3, etc. in the spaces below as appropriate.)
a) Single phase project. (One public report covering the entire project).
b) This is a condominium project located on a single lot. This is the ________ phase of a ________ phase
c) The ________ phase of a ________ phase project with no additional tract maps.
d) This is a multiple-map filing, and this application covers the ________ map of ________ total single-phase
e) This is a ________ phase, ________ map filing, and this application covers the _________________
phase of the ________ map.
2) If “b,” “c,” “d” or “e” is checked above, answer the following questions.
What is the total number of acres in the overall project?.................................................
What is the total number of lots/units in the overall project?...........................................
How many lots/units, other than common area, in the overall project to date, including
this filing?.........................................................................................................................
What is the approximate completion date for the overall project?...................................
RE 624 Part III
Q 1I–M
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List residential and common area lot numbers/letters for each phase in this overall project
DRE File Number
Tract Number
Residential Lot/Unit Number
Common Area Lot Numbers/Letters
N. Improvements
1) Number of buildings containing residential units: ....................................................
2) Estimated completion date of residential units: ........................................................
3) Estimated completion date of common area improvements and facilities included in
this filing: ..................................................................................................................
4) Describe type of car storage, if any, such as garage, carport or open space, and total
number of each type:
O. Will you also file with the HUD Office of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, Interstate
Land Sales/RESPA Division (HUD-OCRA)? .................................................................
If YES, see instructions in SPRAG and submit contract (deposit receipt/purchase
agreement) with HUD-OCRA required provisions underlined in red.
Note: If YES and you are considering obtaining a conditional public report, you should be
aware that HUD has advised the Department of Real Estate that sales of a HUD project
under the authority of a conditional public report would be unlawful. Also, if a
conditional public report is issued, it would be without the HUD certification.
RE 624 Part III
Q 1M–1O
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*2. Subdivider Status [Master File Item]
A. Is subdivider a California resident?..................................................................................
If a nonresident of the State of California, submit an irrevocable consent (original and one
copy of appropriate RE 608) that if any action is commenced against the subdivider in the
State of California and personal service of process upon the entity or individual cannot
be made in this State, a valid service may be made by delivering the Consent To Service
of Process (RE 608s) to the Department of Real Estate of the State of California.
B. Is the subdivider an entity organized under the laws of a state other than California?....
Yes No
If YES, submit a Certificate of Status for the foreign entity to transact business in California, issued by the California Secretary of State.
Yes No
3. Location of Subdivision Sales Records
Name of Custodian Telephone Number
business address (post office box is not acceptable)
City County
Zip Code
4. Conditional/Preliminary Public Report
A. Are you requesting a conditional public report? (B&P Code §11018.12; Reg. 2790.2)
Yes No
If YES, §11018.12(f) of the Business and Professions Code requires a subdivider, principal,
or his or her agent shall provide a prospective purchaser with a copy of the conditional
report and a written statement which includes all of the following: (Submit a copy of the
Note: If you are considering obtaining a conditional public report and the response to question 1“O” above is YES, you should be aware that HUD has advised the Department
of Real Estate that sales of a HUD project under the authority of a conditional public
report would be unlawful. Also, if a conditional public report is issued, it would be
without the HUD certification.
1) Specification of the information required for issuance of a public report.
2) Specification of the information required in the public report which is not available
in the conditional public report, along with a statement of the reasons why that information is not available at the time of issuance of the conditional public report.
3) A statement that no person acting as a principal or agent shall sell or lease or offer
for sale or lease lots or parcels in a subdivision for which a conditional public report
has been issued except as provided in this article.
4) Specification of the requirements of Section 11018.12.
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Q 2A–4A
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B. If you are requesting a conditional public report, provide the name and address of the
neutral escrow depository where all purchase money will be impounded, pursuant to
Section 11013.2(a) or 11013.4(a) of the Business and Professions Code, until such time
as the final public report is furnished to the purchaser.
Code Section (Check one)
business Address (Post office boxes are not acceptable)
City State
Zip code
C. Are you requesting a preliminary public report?..............................................................
Yes No
If YES, submit:
• the Reservation Deposit Handling Agreement (RE 612A) completed in sample form
and executed with original, not photocopied, signatures of escrow holder and subdivider;
• the Reservation Instrument (RE 612) completed in sample form; and
• an original typed preliminary public report and three pink copies (see Part I, Section
VIII for specific instructions).
5. Advertising and Promotion [Master File Item]
A. Indicate which of the following inducements or representations will be made in the advertising and marketing of subdivision interests.
Note: If the answer to any of the following questions is YES, enter YES on item 5A(1-8) on
Part II.
Note: For each YES answer, submit details, copies of all documents proposed to be used,
proposed financial arrangements, e.g., bond, letter of credit or escrowing of developer’s
funds, to carry out these programs, where applicable. Include RE 609 Escrow Instructions (Promotional Gifts), if item 5A(3) is answered YES. See SPRAG for further
1) Investment merit or appreciation potential of lots, parcels or units?.........................
