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Tags: Regulation Check Sheet, RE 648, California Statewide, Department Of Real Estate
(RE 624 & 658 Filings)
RE 648 (Rev. 1/04)
Ø Commissioner’s Regulation 2792.8(a) (California Code of Regulations) is an enumeration of the basic elements which
should be included in the governing instruments of common interest subdivisions. In addition, governing instruments may
not conflict with Civil Code provisions or any other statutes.
Ø Correct completion of this form (RE 648) will facilitate Deputy review of the proposed governing instruments for the
project. Incomplete and inaccurate information will prolong the review process.
Ø In the columns on the right side of each page in this form, insert the document code, the page number and, the section or
paragraph heading where the provisions of the Regulations 2792.4, 2792.8(a), 2792.15–2792.21, 2792.23(c)–(e),
2792.24, 2792.26–2792.28, and 2791.8 are to be found. Also check the appropriate boxes within the text of the Regulation.
Document Code
R = Restrictions (CC&Rs)
A = Articles
B = Bylaws
N/A = Not Applicable
Governing Instruments for Common Interest Subdivisions.
(a) Governing instruments for the ownership and management of subdivisions enumerated in Section 11004.5 of the Code (common-interest subdivisions) including the
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s), Articles of Incorporation (Articles) and Bylaws shall ordinarily provide for, but need not be limited to, the
R p6/A III 1(g)/B p13 10.2
Document Code & Page
Reference & Section or
Paragraph Heading
(1) Creation of an organization (hereafter Association) of subdivision interest
owners; ................................................................................................................
(2) A description of the common interests of the subdivision owners or lessees; ....
(3) Transfer of title and/or control of common interests or of mutual and reciprocal
rights of use to the owners in common or the Association; [Reg. 2792.15] .......
(4) Procedures for calculating and collecting regular assessments from owners to
defray expenses attributable to the ownership, operation or furnishing of common
interests or to the enjoyment of mutual and reciprocal rights of use; [Reg.
2792.16] ...............................................................................................................
(5) Procedures for establishing and collecting special assessments for capital improvements or for other purposes; [Reg. 2792.16 and 2792.21] .........................
(6) Liens upon privately-owned subdivision interests for assessments levied pursuant to the CC&R’s and foreclosure thereof for nonpayment; [Reg. 2792.16] ....
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(7) Policies and Procedures relating to the disciplining of members for failure to
comply with provisions of the governing instruments; [Reg. 2792.26] ..............
(8) Creation of a governing body for the Association; [Reg. 2792.21] ....................
(9) Procedures for the election and removal of governing body members and officers
of the Association; [Reg. 2792.19] ......................................................................
(10) Enumeration of the powers and duties of the governing body and the officers and
of the limitations upon the authority of the governing body to act without the prior
approval of members representing a majority of the voting power of the Association; [Reg. 2792.21].............................................................................................
(11) Allocation of voting rights to Association members; [Reg. 2792.18] ................
(12) Preparation of the budgets and financial statements of the Association, and for
distribution to the Association members; [Civil Code §1365] ...........................
(13) Regular and special meetings of Association members with notice requirements;
[Reg. 2792.17] .....................................................................................................
(14) Regular meetings of the governing body with provision for notice to Association
members; [Reg. 2792.20] ....................................................................................
(15) Quorum requirements for meetings of members of the Association and of the
governing body; [Reg. 2792.17 and 2792.20] .....................................................
(16) Procedures for proxy voting at members’ meetings; [Reg. 2792.17] .................
(17) Policies and procedures governing the inspection of books and records of the
Association by members; [Reg. 2792.23] ...........................................................
(18) Amendment procedures for those provisions of the governing instruments which
relate to the ownership, management and control of the Association and/or the
common interests; [Reg. 2792.24] ......................................................................
(19) Prohibitions against or restrictions upon the severability of a separately-owned
portion from the common interest portion of a subdivision interest; ..................
(20) Conditions upon which a partition of a condominium project may be had pursuant
to Section 1359 of the Civil Code; ......................................................................
(21) Action to be taken and procedures to be followed in the event of condemnation,
destruction or extensive damage to the subdivision interests, including provisions
respecting the use and disposition of insurance proceeds or damages payable to
the Association or to a trustee on behalf of owners on account of condemnation,
destruction or damage; ........................................................................................
(22) Annexation of additional land to the existing development where appropriate;
[Reg. 2792.27] .....................................................................................................
(23) Architectural and/or design control; [Reg. 2792.28] ..........................................
(24) Special provisions for enforcement of financial arrangements by the subdivider
to secure performance of his commitment to complete common-area improvements; [Reg. 2792.4] ...........................................................................................
