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Motion for Continuance by Unrepresented Respondent Case Name: Agency Case # OAH Case # 1. Enter your name, address, daytime number and evening number, fax number: 2. I have a hearing before OAH on: 3. I cannot be at the hearing on the date/time listed because: 4. I learned of these facts on: (OAH FORM 27 - Continuance Request rev. 10/10) American LegalNet, Inc. 5. I contacted who represents the complainant. He/She , DOES NOT OPPOSE the continuance. We are available on: OPPOSES the continuance. I am available on: 6. I tried to dicuss this motion with the opposing party but was unable to do so because: 7. By making this request, I understand and agree that my case may be set at a later date, even though the law may give me a right to a hearing sooner. 8. I declare that on this date, I mailed faxed a copy of this Motion for Continuance to the opposing party (Attach a copy of the fax confirmation to this form). Signed Dated (OAH FORM 27 - Continuance Request rev. 10/10) American LegalNet, Inc.