2) Construction or equipment guarantees, including guarantees to repair latent construc.
tion defects which extend beyond one year?. ............................................................
3) Gift, free trip, rebates or other similar promotional marketing devices?...................
4) Membership in club or association other than homeowners’ association or the use
or availability for use, of commercial or recreational facilities (whether within or
outside the boundaries of the subdivision) which will not be owned or controlled by
the homeowners’ association?....................................................................................
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
5) Program or arrangements for resale by purchasers of subdivision interests, money
back guarantee or repurchase agreement?. ................................................................
Yes No
6) Program or plan for leasing or renting of subdivision interests on behalf of nonoccupying owners?.....................................................................................................
Yes No
RE 624 Part III
Q 4B–5A
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7) Other inducements or representations that will be a part of the sales program including any program, plan or arrangements whereby a purchaser may further divide the
lot, parcel or unit being offered for sale?...................................................................
Yes No
8) If subdivision is part of a “master planned community,” answer YES and submit RE
Yes No
*6. Title/Mineral Rights
A. Submit preliminary report signed by an authorized employee of the title company, or a
title policy, that shows true condition of title for this subdivision.
B. Is applicant presently in title?...........................................................................................
If NO, submit evidence of future vesting including a date certain by which title must be
1) If NO, will applicant be in title when final public report is issued?. .........................
C. Are there or will there be reservations of water, mineral, oil or gas rights?.....................
Yes No NA
Yes No
If YES, the sample grant deed (item 25) must reflect reservations.
D. Have all rights to surface entry been waived?..................................................................
Yes No
Yes No NA
If NO, submit arrangements for protection against surface entry.
E. Are there now any mineral rights reserved by the U.S. Government?.............................
(See SPRAG relative to this question before answering.)
1) If YES, are rights of surface entry also reserved?......................................................
Yes No
Yes No NA
a) If YES, will you purchase these rights from the U.S. Government and convey
them to each purchaser of a subdivision interest?...............................................
Yes No NA
b) If NO, and if this is a subdivision improved with residential structures, will a
title insurance policy be issued to each purchaser that includes an endorsement
to insure against losses caused by surface entry? (100.29 endorsement)............
Yes No NA
F. Will lots/units be subject to transfer fees as defined in Section 1098 of the Civil Code?.
Yes No
If yes, submit a copy of the recorded document required by Section 1098.5 of the
Civil Code.
*7. Leases Affecting Title [Master File Item]
A. Are there now any leases which affect title or are there any leases proposed?................
Yes No
If YES, submit a copy of all leases affecting title.
8. Coastal Zone Permit or Exemption [Master File Item]
A. Is project located within the Coastal Zone?......................................................................
If YES, submit copy of permit or exemption.
RE 624 Part III
Q 5A–8A
Yes No
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American LegalNet, Inc.
9. Uses, Zoning, Hazards, Airports, Nuclear Power Plants
A. For what use or uses will the property be offered?
Single-Family Residential
Age restrictions
Other (describe) __________________________________________________
B. Indicate the zoning of the land surrounding this project. (Use descriptive language, NOT
CODES. If multi-family, specify type.)
North _ _______________________________________________________________
South _ _______________________________________________________________
East _ _______________________________________________________________
West _ _______________________________________________________________
C. Is the subdivision within two (2) statute miles of any existing airport or any proposed
airports shown on the general plan of the city or county?................................................
Yes No
1) If YES, state name, location and distance to airport(s).
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
2) Is the property within an “airport influence area,” also known as an “airport referral
area,” as determined by an airport land use commission?.........................................
Yes No
If YES, the following statement shall be included in the public report:
Notice of Airport in Vicinity
This property is presently located in the vicinity of an airport, within what is known
as an airport influence area. For that reason, the property may be subject to some of
the annoyances or inconveniences associated with proximity to airport operations
(for example: noise, vibration, or odors). Individual sensitivities to those annoyances
can vary from person to person. You may wish to consider what airport annoyances,
if any, are associated with the property before you complete your purchase and determine whether they are acceptable to you.
D. Are there any significant surrounding property uses that need to be disclosed in the public
Yes No
1) If YES, describe and give location, direction and distance.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
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Q 9A–9D
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E. Are there or will there be any hazards or unusual conditions in or near this subdivision
such as: railroads, rock quarries, oil sumps, high tension wires, open canals, toxic and/or
solid waste dumps, freeways, neighboring agricultural production, timber land production, etc.?...........................................................................................................................
Yes No
If YES, describe and give location, direction and distance.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
F. Has property in or near this subdivision been previously used as a toxic and/or solid waste
dump site, oil sump, or for military training purposes?....................................................