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(25) Granting of easements or use rights affecting the common areas. ......................
(26) Special provisions authorizing the governing body, subject to compliance with
Section 1354 of the Civil Code, to institute, defend, settle or intervene on behalf
of the Association in litigation, arbitration, mediation, or administrative proceedings in matters pertaining to (A) enforcement of the governing instruments, (B)
damage to the common areas, (C) damage to the separate interests which the
Association is obligated to maintain or repair, or (D) damage to the separate
interests which arises out of, or is integrally related to, damage to the common
areas or separate interests that the association is obligated to maintain or repair.
Special Provision for Enforcement of Bonded Obligations
When common-area improvements which are included in the subdivision offering have
not been completed prior to the issuance of the public report and the subdivision owners’
association ( hereafter Association ) is obligee under a bond or other arrangement
(hereafter Bond) to secure performance of the commitment of the subdivider to complete
the improvements, the covenants, conditions and restrictions for the subdivision shall
include at least the following substantive and procedural provisions relative to the
initiation of action to enforce the obligations of the subdivider and the surety under the
Bond: ................................................................................................................................
(1) The governing body of the Association shall be directed to consider and vote on
the question of action by the Association to enforce the obligations under the Bond
with respect to any improvement for which a Notice of Completion has not been
filed within 60 days after the completion date specified for that improvement in
the Planned Construction Statement appended to the Bond. If the Association has
given an extension in writing for the completion of any common-area improvement, the governing body shall be directed to consider and vote on the aforesaid
question if a Notice of Completion has not been filed within 30 days after the
expiration of the extension.
(2) A special meeting of members for the purpose of voting to override a decision by
the governing body not to initiate action to enforce the obligations under the Bond
or on the failure of the governing body to consider and vote on the question. The
meeting shall be required to be held not less than 35 days nor more than 45 days
after receipt by the governing body of a petition for such a meeting signed by
members representing 5% or more of the total voting power of the Association.
(3) A vote by members of the Association other than the subdivider at the special
meeting called for the purpose set forth in (2) above.
(4) A vote of a majority of the voting power of the Association residing in members
other than the subdivider to take action to enforce the obligations under the Bond
shall be deemed to be the decision of the Association and the governing body shall
thereafter implement this decision by initiating and pursuing appropriate action
in the name of the Association.
2792.15 Reasonable Arrangements—Transfer of Common Areas and Facilities to Association.
(a) In subdivisions in which all or a portion of the common areas and facilities are to be
transferred to the Association, those areas and facilities shall be ¨ transferred to the
Association ¨ or to a corporate trustee under a trust agreement acceptable to the
Commissioner prior to or coincident with the first transfer or conveyance of a
subdivision interest by the subdivider. ......................................................................
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(b) The subdivider may ¨ create a contractual right in himself ¨ or may reserve
easements of limited duration, ¨ for common driveway purposes, ¨ for drainage
and encroachment purposes, and for ingress to and egress from the common areas for
the purpose of completing improvements thereon or ¨ for the performance of
necessary repair work and, ¨ in the case of phased subdivision projects, for entry
onto adjacent property in connection with the development of additional phases of the
overall project. ...........................................................................................................
2792.16 Reasonable Arrangements—Assessments and Liens.
(a) Regular assessments to defray expenses attributable to the ownership, operation and
furnishing of common interests by the Association shall ordinarily be levied against
each owner according to the ratio of the number of subdivision interests owned by the
owner assessed to the total number of interests subject to assessments. ...................
(b) In the case of a subdivision offering in which it is reasonable to anticipate that any
owner will derive as much as 10% more than any other owner in the value of common
services supplied by the Association, the assessment against each owner may be
determined according to a formula or schedule under which the assessments against
the various subdivision interests bear a relationship which is equitably proportionate
to the value of the common services furnished to the respective interests. ...............
(c) The subdivider— and his successor in interest, if any— is an owner subject to the
payment of regular and special assessments against subdivision interests which he
owns provided, however, that the subdivider and any other owner of a subdivision
interest which does not include a structural improvement for human occupancy may
be exempted by the governing instruments from the payment of that portion of any
assessment which is for the purpose of defraying expenses and reserves directly
attributable to the existence and the use of the structural improvements. The exemption may include, but shall not necessarily be limited to:
Roof replacement;
Exterior maintenance;
Walkway and carport lighting;
Refuse disposal;
Cable television; and
Domestic water supplied to living units ..............................................................
(1) Any exemption from the payment of assessments attributed to dwelling units shall
be in effect only until the earliest of the following events.
(A) A notice of completion of the structural improvements has been recorded.
