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Form 601 Lobbying Firm Registration Statement Form. This is a California form and can be use in Fair Political Practices Commission Statewide.
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Tags: Form 601 Lobbying Firm Registration Statement, 601, California Statewide, Fair Political Practices Commission
Lobbying Firm
Registration Statement
The “Lobbying Firm Registration Statement” is
used for:
Initial registration of a lobbying firm (including an
individual contract lobbyist).
Renewal of registration.
Initial Registration of a Lobbying Firm:
Any business entity, including an individual contract
lobbyist, must register with the Secretary of State within
10 days of qualifying as a lobbying firm.
Registration of Subcontract Clients:
A lobbying firm that contracts to lobby for a client of
another lobbying firm must identify both the
subcontracting lobbying firm and the client. Use Part II,
Section B to report such arrangements. Attach a Form
602 (Lobbying Firm Activity Authorization) completed
and signed by a representative of the subcontracting
lobbying firm.
Amendment of Lobbying Firm Registration
To determine if an entity qualifies as a lobbying firm
refer to Gov. Code Section 82038.5, 2 Cal. Code of
Regulations Section 18238.5. Information is also
available in the Lobbying Disclosure Information
Manual published by the Fair Political Practices
If any change occurs in the information contained in the
“Lobbying Firm Registration Statement” a Form 605
(Amendment to Registration) must be filed:
Prior to attempting to influence legislative or
administrative action on behalf of a client when
adding a new client; or
Renewal of Registration:
Every lobbying firm must renew its registration for each
regular session of the State Legislature. Renewal of
registration is due between November 1 and December
31 of each even-numbered year.
Within 20 days of any other change. (e.g. dropping a
client, adding a lobbyist etc.)
File an original and one copy of this form and
attachments with:
Registration Requirements:
Attach to the “Lobbying Firm Registration Statement”
the following:
A Form 604 (Lobbyist Certification Statement)
completed by each owner, partner, officer, or employee
of your lobbying firm who qualifies as a lobbyist;
A recent photograph (head and shoulders only) of each
Payment of a $25 registration fee payable to the
Secretary of State for each lobbyist; and
Secretary of State
Political Reform Division
1500 11th Street
P.O. Box 1467
Sacramento, CA 95812-1467
Additional Information
Refer to the Lobbying Disclosure Information Manual
for additional information and information required to
be provided to you pursuant to the Information
Practices Act of 1977.
A Form 602 (Lobbying Firm Activity Authorization)
completed by each lobbyist employer or lobbying
coalition with which your firm contracts.
NOTE: It is not necessary to attach a Form 604
(Lobbyist Certification Statement) or a registration fee
for any lobbyist who is separately registered as a
lobbying firm or who is employed by a lobbying firm
with which your firm subcontracts.
FPPC Form 601 (7/98)
For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660
American LegalNet, Inc.
Lobbying Firm
Registration Statement
Legislative Session
(Government Code Section 86104)
For Official Use Only
(Insert Years)
Type or Print in Ink
BUSINESS ADDRESS: (Number and Street)
If this is an initial registration, enter the
DATE QUALIFIED as a Lobbying Firm:
(Zip Code)
FAX NUMBER: (Optional)
MAILING ADDRESS: (If different than above.)
E-MAIL: (Optional)
I Individual Lobbyists
List the full name of each partner, owner, officer, or employee of your lobbying firm who is a lobbyist. Attach a Form 604 for each
Do not list any individual who is separately registered as a lobbying firm or who is employed by a lobbying firm with which you
If your firm does not have a partner, owner, officer, or employee who qualifies as a lobbyist, state “not applicable.”
If more space is needed, check box and attach continuation sheets.
II Lobbyist Employers
Use Section A to report each client with whom your firm has a direct contract to provide lobbying services.
Use Section B to report lobbying firms with which your firm subcontracts to provide lobbying services and the clients on
whose behalf your firm will lobby.
! Attach a Form 602 for each person identified in Section A or B.
Period of Contract
Effective Date
Employer's Name, Address and Telephone Number
Description of Employer's Lobbying Interests
Agencies to be Lobbied
Effective Date
Employer's Name, Address and Telephone Number
Period of Contract
Description of Employer's Lobbying Interests
Agencies to be Lobbied
If more space is needed, check box and attach continuation sheets.
FPPC Form 601 (7/98)
For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660
American LegalNet, Inc.
Instructions for
Lobbying Firm
Registration Statement
Reporting Agencies to be Lobbied
Example 3:
Each lobbyist identified in Part I will be registered to
lobby all agencies listed on the Lobbying Firm
Registration Statement and all subsequent amendments
unless a lobbyist identifies specific agencies on his/her
Lobbyist Certification Statement (Form 604).
The DEF Association is an organization which represents
local government entities, such as cities and counties. Its
lobbying firm’s primary lobbying efforts during one
reporting period are in connection with a bill to limit the
liability of local governmental entities in personal injury
lawsuits and a bill affecting the powers of redevelopment
agencies. The firm also monitors other bills relating to
local government issues, but does not actively lobby those
bills. The Association’s lobbying interests should be
described as “Legislation relating to cities, counties, and
other local government entities.”