Yes No
If YES, describe and give location, direction and distance.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
G. Does this subdivision lie within a Nuclear Power Plant Basic Emergency Planning Zone?
(Counties of San Luis Obispo, San Diego, Orange, Sacramento, San Joaquin and Amador
only.) ................................................................................................................................
Yes No
If YES, state the name of the nuclear power plant and the distance from this subdivision.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
H. Are you aware of any of the following: Substances, materials, or products which may
be an environmental hazard such as, but not limited to, formaldehyde, radon gas, leadbased paint, fuel or chemical storage tanks, and contaminated soil or water on the subject
Yes No
If YES, explain.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
RE 624 Part III
Q 9E–9H
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American LegalNet, Inc.
I. 1) Are you aware, or have any reason to believe, that the subject property contains any
rock material which includes natural occurrences of asbestos?.................................
Yes No
Note: Serpentine rock may include asbestos fibers.
2) Is the property covered by a State prepared map indicating the likelihood of the pres.
ence of natural occurrences of asbestos?...................................................................
Yes No
Note: You may wish to contact the State Department of Conservation, Division of
Mines and Geology for information regarding available maps.
3) Has any geologic testing been conducted on the property for the purpose of identify.
ing the presence of asbestos fibers?...........................................................................
Yes No
Yes No
If yes, did the results indicate that asbestos fibers are present?.................................
Note: A YES response to 9I(1) or 9I(2) above will result in a public report disclosure regarding the possibility that this subdivision contains natural occurrences of asbestos, unless
geologic testing is conducted on the property and it is determined that the subdivision
does not contain naturally occurring asbestos.
J. Does the subject project include residential structures built prior to 1978 (do not include
properties sold at a foreclosure sale or housing designated for the elderly)?...................
Yes No
If YES, pursuant to federal Real Estate Disclosure and Notification Rule (24 CFR Part
35 and 40 CFR Part 745), the seller is required to disclose to prospective buyers that
this property may contain lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards as well as
provide certain written materials as mandated by current law. The seller is required to
offer all prospective buyers an opportunity to conduct a risk assessment for lead-based
paint and lead-based paint hazards prior to being obligated under a purchase contract.
This risk assessment may be waived by written agreement between buyer and seller.
For more information on seller’s obligations, you should contact the local office of the
Environmental Protection Agency.
K. 1) Is any part of this subdivision located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (any type
Zone “A” or “V”) as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
If YES, pursuant to Government Code Section 8589.3, the seller shall disclose to any
prospective purchaser of property within a Special Flood Hazard Area the fact that
the property is within this Area.
Yes No
Do not know and
information not
available form local
If YES, the public report will contain the following note under the section entitled
The subdivider has advised that all or portions of the subdivision subject to this
Public Report are located within a Special Flood Hazard Area as designated by
the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Additionally, the subdivider has
advised that prospective purchasers within this Area will be provided a separate
disclosure required under Government Code Section 8589.3.
If any disclosure, or any material amendment to any disclosure, required to be
made by the subdivider regarding this natural hazard is delivered after the execution of an offer to purchase, the purchaser shall have three days after delivery in
person or five days after delivery by deposit in the mail to terminate the offer by
delivery of a written notice of termination to the subdivider or the subdivider's
RE 624 Part III
Q 9H–9K
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American LegalNet, Inc.
2) Is any part of this subdivision located within an Area of Potential Flooding shown
on an inundation map designated pursuant to Government Code Section 8589.5?...
If YES, pursuant to Government Code Section 8589.4, the seller shall disclose to
any prospective purchaser of property within an Area of Potential Flooding shown
on an inundation map the fact that the property is within this Area.
Yes No
Do not know and
information not
available form local
If YES, the public report will contain the following note under the section entitled
The subdivider has advised that all or portions of the subdivision subject to this
Public Report are located within an Area of Potential Flooding as shown on an
inundation map. Additionally, the subdivider has advised that prospective purchasers within this Area will be provided a separate disclosure required under
Government Code Section 8589.4.
If any disclosure, or any material amendment to any disclosure, required to be
made by the subdivider regarding this natural hazard is delivered after the execution of an offer to purchase, the purchaser shall have three days after delivery in
person or five days after delivery by deposit in the mail to terminate the offer by
delivery of a written notice of termination to the subdivider or the subdivider's
3) Is any part of this subdivision located within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone
pursuant to Government Code Section 51178 or 51179?...........................................
If YES, pursuant to Government Code Section 51183.5, the seller shall disclose
to any prospective purchaser of property within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity
Zone the fact that the property is within this Zone and is subject to the maintenance
requirements of Section 51182.
Yes No
If YES, the public report will contain the following note under the section entitled
The subdivider has advised that all or portions of the subdivision subject to
this Public Report are located within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone.
Additionally, the subdivider has advised that prospective purchasers within this
Zone will be provided a separate disclosure required under Government Code
Section 51183.5.