(B) Occupation or use of the dwelling unit.
(C) Completion of all elements of the residential structures which the Association
is obliged to maintain. ...................................................................................
(2) The subdivider and any other owner of a subdivision interest may be exempted
by the governing instruments from the payment of that portion of any assessment
which is for the purpose of defraying expenses and reserves directly attributable
to the existence and use of a common facility that is not complete at the time
assessments commence. Any exemption from the payment of assessments
attributed to common facilities shall be in effect only until the earliest of the
following events.
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(A) A notice of completion of the common facility has been recorded.
(B) The common facility has been placed into use. ............................................
(d) The governing body of the Association must comply with the provisions of Section
1366 of the Civil Code, prior to any increase in assessments. ..................................
(e) (1) The governing body of the Association may not levy special assessments without
complying with the provisions of Section 1366 of the Civil Code. ....................
(f) (1) Regular assessments against the subdivision interests ¨ in a phase of a multiphase subdivision or
¨ against all subdivision interests in a single-phase
subdivision shall commence
¨ on the date of the first conveyance of a
subdivision interest in that phase under authority of a public report or ¨ on the
first day of the month following the first conveyance of a subdivision interest in
the phase. .............................................................................................................
(2) Except in those subdivision offerings where there is an approved subsidization
plan which otherwise provides, voting rights attributable to subdivision interests
shall not vest until assessments against those interests have been levied by the
Association. .........................................................................................................
(g) (1) A lien for regular or special assessments against an owner may be made
subordinate by the CC&R’s to the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust
(hereafter collectively first encumbrance) against subdivision interests of the
owner. ..................................................................................................................
(2) In the case of a subordination of a lien for assessments to a first encumbrance, the
transfer of a subdivision interest as the result of the exercise of a power of sale or
a judicial foreclosure involving a default under the first encumbrance shall
extinguish the lien of assessments which were due and payable prior to the
transfer of the subdivision interest. .....................................................................
(3) No transfer of the subdivision interest as the result of a foreclosure or exercise of
a power of sale shall relieve the new owner, whether it be the former beneficiary
of the first encumbrance or another person, from liability for any assessments
thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof................................................
(h) (1) For the purpose of subdivision (d) and subdivision (e), a quorum means more than
50% of the members of the Association..............................................................
(2) Any meeting or election of the Association for purposes of complying with
subdivision (d) and subdivision (e) shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter
5 (commencing with Section 7510) of Part 3, Division 2 of Title 1 of the
Corporations Code and Section 7613 of the Corporations Code. .......................
(i) Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this section, the governing body
may increase assessments necessary for emergency situations pursuant to Section
1366 of the Civil Code. ..............................................................................................
(j) The governing body shall not expend funds designated as reserve funds for any
purpose other than those purposes set forth in Section 1365.5 of the Civil Code. ....
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2792.17 Reasonable Arrangements—Members’ Meetings.
(a) Regular meetings of members of the Association shall be held not less frequently than
once each calendar year at a time and place prescribed by the Bylaws. The first
meeting of the Association, whether a regular or special meeting, shall be held within
45 days after the closing of the sale of the subdivision interest which represents the
51st percentile interest authorized for sale under the first public report for the
subdivision, provided that public report authorizes the sale of 50 subdivision interests
or more in the subdivision. However, in no event shall the meeting be held later than
six months after the closing of the sale of the first subdivision interest. ...................
(b) Meetings of Association members shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 1363 of the Civil Code. ...................................................................
(c) A special meeting of the members of the Association shall be promptly scheduled by
the governing body in response to:
(1) The vote of the governing body itself.
(2) Written request for a special meeting signed by members representing at least 5%
of the total voting power of the Association. ......................................................
(d) Written notice of regular and special meetings shall be given to members by the
governing body by any means which is appropriate given the physical setup of the
subdivision. This notice shall be given not less than 10 nor more than 90 days before
the date of any meeting at which members are required or permitted to take any action.
The notice shall specify the place, day and hour of the meeting and the matters the
governing body intends to present for action by the members. Except as otherwise
provided by law, any proper matter may be presented at the meeting for action. .....
(e) (1) Except as provided in Sections 2792.16(d) and (e)(1), a quorum for the transaction
of business at a meeting of members of the Association through presence in
person or by proxy shall be established at a percentage of not less than 25% and
not more than 66-2/3% of the total voting power of the Association. Within these
percentage limits, the quorum requirements for members’ meetings shall be
suited to such factors as the proposed physical layout of the subdivision, the
contemplated number of owners of subdivision interests and the nature and extent
of the common areas, facilities and services. ......................................................