Reporting Lobbying Interests
Following are some examples of how to report lobbying
interests on the registration statement:
Example 1:
Lobbying Firm A has ABC Corporation as a client. ABC
Corporation develops, manufactures, and distributes
pharmaceuticals. On the firm’s Form 601 (Registration
Statement), it would not be sufficient to describe the
corporation’s lobbying interests as “Legislation relating
to business,” or “Legislation relating to manufacturing.”
The description should say “Legislation relating to the
development, manufacturing, and distribution of
Note: Lobbying firms are also required to file quarterly
reports disclosing, among other things, the specific
legislative or administrative actions lobbied during the
period covered by the report. See Form 625 (Report of
Lobbying Firm), or the Lobbying Disclosure Information
Manual for detailed information.
Example 2:
A group of real estate companies decides to share the cost
of hiring a lobbying firm to influence a specific regulation
being considered by the Department of Fair Employment
and Housing. Because there are 10 or more companies
pooling funds to hire a lobbyist, the group qualifies as a
“lobbying coalition.” When the lobbying firm files its
Form 601 (Registration Statement), it would not be
sufficient to state that the coalition’s lobbying interests are
“Real estate development.” The registration statement
should specifically describe the administrative action to
be lobbied, such as Regulations of the Department of Fair
Employment and Housing relating to adults-only rental
policies (Section 12-8, 12-9).
FPPC Form 601 (7/98)
For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660
American LegalNet, Inc.
Lobbying Firm
Registration Statement
Type or Print in Ink
II Lobbyist Employers
SECTION A -- (Continued)
Effective Date
Employer's Name, Address and Telephone Number
Period of Contract
Description of Employer's Lobbying Interests
Agencies to be Lobbied
Effective Date
Period of Contract
Employer's Name, Address and Telephone Number
Description of Employer's Lobbying Interests
Agencies to be Lobbied
Effective Date
Period of Contract
Employer's Name, Address and Telephone Number
Description of Employer's Lobbying Interests
Agencies to be Lobbied
Effective Date
Period of Contract
Employer's Name, Address and Telephone Number
Description of Employer's Lobbying Interests
Agencies to be Lobbied
If more space is needed, check box and attach continuation sheets.
SECTION B -- Subcontracted Clients
Name, Address and Telephone Number of Subcontracting Lobbying Firm:
Effective Date of Contract
Period of Contract
Name, Address and Telephone Number of Client on Whose Behalf Your Firm will Lobby:
If more space is needed, check box and attach continuation sheets.
Agencies to be Lobbied
Description of Client's Lobbying Interests
FPPC Form 601 (7/98)
For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660
American LegalNet, Inc.
Lobbying Firm
Registration Statement
Type or Print in Ink
III Statement of Responsible Officer
I am a partner, owner, or officer of the lobbying firm of
I am the person responsible for filing statements and reports and keeping records required by Chapter 6 of the
Political Reform Act (Government Code Sections 81000-91015). I have read and understand the prohibitions contained in Sections 86203 and 86205.
86203. It shall be unlawful for a lobbyist or a lobbying firm to make gifts to one person aggregating more
than ten dollars ($10) in a calendar month, or to act as an agent or intermediary in the making of any gift, or to arrange
for the making of any gift by any other person.
“Gift” as used in Section 86203 means a gift made directly or indirectly to any state candidate, elected state
officer, or legislative official, or to an agency official of any agency required to be listed on the Registration Statement
of the lobbying firm or the lobbyist employer of the lobbyist.
86205. No lobbyist or lobbying firm shall:
(a) Do anything with the purpose of placing any elected state officer, legislative official, agency official, or state
candidate under personal obligation to the lobbyist, the lobbying firm, or the lobbyist’s or the firm’s employer.
(b) Deceive or attempt to deceive any elected state officer, legislative official, agency official, or state candidate
with regard to any material fact pertinent to any pending or proposed legislative or administrative action.
(c) Cause or influence the introduction of any bill or amendment thereto for the purpose of thereafter being
employed to secure its passage or defeat.
(d) Attempt to create a fictitious appearance of public favor or disfavor of any proposed legislative or
administrative action or to cause any communication to be sent to any elected state officer, legislative official, agency
official, or state candidate in the name of any fictitious person or in the name of any real person, except with the
consent of such real person.
(e) Represent falsely, either directly or indirectly, that the lobbyist or the lobbying firm can control the official
action of any elected state officer, legislative official, or agency official.
(f) Accept or agree to accept any payment in any way contingent upon the defeat, enactment, or outcome of any
proposed legislative or administrative action.
I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this Statement. I have reviewed this Statement and to the best of my
knowledge the information contained herein is true and complete.
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed On
Name of Responsible Officer
FPPC Form 601 (7/98)
For Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660
American LegalNet, Inc.