If any disclosure, or any material amendment to any disclosure, required to be
made by the subdivider regarding this natural hazard is delivered after the execution of an offer to purchase, the purchaser shall have three days after delivery in
person or five days after delivery by deposit in the mail to terminate the offer by
delivery of a written notice of termination to the subdivider or the subdivider's
4) Is any part of this subdivision located within a State Responsibility Area (wildland area
that may contain substantial forest fire risks and hazards) as determined by the California
State Board of Forestry pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 4125?..................
Yes No
If YES, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 4136, the seller shall disclose
to any prospective purchaser of property within a State Responsibility Area the fact
that the property is within this Area and is subject to the maintenance requirements
of Section 4291.
RE 624 Part III
Q 9K
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If YES, the public report will contain the following note under the section entitled
The subdivider has advised that all or portions of the subdivision subject to
this Public Report are located within a State Responsibility Area (wildland area
that may contain substantial forest fire risks and hazards) as determined by the
California State Board of Forestry. Additionally, the subdivider has advised that
prospective purchasers within this Area will be provided a separate disclosure
required under Public Resources Code Section 4136.
If any disclosure, or any material amendment to any disclosure, required to be
made by the subdivider regarding this natural hazard is delivered after the execution of an offer to purchase, the purchaser shall have three days after delivery in
person or five days after delivery by deposit in the mail to terminate the offer by
delivery of a written notice of termination to the subdivider or the subdivider's
5) Is any part of this subdivision located within a delineated Earthquake Fault Zone
pursuant to the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act? (Public Resources Code
Section 2622).............................................................................................................
If YES, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 2621.9, the seller shall disclose
to any prospective purchaser of property within a delineated Earthquake Fault Zone
the fact that the property is within this Zone.
Yes No
If YES, the public report will contain the following note under the section entitled
The subdivider has advised that all or portions of the subdivision subject to this
Public Report are located within an Earthquake Fault Zone. Additionally, the subdivider has advised that prospective purchasers within this Zone will be provided
a separate disclosure required under Public Resources Code Section 2621.9.
If any disclosure, or any material amendment to any disclosure, required to be
made by the subdivider regarding this natural hazard is delivered after the execution of an offer to purchase, the purchaser shall have three days after delivery in
person or five days after delivery by deposit in the mail to terminate the offer by
delivery of a written notice of termination to the subdivider or the subdivider's
6) Is any part of this subdivision located within a Seismic Hazard Zone pursuant to the
Seismic Hazards Mapping Act (Public Resources Code Sections 2690-2699.6)?...........
If YES, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 2694, the seller shall disclose to any
prospective purchaser of property within a Seismic Hazard Zone the fact that the property
is within this Zone.
If YES, the public report will contain the following note under the section entitled “Hazards”:
Landslide zone?
Yes No
Liquifaction zone?
Yes No
Map not yet released
by state*
The subdivider has advised that all or portions of the subdivision subject to this
Public Report are located within a Seismic Hazard Zone. Additionally, the subdivider has advised that prospective purchasers within this Zone will be provided
a separate disclosure required under Public Resources Code Section 2694.
If any disclosure, or any material amendment to any disclosure, required to be
made by the subdivider regarding this natural hazard is delivered after the execu-
RE 624 Part III
Q 9K
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tion of an offer to purchase, the purchaser shall have three days after delivery in
person or five days after delivery by deposit in the mail to terminate the offer by
delivery of a written notice of termination to the subdivider or the subdivider's
Future changes which place any part of the unsold lots/units in this subdivision within
a natural hazard area will be considered a material change requiring the filing of an
amended public report application.
L. Is the property located within the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and
Development Commission?..............................................................................................
Yes No
If YES, the following statement shall be included in the public report.
Notice of San Francisco Bay Conservation and
Development Commission Jurisdiction
This property is located within the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. Use and development of property within
the commission’s jurisdiction may be subject to special regulations, restrictions,
and permit requirements. You may wish to investigate and determine whether they
are acceptable to you and your intended use of the property before you complete
your transaction.
M. Is this subdivision located within one mile of property designated as "Prime Farmland,"
"Farmland," "Farmland of Statewide Importance," "Farmland of Local Importance", or
"Grazing Land" on the most current "Important Farmland Map" issued by the Department
of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection?.................................................
Yes No
If YES, the following statement shall be included in the public report.
Notice of Right to Farm
This property is located within one mile of a farm or ranch land designated on the
current county-level GIS "Important Farmland Map," issued by the California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection. Accordingly, the
property may be subject to inconveniences or discomforts resulting from agricultural
operations that are a normal and necessary aspect of living in a community with a
strong rural character and a healthy agricultural sector. Customary agricultural practices in farm operations may include, but are not limited to noise, odors, dust, light,
insects, the operation of pumps and machinery, the storage and disposal of manure,
bee pollination, and the ground or aerial application of fertilizers, pesticides, and
24-HOUR PERIOD. Individual sensitivities to those practices can vary from person
to person. You may wish to consider the impacts of such agricultural practices before
you complete your purchase. Please be advised that you may be barred from obtaining
legal remedies against agricultural practices conducted in a manner consistent with
proper and accepted customs and standards pursuant to Section 3482.5 of the Civil
Code or any pertinent local ordinance.