(2) In the absence of a quorum at a members’ meeting, a majority of those present in
person or by proxy may adjourn the meeting to another time, but may not transact
any other business. An adjournment for lack of a quorum by those in attendance
shall be to a date not less than five days and not more than 30 days from the original
meeting date. The quorum for an adjourned meeting may be set by the governing
instruments at a percentage less than that prescribed for the regular meeting, but
it shall not be less than 25 percent of the total voting power of the Association. If
a time and place for the adjourned meeting is not fixed by those in attendance at
the original meeting or if for any reason a new date is fixed for the adjourned
meeting after adjournment, notice of the time and place of the adjourned meeting
shall be given to members in the manner prescribed for regular meetings.........
(f) Any action which may be taken by the vote of members at a regular or special meeting,
except the election of governing body members where cumulative voting is a
requirement, may be taken without a meeting if done in compliance with the
provisions of Section 7513 of the Corporations Code. ..............................................
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(g) Any form of proxy or written ballot distributed by any person to the membership of
the Association shall afford the opportunity to specify a choice between approval and
disapproval of each matter or group of matters to be acted upon, except it shall not be
mandatory that a candidate for election to the governing body be named in the proxy
or written ballot. The proxy or written ballot shall provide that, where the member
specifies a choice, the vote shall be cast in accordance with that choice. The proxy
shall also identify the person or persons authorized to exercise the proxy and the length
of time it will be valid. ...............................................................................................
2792.18 Reasonable Arrangements—Members’ Voting Rights.
(a) With the exception of those Associations which have two classes of voting membership, a member of an Association, including an Association which provides for
unequal assessments against the subdivision interests, shall be entitled to one vote for
each subdivision interest owned. If a subdivision interest is owned by more than one
person, each such person shall be a member of the Association, but there shall be no
more than one vote for each subdivision interest. .....................................................
(b) An Association may have two classes of voting membership according to the
following provisions: .................................................................................................
(1) Each owner of a subdivision interest other than a subdivider is a Class A member.
Class A membership entitles the holder to one vote for each subdivision interest
(2) The subdivider is a Class B member. Class B membership entitles the holder to
not more than three votes for each subdivision interest owned.
(3) In a single-phase subdivision development, Class B membership shall be irreversibly converted to Class A membership on the first to occur of the following:
(A) The total outstanding votes held by Class A members equal the total
outstanding votes held by the Class B member.
(B) A prescribed date which is not later than the second anniversary of the first
conveyance of a subdivision interest in the development.
(4) In a multi-phase development for which the subdivider has submitted a plan for
phased development through annexation which satisfies the requirements of
Section 2792.27, the Class B membership shall be irreversibly converted to Class
A membership on the first to occur of the following:
(A) A prescribed date certain which is not later than the second anniversary of the
first conveyance of a subdivision interest in the most recent phase of the
development. .................................................................................................
(B) A prescribed date certain which is not later than the fourth anniversary of the
first conveyance of a subdivision interest in the first phase of the development. .............................................................................................................
(c) With the exception of Section 2792.4, no regulation which requires the approval of
a prescribed majority of the voting power of members of the Association other than
the subdivider for action to be taken by the Association is intended to preclude the
subdivider from casting votes attributable to subdivision interests which he or she
owns. Governing instruments may specify either or both of the following for approval
of action for which a regulation of the Department—other than Section 2792.4—
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requires the approval of a prescribed majority of the voting power of members of the
Association other than the subdivider: ......................................................................
(1) In those Associations in which Class A and Class B voting memberships have
been prescribed in accordance with this regulation, the vote or written assent of
a bare majority of the Class B voting power as well as the vote or written assent
of a prescribed majority of the Class A voting power. .......................................
(2) In those Associations in which a single class of voting membership exists, either
as originally established or after the conversion of Class B to Class A shares, the
vote or written assent of a bare majority of the total voting power of the
Association as well as the vote or written assent of a prescribed majority of the
total voting power of members other than the subdivider...................................
2792.19 Reasonable Arrangements—Election of Governing Body.
(a) The first election of a governing body for the Association shall be conducted at the first
meeting of the Association. .......................................................................................
All positions on the governing body shall be filled at that election. .........................
(b) (1) Voting for the governing body shall be by secret written ballot. Cumulative voting
in the election of governing body members shall be prescribed for all elections in
which more than two positions on the governing body are to be filled subject only
to the procedural prerequisites to cumulative voting prescribed in Section 7615(b)
of the Corporation Code. .....................................................................................
Voting for the governing body shall be by secret written ballot. ........................
