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Motion For Continuance And Waiver Of Time Form. This is a California form and can be use in Office Of Administrative Hearings Statewide.
Tags: Motion For Continuance And Waiver Of Time, OAH 26A, California Statewide, Office Of Administrative Hearings
OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS (OAH) STATE OF CALIFORNIA MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE OF HEARING AND WAIVER OF TIME DDS Lanterman Act Cases Only INTRODUCTION: After receiving a request for mediation and/or hearing in a Lanterman Act case, OAH issues a notice of hearing which sets the dates for the mediation and/or hearing. This form may be used to ask for a continuance (postponement) of the mediation and/or hearing. You should provide documents to support your request (such as a doctor's note, copies of travel documents, etc.) if you have them. Failure to provide all information may result in delay in processing your request. If Claimant or Claimant's representative requests the continuance, the waiver of time section must be completed and signed. Please fax completed form and all supporting documents to the appropriate jurisdiction: Sacramento: Los Angeles: San Diego: Oakland: Case Number: Claimant's Name: Regional Center: Today's Date: This continuance is being requested by: Claimant Service Agency Phone number (required) 916-376-6318 916-376-6395 916-376-6325 916-376-6323 Claimant's Authorized Representative [print name] Phone number (required) OAH Form: 26A American LegalNet, Inc. MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE OF MEDIATION DATE Current Mediation Date: Preferred Mediation Dates(s) and Time: Unavailable Dates and Times: Please cancel the mediation without resetting. MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE OF HEARING DATE Current Hearing Date: Preferred Hearing Dates(s) and Time: Unavailable Hearing Dates and Times: PLEASE EXPLAIN THE NEED FOR A CONTINUANCE: Reason for continuance request is explained on the attached letter. I have attached other documents to support this Continuance Request. I have attached Claimant's Waiver of Time Set by Law for Lanterman Act Fair Hearing and Decision (must be completed on behalf of Claimant if the continuance request is agreed to by Claimant or Claimant's authorized representative). OAH Form: 26A 2 American LegalNet, Inc. I personally spoke with (other party to case): Claimant Claimant's Authorized Representative [print name and phone no.] Regional Center Representative [print name and phone no.] and that person has agreed to a continuance of the hearing or mediation as indicated above, or has opposed a continuance of the hearing or mediation. I have given a copy of this completed form to all parties and OAH. Both parties understand and agree that by changing the hearing dates they are agreeing to extend the timeline for issuance of a decision. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL OF THE STATEMENTS ON THIS FORM ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. (Signature of Claimant or Authorized Representative) Date (Signature of Regional Center Representative) Date WAIVER OF TIME SET BY LAW FOR LANTERMAN ACT FAIR HEARING AND DECISION (to be completed by Claimant or Claimant's representative agreeing to a continuance) I waive my right to have a fair hearing within 50 days of the date the service agency received my fair hearing request (Welf. & Inst. Code, � 4712, subd. (a)). I also waive my right to have a final administrative decision rendered within 80 days of the date the service agency received my fair hearing request (Welf. & Inst. Code, � 4712.5, subd. (a)) or within 90 days if applicable to my case (see Welf. & Inst. Code, � 4712.5, subd. (c)). I do not waive my right to have the hearing officer render a decision within ten working days of the submission of the case for decision (Welf. & Inst. Code, � 4712.5, subd. (a)). Claimant Date: Signature: Printed Name: Claimant's Authorized Representative OAH Form: 26A 3 American LegalNet, Inc.