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Q 9K–9M
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10. Fire Protection [Master File Item]
A. Will the subdivision be served by fire hydrants?..............................................................
Yes No
If NO, describe what provisions, if any, are available for fire protection and identify the
fire protection water source.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
B. Is the subdivision within five miles of a fire station and served by a public fire protection
agency (other than volunteer fire department, U.S. Forest Service or California Depart.
ment of Forestry)?. ...........................................................................................................
Yes No
If YES, name the fire protection agency, state distance from fire station to project.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
IF NO to A or B above, describe what fire protection service, if any, is available and
submit the fire protection agency will-serve letter as outlined in SPRAG. If there is no
fire protection service, so state.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
C. Does this subdivision lie within the boundaries of land classified as State Responsibility
Area (wildland area that may contain substantial forest fire risks and hazards) as determined by the California State Board of Forestry pursuant to Section 4125 of the Public
Resources Code?...............................................................................................................
Yes No NA
Note: Maps of State Responsibility Areas should be on file with the County Planning Department or County Assessor’s Office.
Note: Check NA, if this subdivision is located in any of the following counties: Kern, Los
Angeles, Marin, Orange, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Sutter or Ventura.
If YES, submit a will-serve letter from fire protection agency, if any, providing structural
fire protection and a will-serve letter from the appropriate Ranger Unit of the California
Department of Forestry as to wildland fire protection. If the California Department of
Forestry is the sole provider of fire protection, the will-serve letter requested under item
B above will suffice.
11. Sewage Disposal [Master File Item]
A. Will the project use public sewers?..................................................................................
Yes No
IF YES, list the name of the sewer system and the service charge per lot/unit................
$ ________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
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Q 10A–11A
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B. Will the project use private sewers?.................................................................................
Yes No
If YES, comply with 1, 2 and 3 below.
1) Furnish the name and address of the sewer entity.
City State
Zip Code
2) Submit evidence of financial arrangements for installation of the sewer system OR
verification that it is already installed.
3) Submit evidence of clearance by the Public Utilities Commission, if applicable.
C. Will the purchaser be responsible for any of the following public/private sewer system
costs (excluding Septic Systems):
1) Installation of system?. ..............................................................................................
Yes No
$ ________________
If YES, state estimated cost per lot/unit.....................................................................
2) Extension to lot/unit?.................................................................................................
Yes No
$ ________________
If YES, state estimated cost per lot/unit.....................................................................
3) Hook-up fees for vacant lots (including meter or other fees)?. .................................
Yes No
$ ________________
If YES, state estimated cost per lot............................................................................
D. Will the project use septic systems or other individual sewage systems?........................
If YES, submit a letter from the local health authority stating that a septic tank or other
individual sewer system is the acceptable method of sewage disposal and will be permitted
on each and every lot included in the application. If the letter from the local health authority does not specify that each and every lot is suitable for the proposed sewage disposal
system, the sample escrow instructions and the sample sales agree ent must provide that
no sale will be closed until the purchaser has received a written opinion, satisfactory to
the purchaser, from the local health authority, a registered civil engineer or geologist,
that the lot/parcel is suitable for installation of a septic system or other individual sewer
system and a permit would be issued on the date of the opinion, if an application for a
permit were made in compliance with local permit requirements on that date.
If purchaser is to pay for installation, state estimate of cost and date estimate was made.
If none, so state.................................................................................................................
Yes No
RE 624 Part III
Q 11B–11D
$ ________________
_____________ (Date)
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12. Soils, Filled Ground & Geological Information
A. Give the name and street address of the local public agency where infor ation concernm
ing soil conditions and/or filled ground, and/or geologic condition, in this project will be
available. If such reports were not prepared specific to this subdivision, fill-in “none.”
Name of Soil Public Agency
City State
Zip Code
Name of Filled Ground Public Agency
City State
Zip Code
Name of Geological Report Public Agency
City State
Zip Code
B. Soils Report — Check applicable box:
Conversion project — soils report not required.
Soils report waived.
Not applicable, if a public agency is listed in item 12A above.
C. If vacant lots will be offered, will there be any special costs incurred by the lot buyer as a
result of the installation of a building foundation or any other construcion due to unusual
soil conditions? (Note: Check NA, if no vacant lots will be offered.) ..............................
Yes No NA
If YES, explain and provide an estimate of such costs:
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
D. Check applicable box:
There will be no fill in excess of 2 feet.
Some lots have or will have fill in excess of 2 feet.
All lots have or will have fill in excess of 2 feet.
RE 624 Part III
Q 12A–12D
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13. Not applicable to RE 624
14. Water Supplier [Master File Item]
If WELLS, answer NA to questions 14A-14D and proceed to question 14E.