(2) Unless the entire governing body is removed from office by the vote of members
of the association, no individual governing body members shall be removed prior
to the expiration of his term of office if the votes cast against removal would be
sufficient to elect the governing body member if voted cumulatively at an election
at which the same total number of votes were cast and the entire number of
governing body members authorized at the time of the most recent election of the
governing body member were then being elected. ..............................................
(c) (1) A special procedure shall be established by the governing instruments to assure
that ¨ from the first election of the governing body and thereafter for so long
as a majority of the voting power of the Association resides in the subdivider, ¨
or so long as there are two outstanding classes of membership in the Association,
not less than 20% of the incumbents on the governing body shall have been elected
solely by the votes of owners other than the subdivider. ....................................
(2) A governing body member who has been elected to office solely by the votes of
members of the Association other than the subdivider may be removed from
office prior to the expiration of his term of office only by the vote of at least a
simple majority of the voting power residing in members other than the subdivider. ....................................................................................................................
2792.20 Reasonable Arrangements—Governing Body Meetings.
(a) Regular meetings of the governing body of the Association shall be held as prescribed
in the Bylaws. Ordinarily such meetings shall be conducted ¨ at least monthly,
though the Bylaws may prescribe meetings ¨ as infrequently as every six months
if business to be transacted by the governing body does not justify more frequent
meetings. ....................................................................................................................
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(b) (1) Regular meetings of the governing body shall be held at a time and at a meeting
place fixed by the governing body from time to time. The meeting place shall
ordinarily be within the subdivision itself unless in the judgment of the governing
body a larger meeting room is required than exists within the subdivision in which
case the meeting room selected shall be as close as possible to the subdivision.
(2) Notice of ¨ the time and place of a regular meeting shall be posted at a prominent
place or places within the common area and shall be communicated to governing
body members not less than four days prior to the meeting ¨ unless the time and
place of meeting is fixed by the Bylaws provided however that notice of a meeting
need not be given to any governing body member who has signed a waiver of
notice or a written consent to holding of the meeting. If the common area consists
only of an easement or is otherwise unsuitable for posting of such notice, the
governing body shall communicate the notice of the time and place of such
meeting by any means it deems appropriate. ......................................................
(c) (1) A special meeting of the governing body may be called by written notice signed
by the President of the Association or by any two members of the governing body
other than the President. ......................................................................................
(2) The Notice shall specify the time and place of the meeting and the nature of any
special business to be considered. .......................................................................
(3) Notice shall be posted or communicated in a manner prescribed for notice of
regular meetings and shall be sent to all governing body members not less than
72 hours prior to the scheduled time of the meeting provided, however, that notice
of the meeting need not be given to any governing body member who signed a
waiver of notice or a written consent to holding of the meeting. ........................
(d) Regular and special meetings of the governing body shall be governed by the
provisions of Section 1363.05 of the Civil Code. ......................................................
(e) (1) The governing body may take actions without a meeting if all of its members
consent in writing to the action to be taken. ........................................................
(2) If the governing body resolves by unanimous written consent to take action, an
explanation of the action taken shall be posted at a prominent place or places
within the common area within three days after the written consents of all
governing body members have been obtained. If the common area consists only
of an easement or is otherwise unsuitable for posting the explanation of the action
taken, the governing body shall communicate said explanation by any means it
deems appropriate. ..............................................................................................
2792.21 Reasonable Arrangements—Governing Body Powers and Limitations.
(a) The powers and duties of the governing body of the Association shall normally
include, but shall not be limited to, the following: ....................................................
(1) Enforcement of applicable provisions of the ¨ CC&R’s ¨ Articles, ¨ Bylaws
and ¨ other instruments for the ownership, management and control of the
(2) Payment of taxes and assessments which are, or could become, a lien on the
common area or a portion thereof. ......................................................................
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(3) Contacting for casualty, liability and other insurance on behalf of the Association.
(4) Contracting for goods and/or services for ¨ the common areas, ¨ facilities
¨ and interests or for the ¨ Association subject to the limitations set forth below.
(5) Delegation of its powers to committees, officers or employees of the Association
as expressly authorized by the governing instruments. .......................................
(6) Preparation of budgets and financial statements for the Association as prescribed
in the governing instruments. ..............................................................................
(7) Formulation of rules of operation of the common ¨ areas and ¨ facilities
owned or controlled by the Association. .............................................................
(8) Initiation and execution of disciplinary proceedings against members of the
Association for violations of provisions of the governing instruments in accordance with procedures set forth in the governing instruments. ...........................
(9) Entering upon any privately-owned subdivision interest as necessary in connection with construction, maintenance or emergency repair for the benefit of the
common area or the owners in common. ............................................................
(10) Election of officers of the governing body..........................................................
(11) Filling of vacancies on the governing body except for a vacancy created by the
removal of a governing body member. ...............................................................
(b) The governing body of the Association shall ordinarily be prohibited from taking any
of the following actions, except with the assent, by vote at a meeting of the Association
or by written ballot without a meeting pursuant to Corporations Code Section 7513,
of a simple majority of the members, other than the subdivider, constituting a quorum
consisting of more than 50 percent of the voting power of the Association residing in
members other than the subdivider: ...........................................................................
(1) Entering into a contract with a third person wherein the third person will furnish
goods or services for the common area or the ¨ owners' Association for a term
longer than one year with the following exceptions: ..........................................
(A) A management contract, the terms of which have been approved by the
Federal Housing Administration or Veterans Administration. .....................
(B) A contract with a public utility company if the rates charged for the materials
or services are regulated by the Public Utilities Commission provided,
however, that the term of the contract shall not exceed the shortest term for
which the supplier will contract at the regulated rate. ..................................
(C) Prepaid ¨ casualty and/or ¨ liability insurance policies of not to exceed
three years duration provided that the policy permits short rate cancellation
by the insured. ...............................................................................................
(D) Lease agreements for laundry room fixtures and equipment of not to exceed
five years duration provided that the lessor under the agreement is not an
entity in which the subdivider has a direct or indirect ownership interest of 10
percent or more. ............................................................................................
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(E) Agreements for cable television services and equipment or satellite television
services and equipment of not to exceed five years duration provided that the
supplier is not an entity in which the subdivider has a direct or indirect
ownership interest of 10 percent or more. ....................................................
(F) Agreements for sale or lease of burglar alarm and fire alarm equipment,
installation and services of not to exceed five years duration provided that the
supplier or suppliers are not entities in which the subdivider has a direct or
indirect ownership interest of 10 percent or more. .......................................
(G) A contract for a term not to exceed three years that is terminable by the
Association after no longer than one year without cause, penalty or other
obligation upon ninety (90) days written notice of termination to the other
party. .............................................................................................................
(2) Incurring aggregate expenditures for capital improvements to the common area
in any fiscal year in excess of 5% of the budgeted gross expenses of the
Association for that fiscal year. ...........................................................................
(3) Selling during any fiscal year property of the Association having an aggregate fair
market value greater than 5% of the budgeted gross expenses of the Association
for that fiscal year. ...............................................................................................
(4) Paying compensation to members of the governing body or to officers of the
Association for services performed in the conduct of the Association’s business
provided, however, that the governing body may cause a member or officer to be
reimbursed for expenses incurred in carrying on the business of the Association.
(5) In the case of a limited equity housing cooperative, using the corporate equity for
any purpose permitted under Section 33007.5(d)(1) of the Health and Safety Code
without the vote or written consent of a bare majority of the stock or membership
interests or resident owners. ................................................................................
2792.23 Reasonable Arrangements—Inspection of Association’s Books
and Records.
(c) The membership register, including mailing addresses and telephone numbers, books
of account and minutes of meetings of the members, of the governing body and of
committees of the governing body of the Association shall be made available for
inspection and copying by any member of the Association—or by his duly-appointed
representative—at any reasonable time and for a purpose reasonably related to his
interest as a member, at the office of the Association or at such other place within the
subdivision as the governing body shall prescribe. ...................................................
In the case of the minutes, minutes proposed for adoption that are marked to
indicate draft status, or a summary of the minutes, of any meeting of the governing
body, other than an executive session, shall be available to members within 30
days of the meeting and shall be distributed to only members upon request and
payment of the fee prescribed in (e)(3) below.
(2) At the time the pro forma operating budget is distributed or at the time of any
general mailing, members of the Association shall be notified in writing of their
right to have copies of the minutes of meetings of the governing body and as to
how and where those minutes may be obtained and the cost of obtaining such
copies. ..................................................................................................................
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(e) The governing body shall establish reasonable rules with respect to:
(1) Notice to be given to the custodian of the records by the member of the
Association desiring to make the inspection.
(2) Hours and days of the week when such an inspection may be made.
(3) Payment of the cost of reproducing copies of documents requested by a member
of the Association. ...............................................................................................
(f) Every member of the governing body shall have the absolute right at any reasonable
time to inspect all books, records and documents of the Association and the physical
properties owned or controlled by the Association. The right of inspection by a
member of the governing body includes the right to make extracts and copies of
documents. .................................................................................................................