A. State name and address of water supplier:
Supplier Name
City State
Zip Code
B. Water supplier:
1) Is water supplier one of the following?......................................................................
Yes No NA
If yes, check appropriate box.
county water district
community service district
irrigation district
state water district
2) Is water supplier a mutual water company?...............................................................
a) If YES, was the mutual water company formed prior to January 1, 1998?.........
Yes No
Yes No NA
(1) If YES, submit either a copy of the current permit to issue shares granted by
the Department of Corporations or all of the items under (2) below.
(2) If NO, submit all of the following:
Executed RE 699B (Mutual Water Company Certification);
A copy of the certificate of the State Director of Health Services satisfying Sections 116300 to 116385 of the Health and Safety Code;
A copy of the statement signed either by the engineer who prepared the
engineer’s report pursuant to Section 14312(a)(7) of the Corporations
Code or a person employed or acting on behalf of the public agency or
other independent qualified person, that the water supply and distribution system has been examined and tested and operates in accordance
with the design standards of Chapter 2, Part 7 of Division 3, Title 1 of
the Corporations Code; and
Evidence of completion of the water supply and distribution system
which will serve all lots to be covered by the public report.
b) Will purchaser have to pay to acquire shares?.....................................................
Yes No NA
$ ________________
RE 624 Part III
If YES, state an estimate of the total per lot cost to secure water service:..........
Q 13–14B
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3) Is water supplier a public utility?...............................................................................
a) If YES, is the subdivision located entirely within the existing service area of one
of the exempt suppliers listed here?....................................................................
Apple Valley Ranchos Water Co.
California American Water Co.
California Water Service Co.
Golden State Water Co.
Great Oaks Water Co.
Yes No
Yes No NA
Park Water Co.
San Gabriel Valley Water Co.
San Jose Water Co.
Suburban Water Systems
Valencia Water Co.
If NO, submit confirmation of PUC approval. See SPRAG for details.
C. Have water lines been, or will they be, installed by the subdivider?. ..............................
1) Was a master geographic letter in effect at the time the subdivision map was conditionally
approved by the city or county which covered installation of water lines?................
Yes No NA
Yes No NA
a) If NO, submit a letter from the water supplier including:
(1) A statement that financial arrangements for installation of water lines have
been made.
(2) Ample water for normal use and fire protection (if any) will be available.
(3) Water will be furnished on demand, without exception, to each and every
lot, OR, if there are exceptions, list the lots excepted and the reason(s) for
the exceptions.
(4) Water is potable.
b) If YES, did the master geographic letter indicate that domestic water to be served
to residents in this subdivision is potable, and there is ample water for normal
use to serve each and every lot/unit on demand and for fire protection?............
Yes No NA
(1) If NO, submit a letter from the water supplier including the information in
14C1(a)(2), (3) and (4).
c) State approximate date water system is expected to be completed.....................
_____________ (Date)
d) Will lot/unit purchaser have to pay for installation of service to dwelling?........
Yes No NA
If YES, state approximate cost............................................................................
$ ________________
D. Will the purchaser have to pay for installation of water lines?........................................
Yes No NA
If YES, submit a letter from the water supplier indicating:
1) It will supply water to this subdivision.
2) Approximate present cost to install water lines from nearest water main to farthest
lot/unit to be included in the offering.
3) Ample water for NORMAL household use and fire protection (if any) is available.
4) Water will be furnished on demand, without exception, to each and every lot/unit.
5) Water is potable.
RE 624 Part III
Q 14B–14D
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E. Will the purchaser have to drill a well?............................................................................
Yes No NA
If YES, comply with 1, 2 and 3 below:
1) Submit the following:
a) A letter from a California licensed well driller giving estimated cost for drilling
and casing a well, cost of pressure pump and system and any required conditioning equipment; and depth at which water may be found.
b) A letter from local health authority stating that individual wells will be permitted; the type of sewage disposal system permissible with wells on the size of lot
proposed; and that the water is potable.
2) Is a geologist’s report as to availability of underground water required by local authorities?.....................................................................................................................
If YES, submit report. Upon review of your file, the Depart ent may require a geolom
gist’s report even if one is not required by local authorities.
3) Are there any special requirements or conditions imposed by local city/county au.
thorities for the installation of individual wells?. ......................................................
Yes No NA
Yes No NA
If YES, submit a statement or notice from the local authority citing the special requirements or conditions.
Note: Subdivider should check with the local authorities to determine if there is a requirement that a well must be installed on each lot at the subdivider’s expense prior to
closing the escrow or, alter atively, that a statement from the purchaser must be
obtained waiving installation of the well as a condition of sale. If the subdivider
must/will install a well on each lot and the offering is vacant lots, submit exhibit
14E(1)(b) and verification of installation or pertinent escrow instructions.