2792.24 Reasonable Arrangements—Governing Instruments Amendments.
(a) In a single-class voting structure, amendments of the CC&R’s may be enacted by
requiring the vote or written assent of members representing both:
(1) A majority of the total voting power of the association which is at least a bare
majority and not more than 75%; and
(2) At least a bare majority of the votes of members other than the subdivider.......
The percentage of the voting power necessary to amend a specific clause or provision
shall not be less than the percentage of affirmative votes prescribed for action to be
taken under that clause. For example, if the CC&R’s expressly state that 75% of the
voting power must agree to an increase in the maximum annual assessment, then 75%
of the voting power is necessary to amend this provision regardless of the percentage
prescribed in the general provision pertaining to amendments of the CC&R’s. .......
(b) Amendments of the Articles or Bylaws shall require the vote or written assent of
members as follows:
(1) An owners Association other than for a limited equity housing cooperative.
(A) Articles
(i) At least a bare majority of the governing body; and
(ii) At least a bare majority of the voting power of the Association; and
(iii) At least a bare majority of the votes of members other than the subdivider.
(B) Bylaws
(i) At least a bare majority of a quorum, but not more than a bare majority
of the voting power of the Association; and
(ii) At least a bare majority of the votes of members other than the subdivider.
(2) An owners association for a limited equity housing cooperative.
(A) Articles
(i) At least a bare majority of the governing body; and
(ii) At least 66-2/3 percent of the resident-owner members or shareholders.
(B) Bylaws
(i) At least 66-2/3 percent of the resident-owner members or shareholders
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(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of (b) above, the percentage of a quorum or of the
voting power of the Association or of members other than the subdivider necessary
to amend a specific clause or provision in the Articles or Bylaws shall not be less than
the prescribed percentage of affirmative votes required for action to be taken under
that clause...................................................................................................................
(d) If a two-class voting structure is provided and is still in effect in the Association, none
of the governing instruments may be amended without the vote or written assent of
a prescribed percentage of the voting power of ¨ each class of membership ¨ or
a prescribed percentage of a quorum of members of each class................................
(e) If a two-class voting structure was originally provided in the governing instruments,
but is no longer in effect because of the conversion of one class to the other, the
provisions for amending the governing instruments set forth in subdivisions (a) and
(b) above shall be applicable. ....................................................................................
2792.26 Reasonable Arrangements—Disciplining of Members by the Association.
(a) The Association cannot be empowered to cause a forfeiture or abridgement of an
owner’s right to the full use and enjoyment of his individually-owned subdivision
interest on account of the failure by the owner to comply with provisions of the
governing instruments or of duly-enacted rules of operation for common areas and
facilities except by judgement of a court or a decision arising out of arbitration or on
account of a foreclosure or sale under a power of sale for failure of the owner to pay
assessments duly levied by the Association. .............................................................
(b) The governing instruments shall include provisions which authorize the governing
body to impose monetary penalties, temporary suspensions of an owner’s rights as a
member of the Association or other appropriate discipline for failure to comply with
the governing instruments provided that the procedures for notice and hearing,
satisfying the minimum requirements of Subdivisions (h) of Section 1363 of the Civil
Code, are followed with respect to the accused member before a decision to impose
discipline is reached. ..................................................................................................
(c) A monetary penalty imposed by the Association as a disciplinary measure for failure
of a member to comply with the governing instruments or as a means of reimbursing
the Association for costs incurred by the Association in the repair of damage to
common areas and facilities for which the member was allegedly responsible or in
bringing the member and his subdivision interest into compliance with the governing
instruments may not be characterized nor treated in the governing instruments as an
assessment which may become a lien against the member’s subdivision interest
enforceable by a sale of the interest in accordance with the provisions of Section 2924,
2924(b) and 2924(c) of the Civil Code. .....................................................................
(d) The provisions of subdivision (c) do not apply to charges imposed against an owner
consisting of reasonable late payment penalties for delinquent assessments and/or
charges to reimburse the Association for the loss of interest and for costs reasonably
incurred (including attorneys’ fees) in its efforts to collect delinquent assessments.
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2792.27 Reasonable Arrangements—Annexation of Property to the Subdivision.
(a) Provisions in the CC&R’s to effect the annexation of real property to the existing
subdivision shall require the vote or written assent of not less than 66-2/3% of the total
votes residing in Association members other than the subdivider unless the proposed
annexation is in substantial conformance with a detailed plan of phased development
submitted to the Commissioner with the application for a public report for the first
phase of the subdivision. ............................................................................................
(b) The plan for phased development through annexation referred to in subdivision (a)
must include, but need not be limited to, the following:
(1) Proof satisfactory to the Commissioner that no proposed annexation will result in
an overburdening of common facilities.