F. Was this subdivision subject to the imposition of a condition pursuant to subdivision (b)
of Section 66473.7 of the Government Code?.................................................................
Yes No
If YES, submit a copy of the written verification of the available water supply obtained
pursuant to Section 66473.7 of the Government Code.
15. Services and Schools [Master File Item]
A. Complete the following information regarding utilities:
Gas Company
City (Not applicable if "800" telephone number provided) Telephone Number
Electric Company
City (Not applicable if "800" telephone number provided) Telephone Number
Telephone Company
City (Not applicable if "800" telephone number provided) Telephone Number
RE 624 Part III
Q 14E–15A
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B. Will the subdivider extend the above-listed gas, electric and telephone lines to the project?
(Note: If utility supplier lines are already adjacent to the project, mark NA.)
1) Gas
2) Electric
3) Telephone
For each YES answer to 1, 2 or 3, submit evidence of financial arrange ents for extenm
C. Will the purchaser have to pay the cost for installation and/or extension of utility service
from the suppliers named above, other than a normal connection charge?
1) Gas
2) Electric
3) Telephone
If YES, to 15C 1, 2 or 3 above, submit a letter from the appropriate utility company estimating the cost to purchaser of bringing service to the farthest lot/unit in the tract, and
stating distance of free extension and extension cost per foot.
D. Has a statement been approved by the school district (one for each school district serving
the subdivision) that shows the location of every school serving the subdivision?. ........
If YES, submit the statement.
Yes No
If NO, submit documentation that a statement to that effect was asked of the governing
body of the school district and a copy of the letter requesting this information.
16. Off-Site Improvements [Master File Item]
A. List the off-site improvements which the subdivider is/was required to construct for this
subdivision, such as streets, drainage, cable television, etc. If none, so state.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
B. Will off-site improvements be covered by an agreement with the local governing body
secured by a bond, cash deposit or instrument of credit?.................................................
Yes No NA
Note: If the city or county has a current master geographic letter (MGL) on file with the
Department of Real Estate which specifically covers each improvement listed above,
check NA.
1) If YES, submit the agreement(s) and copy of the bond(s), instrument(s) of credit, or
evidence(s) of cash deposit.
2) If NO, submit evidence that adequate financial arrangements have been made for all
off-site improvements included in the offering or submit evidence of completion.
C. State the amount of indebtedness, if any, which is a lien upon the subdi ision or any part
thereof under provisions of Section 66499(a)(4) of Government Code (Map Act), and
which was incurred to pay for the construction of any off-site improvements................
RE 624 Part III
Q 15B–16C
$ ________________
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17. Flood and Drainage [Master File Item]
A. Is this project covered by a current master geographic letter (MGL), conainng a flood
t i
clause, on file with the DRE?...........................................................................................
Yes No
If NO, submit a report on flood and drainage conditions from the local flood control
agency or a similar authority.
Note: If the local flood agency will not issue a report until after final map approval, submit
a statement to that effect, signed by the subdivider, and tabbed as 17A. Then submit
the report as soon as it is available (prior to issuance of the final public report).
B. Is the project located within the San Joaquin and/or Sacramento Drainage Districts?....
Yes No
If YES, submit evidence that the property does not lie within the areas covered by floodway or flood plain maps of the Reclamation Board.
C. Were you required to secure an approved application from the Reclamation Board for
work within or near the channel of any stream or other areas subject to flooding?.........
Yes No NA
18. Taxes, Special Districts and Special Assessment Districts [Master File Item]
A. Taxes.
1) What is the tax area code for this subdivision?..........................................................
2) What is the total tax rate for this subdivision (use the most recent tax rate information
B. Does this project lie within a landscape lighting district (LLD) or a county service area
_____________ (tax yr)
Yes No
1) If YES, name and describe the function of the LLD or CSA.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
2) Name the administrating agency of this district.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
3) What is the assessment for the current tax year?.......................................................
$ ________________
$ ________________
What is the anticipated assessment if not currently assessed?...................................
4) Does this district or agency have authorized but unissued bonds?............................
If YES, submit RE 624C.
C. 1) Does the project lie within a community facilities district?.......................................
RE 624 Part III
Q 17–18C
Yes No N/A
Yes No
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2) If YES, name the district(s). If district not yet formed, submit RE 624C.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
D. 1) Does this project lie within a special district or special assessment district?............
Yes No
2) If YES, name and describe function of the district and submit RE 624C.
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
3) If D1) was answered YES, does this district have any authorized but unissued bonds?
Yes No N/A
$ ________________
_____________ (tax yr)
What is the current per lot/unit assessment for the district(s)?..................................
19. Streets, Completion and Maintenance [Master File Item]
A. Describe the roads within (interior) and to (access) the Subdivision with some specificity
(e.g. gravel, bladed, county standard asphalt, decomposed granite, etc.). Also describe
any special conditions (e.g. road maintenance agreement, not improved to county maintenance standard, not regularly snow-plowed in winter, subject to flooding in rainy season,
Access: _________________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
_ ____________________________________________________________________________________
B. Are all streets (including driveways or easements which provide access) to the subdivision maintained by a public agency (city, county, etc.)?..................................................