(2) Proof satisfactory to the Commissioner that no proposed annexation will cause a
substantial increase in assessments against existing owners which was not
disclosed in subdivision public reports under which pre-existing owners purchased their interests.
(3) Identification of the land proposed to be annexed and the total number of
residential units then contemplated by the subdivider for the overall subdivision
development. .......................................................................................................
(4) A written commitment by the subdivider to pay to the Association, concurrently
with the closing of the escrow for the first sale of a subdivision interest in an
annexed phase, appropriate amounts for reserves for replacement or deferred
maintenance of common area improvements in the annexed phase necessitated by
or arising out of the use and occupancy of residential units under a rental program
conducted by the subdivider which has been in effect for a period of at least one
year as of the date of closing of the escrow for the first sale of a residential unit
in the annexed phase............................................................................................
2792.28 Reasonable Arrangements—Architectural and Design Control.
(a) The committee for the control of structural and landscaping architecture and design
(Architectural Control Committee) within the subdivision shall consist of ¨ not less
than three ¨ nor more than five members. .............................................................
(b) ¨ The subdivider may appoint all of the original members of the Architectural
Control Committee and all replacements until the first anniversary of the issuance of
the original public report for the first (or only) phase of the subdivision. ¨ The
subdivider may reserve to himself the power to appoint a majority of the members of
the committee until 90% of all the subdivision interests in the overall development
have been sold or until the fifth anniversary of the original issuance of the Final Public
Report for the first (or only) phase of the subdivision, whichever first occurs. ........
(c) After one year from the date of issuance of the original public report for the first (or
only) phase of the subdivision, the governing body of the Association shall have the
power to appoint one member to the Architectural Control Committee until 90% of
all of the subdivision interests in the overall development have been sold or until the
fifth anniversary date of the original issuance of the Final Public Report for the first
(or only) phase of the subdivision, whichever first occurs. Thereafter the governing
body of the Association shall have the power to appoint all of the members of the
Architectural Control Committee. .............................................................................
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Dispute Resolution
Although alternative dispute resolution provisions are optional, they must comply with Regulation 2791.8 if included in the CC&Rs.
(a) A contractual provision setting forth terms, conditions and procedures for resolution
of a dispute or claim between a homeowner and a subdivider, or a provision in the
covenants, conditions and restrictions setting forth terms, conditions and procedures
for resolution of a dispute of claim between a homeowners association and a
subdivider shall, at a minimum, provide that the dispute or claim resolution process,
proceeding, hearing or trial to be conducted in accordance with the following rules:
(1) For the subdivider to advance the fees necessary to initiate the dispute or claim
resolution process, with the costs and fees, including ongoing costs and fees, if
any, to be paid as agreed by the parties and if they can’t agree then the costs and
fees are to be paid as determined by the person or persons presiding at the dispute
or claim resolution proceeding or hearing.
(2) For a neutral or impartial person(s) to administer and preside over the claim or
dispute resolution process.
(3) For the appointment, or selection, as designation, or assignment of the person(s)
to administer and preside over the claim or dispute resolution process within a
specific period of time, which in no event shall be more than sixty (60) days from
initiation of the claim or dispute resolution process or hearing. The person(s)
appointed, selected, designated or assigned to preside may be challenged for bias.
(4) For the venue of the claim or dispute resolution process to be in the county where
the subdivision is located unless the parties agree to some other location.
(5) For the prompt and timely commencement of the claim or dispute resolution
process. When the contract provisions provide for a specific type of claim or
dispute resolution process, the process shall be deemed to be promptly and timely
commenced if it is to be commenced in accordance with the rules applicable to
that process, or if the rules don’t specify a date by which the proceeding or hearing
must commence, then to a date agreed upon by the parties, and if they cannot
agree, a date determined by the person(s) presiding over the dispute resolution
(6) For the claim or dispute resolution process to be conducted in accordance with
rules and procedures that are reasonable and fair to the parties.
(7) For the prompt and timely conclusion of the claim or dispute resolution process,
including the issuance of any decision or ruling following the proceeding or
(8) For the person(s) presiding at the claim or dispute resolution process to be
authorized to provide all recognized remedies available in law or equity for any
cause of action that is the basis of the proceeding or hearing. The parties may
authorize the limitation or prohibition of punitive damages.
(b) A copy of the rules applicable to the claim or dispute resolution process shall be
submitted as part of the application for a public report. ............................................
(c) If the claim or dispute resolution process provides or allows for a judicial remedy in
accordance with the laws of this state, it shall be presumed that the proceeding or
hearing satisfies the provisions of paragraph (a). ......................................................
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