Yes No
C. Are all streets (including driveways or easements which provide access) to the individual
lots/units within the subdivision maintained by a public agency (city, county, etc.)?......
Yes No
D. Are there streets and/or driveways providing access to lots in or to the subdivision which
are neither publicly maintained, nor homeowners’ association maintained?...................
Yes No
If YES, submit a registered civil engineer’s letter stating the total number of linear feet
of streets to be privately maintained, the annual cost per linear foot to maintain, the per
lot annual maintenance obligation and the information requested in 19A.
RE 624 Part III
Q 18C–19D
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E. Will all streets and/or private driveways providing access to lots be fully improved at the
time of final map approval?..............................................................................................
1) If NO, is there a master geographic letter on file which includes financial assurances
for street and/or private driveway completion?.........................................................
Yes No
Yes No NA
If NO, submit evidence of adequate financial arrangements to assure completion of
streets and/or private driveways providing access to lots.
*20. Purchase Money Handling
A. Is there a blanket encumbrance now or will there be at the time of sale or lease?...........
B. Will all money of purchaser, lessee or contract vendee be impounded in a neutral escrow
or trust account, (see NOTE below), until proper releases are obtained from all blanket
encumbrances, if any, and until legal title, or leasehold interest, as applicable, is conveyed
to the purchaser, lessee or vendee [Section 11013.2(a) or 11013.4(a) of the Business and
Professions Code]? (Check code section.) . .....................................................................
1) If YES, list where purchase money will be impounded.
Yes No
Yes No
business Address (Post Office Boxes are not acceptable)
City State
Zip Code
Note: A trust account may only be used if there is not a blanket encumbrance. It may not
be used as compliance with Section 11013.2(a) Business and Professions Code.
2) If NO, will a blanket bond (RE 600A) be submitted (or has one been submitted) to
the State of California pursuant to Section 11013.2(c) [bond], 11013.4(b) [bond], of
the Business and Professions Code? (Check code section) . .....................................
Note: All purchase money received under the authority of a conditional public report
must be placed in a neutral escrow depository per Section 11013.2a or 11013.4a.
Refer to question 4 for identification of the escrow depository to be used under a
conditional public report.
Yes No NA
a) If YES, submit original blanket bond (RE 600A). If already on file, submit a copy
and complete the following:
Security Number Amount
RE 624 Part III
Q 19E-20B
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b) Will funds received in excess of the security be impounded in a neutral escrow
or trust account, pursuant to Section 11013.2(a) or 11013.4(a) of the Business
and Professions Code? (Check code section.) .....................................................
(1) If YES, complete the following information.
Check one
Trust Account
business Address (Post Office Box is not acceptable)
City State
Zip Code
(2) If NO, is some other arrangement proposed? (Check code section) ............
If YES, explain fully on a separate sheet.
C. Does the owner, subdivider or agent have an interest equal to, or greater than, 5% ownership in the entity shown in 20B(1) or (2) above?.............................................................
Yes No NA
If YES, see SPRAG regarding Section 2995 of the Civil Code.
Yes No NA
Yes No
*21. Real Property Sales Contracts [Master File Item]
A. Do you intend to use real property sales contracts with installment payments (also known
as contracts of sale or land contracts), other than Cal-Vet loans?....................................
Yes No
If YES, see SPRAG for details and submit sample documents.
22. Not applicable to RE 624
23. Sample Deposit Receipt/Agreement to Purchase
A. Submit a copy of the purchase agreement (deposit receipt) to be used, completed in sample
form, to show the substance of a typical transaction (must be in compliance with Regulation 2791 and applicable sections of the Civil Code), signed by the subdivider to affirm
that all purchase agreements will conform to the sample. If the purchase agreement is
pre-approved, submit the approval letter with the agreement.
If a conditional public report will be issued the purchase agreement must provide for the
return of the entire sum of money paid or advanced by the purchaser if the final subdivision public report has not been issued within six months of the issuance date of the conditional public report or the purchaser is dissatisfied with the final public report because
of a change pursuant to Section 11012. In addition, all purchase money received under
the authority of a conditional public report must be placed in a neutral escrow depository
per Section 11013.2a or 11013.4a.
See SPRAG for details.
24. Financing [Master File Item]
A. Will the buyer be offered financing by other than a state- or federally-regulated lender?
Yes No
If YES, submit exemplar promissory note(s) and deed(s) of trust completed in sample
Note: Entities licensed by the Department of Real Estate do not qualify as “state regulated
lenders” for purposes of this question.
RE 624 Part III
Q 20B–24A
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B. Will you be offering loans with balloon payments, subsidized interest and loan payments,
“creative financing” plans, equity shar